Lecture4 NSTP

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Transformational Leadership

• At the end of this chapter, the learners are
expected to:
• 1. Describe transformational leadership
• 2. Identify the characteristics of a leader
• 3. Express commitment to teamwork
• This chapter discusses transformational
leadership in which the leader inspires followers
to perform well and develop their own
leadership potential.
• Human Behavior is the capacity of mental,
physical, emotional, and social activities
experienced during the five stages of a human
being's life--prenatal, infancy, childhood,
adolescence, and adulthood.
• It includes behavior dictated by culture, society,
values, morals, ethics, and genetics.
Encyclopedia Britannica (2012)

•states that human beings have a typical life

course that consists of successive phases of
growth, each of which is characterized by a
distinct set of physical, physiological, and
behavioral features.

• Motivation encompasses the internal and

external factors that stimulate desire and
energy in people to be continually interested in
and committed to a job, role, or subjects, and to
exert persistent effort in attaining a goal.

• It results from the inteaction among conscious

and unconscious factors such as the;
• (a) intensity of desire or need
• (b) incentive or reward value of the goal
• (c) expectations of the individual and of his or
her significant others.
John Swindells (2012)

• Motivation means the drive and ambition

needed to achieve our goals. We all need that
extra push at some stage of our life.

•Leadership pertains to the qualities

exemplified by a leader. It also refers to acts
of leading or the “process of social
influence in which one person can enlist the
aid and support of others in the
accomplishment of a common task.”
Characteristics of a Good Leader
• 1. Vision. Good leaders know where they want to go
and and they can motivate people to believe in their
vision for their country, community, and family. Good
leaders view things as what they could be and not
simply as what they are.
• 2. Wit. Good leaders can make sound judgements
and decision even during crucial situations.
• 3. Passion. Good leaders are very passionate
and intensely in whatever they are focused on,
be it business, sport, or hobby.
• 4. Compassion. Good leaders show
compassion for their supporters and followers.
They possess exemplary coaching and
development skills. They are not selfish
individuals who think only about their own
wants and needs. They have a heart for others.
• 5. Charisma. Good leaders are captivating,
charming individuals who tend to draw people
toward them. It could be because of the way
they talk, or carry themselves. They excel in
building relationships and eliciting performance
from their groups.
• 6. Communication skills. Good leaders are
usually great orators and persuaders. They can
express their ideas clearly and convincingly.
• 7. Persistence. Good leaders are determined to
attain their goals in spite of obstacles and
problems. They believe the benefits of attaining
their goals outweigh the risks and hardships.
• 8. Integrity. Good leaders mean what they say.
They walk the talk, practice what they preach,
and keep their promises. They are reliable.
• 9. Daring. Good leaders are bold, willing to take
risks, and resolved to chase their dreams amid
the reality of fear and uncertainty.
• 10. Discipline. Good leaders observe self-
control and order. Where most people would be
easily distracted or dejected, good leaders
manage to stay focused and steady regardless
of the situation.
John C Maxwell (1999)
• Traits of an effective leader:
• 1. Character--is the quality of a person's behavior as
revealed in habits, thoughts and expressions, attitude and
interests, actions, and personal philosophies in life.
• 2. charisma--is a special spiritual gift bestowed temporarily
by the Holy Spirit on a group or an individual for the
general good. It is an extraordinary power in a person,
group, or cause, which takes hold of popular imagination
and wins popular support.
• 3. commitment--engages one to do something as a continuing
• 4. communication--is a two-way process of reaching mutual
understanding, in which participants do not only exchange
(encode-decode) information but create and share meaning.
• 5. Competence--indicates sufficiency of knowledge and skills that
enable someone to act in a wide variety of situations. It is the
capacity of a person to understand a situation and to respond to it
accordingly and reasonably.
• 6. Courage--is the quality of the mind that enables a person to
face difficulty and danger without fear. It begins with an inward
Transactional & Transformational Leadership
• Transactional leadership--is based on power that makes
use of rewards and coercion to deliver benefits to
members (patronage), or to force or instill fear as
illustrated by colonization, vote buying, and similar
• Transformational or real leadership--starts from the
recognition of what the members need and the steps
toward achieving these, relating rewards to effort. The
leader acts as a role model.
• Bernard Bass (1990) explains that tranformational
leadership is a form of leadership that occurs when
leaders broaden and elevate the interests of their
employees, when they generate awareness and
acceptance of the purposes and mission of the
group, and when they stir their employees to look
beyond their own self-interest for the good of the
Behaviors of a Transformational Leader
• 1. Is articulate in compelling vision of the future
• 2. Uses stories and symbols to communicate his or her vision or message
• 3. Specifies the importance of having a strong sense of purpose and a collective
• 4. Talks optimistically and enthusiastically and expresses confidence that goals be
• 5. Engenders the trust and respect of his or her followers by doing the right thing
rather than simply doing things right.
• 6. Instills pride in employees
• 7. Talks most about important values and beliefs
• 8. Considers the moral and ethical consequences of decisions
• 9. Seeks different perspectives when solving problems
• 10. Encourages employees to challenge old assumptions and to think about
problems in new ways
• 11. Spends time teaching and coaching
• 12. Considers each individual employee's different needs, abilities and
• 13. Is compassionate, appreciative, and responsive to each employee and
recognizes and celebratesf each employee's achievement.
Four Components of Transformational
• 1. Charisma
• 2. Inspiritional motivation
• 3. Intellectual stimulation
• 4. Individual consideration
• Develop a pool of leaders:
• --find people with basic leadership qualities
• --widen the “catchment area”
• --assure a democratic process
• Provide knowledge and skills:
• --build leaders' personal capacities
• --recognize this aas a lifelong process
• Support active leaders
• --actively support leaders continuously and not to place them in
the positions and leave them there.
(adapted from 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,
by Stephen Covey (2007)

• 1. Be Proactive.
Proactive means being able to take
responsibility for your life. You have the freedom
to choose your behavior and response to stimuli.
Use your creativity and have some initiative. You
are the one in charge.
• 2. Begin with the end in mind.
Know where you want to go. When making plans and
decision, see to it that the time and effort that will be spent
conforms to what you want to achieve. Envision your goal
and make it happen.
• 3. Put first things first.
Practice self-managemefnt. Know your priorities.
• 4. Think win-win.
Look at life as a cooperative arena, not a competitive
one. Enter agreement or make solution that are mutually
beneficial and satisfying to both parties.
• 5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
A saying goes, “The best way to understand is to listen.” The
of empathy governs this habit. It is about putting yourself on the
shoes of the other person. By listening to his or her explanation,
only then can you evaluate, probe, give advice, and interpret the
person's feelings.
• 6. Synergize.
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. More tasks can
be done if all things within reach are maximized and utilized.
Synergize is the habit of creative cooperation. Better results can be
produced as a group than as individuals.
• 7. Sharpen the saw.
What you have learned a couple of years back will
have become outdated. Many things evolve and develop so
fast that ou need to update through various food-for-the-
brain resources. A sense of humor is vital to relieve tension
and boredom as well as to defuse hostility. Effective leaders
know how to use humor to energize his or her followers.
Humor is a form of power that provides some control over
the work environment even as it forsters camaraderie.
1. Teamwork is the process of working collaboratively
with a group of people to order to achieve a goal. It is
often crucial part of a business as it is often necessary
for colleagues to work well together and try their best
in any circumstance.
2. Basically, group members focus on the goal. They put
aside individual differences and petty grievances to
get the job done.
TIME MANAGEMENT (adapted from the
writing of Paulla Estes)
• 1.Time management is the art of arranging, organizing,
scheduling, and budgeting one's time for the purpose
of generating more effective work and productivity.
• 2. An important aspect of time management is
planning ahead. Sometimes successful time
management involves putting in more time at the
outset in order to reorganize one's life.
• Decision making is a process that involves selecting
the most logical choice from among two or more
• Making a decision is instrumental in survival and
prosperity of human beings.
• The right choice is what sets an average individual
from the rest.
Consider the following in decision making:

• 1. Identification of alternative solutions

• 2. Evaluation of possible options to determine
which one meets the decision objectives
• 3. Selection of the best option after in-depth
• 1. Consensus or Agreement--involves compromising
various possibilities after opinions have been heard.
Disagreements and minority viewpoints are discussed
fully. Everyone feels free to express themselves. This
method helps build understanding, unity, cooperation and
• 2. Majority voting--is considered the most effective way to
make a decision. However one may lose the interest or
loyalty of the minority who vested against the decision,
especially if they feel their side was not heard.
• 3. The minority-- is not consciously organized, but a
few powerful personalities dominate the group,
often unconsciously. These people later wonder why
the others are apathetic.
• 4. The silent consensus--of some groups leads to
unanimous decisions. The type of involvement in
decision making is rarely used on important issues.
Unanimous agreement is sometimes assumed when
some members do not want to disagree and have
chosen to stay silent
• 5.The clique--is a small group who plans beforehand to get
their way in decision making. Because they are better
organized than those who disagree, they are often successful
on an immediate issue, but they bring a spirit of rivalry, rather
tha cooperation, to the group.
• 6. The handclasp--happens when one person makes a
suggestion and another commends it. Without further
discussion, the matter is decided. Resentment however,
surfaces later on.

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