Aquatic Activities: Pe 12 Lesson 1
Aquatic Activities: Pe 12 Lesson 1
Aquatic Activities: Pe 12 Lesson 1
• Aquatic Fitness is defined as activities performed in the water that promote
and enhance physical and mental fitness. Aquatic Fitness is typically
performed in a vertical position in shallow and/or deep water. There are
numerous applications to appeal to a wide variety of participants.
• Water workouts can be an excellent form of exercise for those who are overweight,
suffering from lower back pain, arthritis, and/or injuries to the lower extremities.
2. Surfing - is a surface water pastime in which the wave rider, referred to as a surfer, rides on the forward part, or face of a moving wave, which
usually carries the surfer towards the shore.
3. Windsurfing- The radical technique of surfing, combined with sailing know-how and skill, is what windsurfing is all about. The
equipment used here is a surfboard with a sail fixed on a movable mast. The windsurfer has to move with the waves to control the board, and
at the same time manage the sail according to the winds. Wearing a life jacket is highly recommended. Some of the favorite locations are
areas prone to high winds.
4. JET skiing - Jet Ski is the brand name of a personal water craft (PWC) manufactured by Kawasaki, a Japanese company. The term is often
used generically to refer to any type of personal watercraft used mainly for recreation, and it is also used as a verb to describe the use of any
type of PWC.
Jet skiing is a high speed water sport that is great for developing your balance and coordination skills as well as your leg muscles.
5.Wakeboarding- Imagine surfing while being towed along by a high-speed boat. That’s wakeboarding in a nutshell. The board is a specifically
designed board with fins and weights, to allow the rider to manipulate it with his/her feet. This sport is partially inspired by snowboarding, and is often performed
in smaller water bodies like lakes. Also, cable skiing is similar to wake boarding, but uses cables for artificial maneuvering. Some boats are specifically
manufactured to create large wakes for the wakeboarder. These activities should avoid being close to shorelines because of the wave action.
6. Water skiing - Another water surface sport, water skiing is basically skiing on water. An individual uses two skis, or a single
ski to skim or glide along the surface of water, and is pulled along by a high-speed powerboat with the help of a ski cable or rope. On a
competitive basis, show water skiing and slalom skiing are followed, along with standard dual skiing. Wearing a life jacket is a must and
having an observer on board other than the operator is critical.
7. Triathlon - is an endurance multisport race consisting of swimming, cycling, and running over various distances. Triathletes compete for fastest overall
completion time, racing each segment sequentially with the time transitioning between the disciplines included.
8. Kitesurfing - is a wind powered surface watersport using a kite and a board to
move across the water. Kitesurfing harnesses the power of the wind through
a large parachute type kite to propel a rider across the water on a small
surfboard or a kiteboard (similar to a wakeboard).
9. Skimboarding - Skimboarding or skimming is a boardsport in which a skimboard (much like a surfboard but smaller and
without fins) is used to glide across the water's surface to meet an incoming breaking wave, and ride it back to shore.
10. Bodyboarding is a water sport in which the surfer rides a bodyboard on the crest, face, and curl of a wave which is carrying the surfer
towards the shore.
11. Cliff diving - is exactly what you would expect it to be based on the name. It is an extreme sport that involves highly-trained
athletes diving into the water from a very high, rocky cliff. This give it a smilier allure as other extreme sports, including base jumping and
rock climbing.
12. FISHING (ANGLING) - This water sport can be a lazy, relaxed activity, or a frenzied and highly competitive sport
known as fishing tournaments – from bass and big-game fishing to fly fishing and deep-sea fishing. The species and quantity of catch
required depend on competition rules and area of fishing (i.e., sea, river, or lake). Tournament fishermen are required by competition
rules to wear their life jacket.
C. TEAM WATER SPORTS - These sports can be team or individual-based. Some
of the common competitive water sports include Olympics and World
Championships. Team-Based Water Sports. Here, there will be a group of
people, who unite and synchronize their energy, balance, and movements to
boost their effort and win the competition.
3. Rowing is the act of propelling a boat using the motion of oars in the water by displacing water
to propel the boat forward. Rowing and paddling are similar.
6. Sailing is a sport fueled by the wind and the passion of the sailors who take the helm. Learn more about the basics of sailing, and different
types of sailboats.
7. Kayaking is a fun activity that involves moving through water in a small water vessel with the aid of a double-bladed paddle. It allows the
boat driver to maneuver through waterways by sitting face-forward and propelling ahead with alternating side-to-side paddle strokes.
8. CANOEING - is an activity which involves paddling a canoe with a single-bladed
paddle. Common meanings of the term are limited to when the canoeing is the
central purpose of the activity.