What Is An "Oral Presentation"?: Features

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What is an “Oral Presentation”?

• The action of communication in which one speaker is doing most of the

sending and a number of listeners are doing most of the receiving.
An oral presentation is a formal, structural and systematic presentation of a
message to audience.
• An oral presentation is a form of communication. It is participative two way
communication process characterized by the formal and structured presentation of
a message using visual aids. It is purposeful, interactive and audience oriented. It
communicates a message to audience in a way that brings about the desired
change in their understanding and opinion
Forms of Oral Presentation

 Seminars
 Workshop symposia
 Student and Team Presentation
 Departmental Presentations
 Industry conferences
 Press Inference of Product launches
 Annual general meeting
 Profile presentation.

 Planning
 Preparing/Writing
 Delivering/Completing

Determine the Purpose

 To inform
 To persuade or motivate
 To entertain
Audience Analysis
 Determine audience’s size & composition
 Predict audience’s probable reaction
 Estimate the audience’s level of understanding

 Main idea or content

 Limit your scope
 Select your approach
 Prepare an outline
 Develop your presentation
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion

Oral Delivery
 Volume
 Rate
 Vocal Quality
 Pronunciation
Nonverbal Delivery

 Posture
 Movement
 Gestures
 Facial Expressions
 Appearance
Seven Facts to Remember

1. The Start
 Do not apologize
 Be confident
 Know the topic well
2. Audience Mood

 Be empathic with your audience’s mood

 Watch your audience’s body language; their facial expressions, glances
exchanged, shuffling of feet etc.
 Project the right degree of formality
 Use good pace and drive
 Don’t be arrogant - this will turn your audience against you
 Control your enthusiasm
3. Your Voice

 Be clearly audible
 Use a microphone if necessary
 Keep your head up
 Open your mouth wider than during normal speech
 Speak comparatively slow so the audience can digest what you are saying
 Keep right level of stress, accent, and speed of speaking
 Use a good pitch – the musical tone – vary it. High notes convey urgency, the low
notes convey emphasis
4. Body Language

 Positioning of your body – stand in a good posture, do not pace around too much
 Use your hands in proper gestures to support your points
 Good use of eye contact – gains and holds attention and establishes rapport
 Avoid mannerisms that irritate, e.g. swaying side to side, fiddling with marker,
fidgeting with fingers, swirling to and fro etc.
 Avoid hands in pockets
5. Your Visual Aids

 When using flip charts or white boards, write from the side
 Write legibly
 Stand so that you do not block the view of the screen
 Do not speak to the board or screen
6. Timing

 Make sure you end on time

 Observe the division of time from the introduction to body and to the conclusion
7. Conclusion

 Finish with equal enthusiasm as was on start

 Ask the audience for action
 Leave no doubt in your audience’s mind that you have come to an end of your
Importance and uses of oral
  When most people discuss oral communication, they are referring to speeches and presentations.
While written communication has become more popular thanks to online communication channels,
employees in many fields are expected to give oral presentations on occasion. Many people suffer
from anxiety related to giving speeches. However, oral communication also involves communicating
with other employees and bosses.
 This type of communication is essential in modern offices. While offices are relying on email and
text communication more than ever before, these communication channels are not as quick and
effective as oral discussions, and fostering communication skills can help employees work more
efficiently. Focusing on oral communication can help employees gain an edge. People make
judgments about others giving a speech both consciously and subconsciously, and those who stand
out are able to capture the attention of listeners. While many believe that great speakers have a knack
for it, many renowned speakers have admitted to practicing extensively and studying other famous
speakers. A bit of extra preparation can help people make the most of their opportunities to give
speeches. Lately it seems that every time I talk to a teacher or parent there is one main theme that
pops up. Are students losing their ability to orally communicate because of the amount of
Last,But Not The Least

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and
learning from failure.” Gen. Colin L. Powell

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