Week 5

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Advance Research
Week# 05
 Proposition:
 A statement which shows relationship between variables, this relationship may be true
or false.
 Or, a statement that contain variables with having relationship among variables while
the relationship may be true (logical) or false (not logical). In proposition we do not
consider the logical connection of relationship among variables and we just focus on
relationship of variables in a statement.
 Hypothesis:
 The word hypothesis is derived from Greek word “Hypothenia” that means “to put
under” or “supposed to”.
 The word hypothesis is the combination of two words “Hypo = Less than” Thesis =
 In very short form we can say that “a testable proposition is called hypothesis.”
 A proposition that can be verified to determine it’s reality is called hypothesis.
 A proposition which can be put to test to determine it’s validity (Goode & Hatt)
 As a logically conjecture relationship between two or more variables, expressed in the
form of a testable statement (Sounder)
 According to Lunberg (2005) hypothesis is a predictive statement that makes
prediction, capable of testing by scientific methods and relates an independent
variable to some dependent variables.
 Any hypothesis become a proposition while each proposition cannot be considered
1. Descriptive Hypothesis

2. Conditional Hypothesis

3. Relational Hypothesis
1. Correlational Hypothesis

2. Directional/ Non-directional hypothesis

3. Explanatory Hypothesis

4. Null Hypothesis

5. Alternate Hypothesis

6. Research Hypothesis
 Those hypothesis that contain only one variable and considered as uni-variate
hypothesis. This type of hypothesis is used to show the size, form, existence and
distribution of variable.
 Most of scholars do not consider it as hypothesis, they consider it as research
question (Kahan)
 Besides, according to definition of Lunberg (2005) its not consider as
hypothesis. But, still some researchers consider it as hypothesis. Because,
descriptive hypothesis is used in exploratory research where mostly the research
questions are used.
Ex: officers in my organization have higher than average level of commitment.
Or, what is the level of commitment of your employees’ in your organization?
Here only commitment is considering as variable.
 A hypothesis in which the relationship among variables is based on a condition.

 Or, when the independent variable affect the dependent variable based on a

 Most of researchers consider it as “If/Then Hypothesis”. But it can also be

stated without “If/Then”.
Ex: “If employees’ are healthy, then they will take sick leaves less frequently”
Or, “Employees’ who are healthy will take sick leaves less frequently”
Ex: “If students have study for long hours, then they will get high marks”
Or, “Students who study hard for long hours will take higher marks”
A: Correlational Hypothesis:
It’s same like relational hypothesis which is used to show just relationship among
variables. It doesn’t show the direction and degree (high, low, strong, weak) of
relationship among variables.
Ex: “Employees’ motivation is associated with financial rewards” Or, “There is
relationship between financial rewards and employees’ motivation”.
B: Directional/ Non-directional Hypothesis:
 Directional Hypothesis:
A hypothesis that show relationship and direction among variables. This hypothesis is
used in that researches in which the researchers study/ verify the relationship among
Ex: “There is negative relationship between employees’ motivation and employees’
 Non-directional Hypothesis:

It is also same like correlational and relational hypothesis. Because, it doesn’t

show the direction of relationship among variables.
C: Explanatory Hypothesis:
 It’s also called casual hypothesis in which the researcher identify the cause and
effect of relationship among variables.
 It explain the cause and effect of relationship, variation and closeness.
Explanatory hypothesis are used in explanatory or causal researches where the
researcher try to find solution to “Why”.
Ex: “Why inflation increases employment opportunities?”
 It is the most important hypothesis for research. If you conduct research, its
very necessary to develop null hypothesis in your research. Because, with help
of null hypothesis we can test our hypothesis.
 Null means “No” or “Zero”. With help of “No/Zero” we can test our developed
hypothesis. Here we consider the relationship of variables in hypothesis as
“No” or “Zero” and shown by “Ho”.
 If the null hypothesis is accepted, then it reflects that the developed hypothesis
is incorrect, not applicable hypothesis for research or the hypothesis that we
developed have no logical relationship and is considering as just a proposition.
While the null hypothesis is rejected, then we can say that our hypothesis is
correct, accepted and have a real world relationship among variables.
 If the null hypothesis is rejected, then the researcher move forward to select
one of alternative hypothesis for the research.
Ex: Suppose we want to conduct a research on effect of rewards on employees’
motivation and we develop hypothesis as “There is relationship between rewards
and motivation of employees”
Now, we develop null hypothesis for it in order to check that is it right or wrong, or
is it a real world problem or not?
Main Hypothesis:
“There is relationship between rewards and motivation:
Ho: “The relationship between rewards and motivation is Zero”
Or, “There is no relationship between rewards and motivation”
Now, if the null hypothesis is accepted, it means that we cannot conduct research
on this topic. Because, it is not considering useful. While rejected then we can
conduct research on the mentioned topic with selecting one of alternative
 Alternate to null hypothesis is called alternate hypothesis. It means, if the null
hypothesis is being rejected, then you can construct possible alternate
hypothesis to null and being as a researcher you will select one of the
constructed hypothesis as research hypothesis.

 The alternate hypothesis will always used to show the relationship and being
considered as valid hypothesis for conducting research. There may be more
alternate hypothesis for a null hypothesis which is going to be denoted by H1,
H2, H3...
Main Hypothesis (Proposed Hypothesis for Research)
“There is relationship between rewards and employees’ motivation”
Null Hypothesis (Ho)
“There is No relationship between rewards and employees’ motivation”
If null is rejected, then the followings can be alternative hypothesis:
 H1: There is positive relationship between rewards and motivation
 H2: There is negative relationship between rewards and motivation
 H3: There is strong positive relationship between rewards and motivation
 H4: There is weak positive relationship between rewards and motivation
 H5: There is strong negative relationship between rewards and motivation
 H6: There is weak negative relationship between rewards and motivation
 H7: There is relationship between rewards and motivation.
 A hypothesis that is being selected from one of alternate hypothesis for
conducting practical research. The researchers make research questions from
research hypothesis.

Error in Testing Hypothesis:

Type 1 Error (Alfa Error): When the Ho is true (accepted) and we reject it.

Type 2 Error (Beta Error): When the Ho is False (rejected) and we accept it.
Whenever you developed a hypothesis for conducting research. You can test it
based on following steps:
1. State null hypothesis
2. State alternate hypothesis
3. Check confidence
4. Collect data
5. Calculate a test statistics (Correlation and Regression)
6. Construct acceptance and rejection area
7. Draw a conclusion (Based on 5th and 6th steps of hypothesis development)
The End…

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