Hello World!: Here Is Where Your Presentation Begins
Hello World!: Here Is Where Your Presentation Begins
Hello World!: Here Is Where Your Presentation Begins
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Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest planet to the Venus has a beautiful name and is the
Sun and the smallest one in the Solar second planet from the Sun. It’s
System—it’s only a bit larger than terribly hot—even hotter than
our Moon. The planet’s name has Mercury—and its atmosphere is
nothing to do with the liquid metal, extremely poisonous. It’s the second-
since it was named after the Roman brightest natural object in the night
messenger god, Mercury sky after the Moon
You Could Use Three Columns,
Why Not?
Despite being red, Mars is actually a cold
place. It’s full of iron oxide dust, which gives
the planet its reddish cast
Venus has a beautiful name and is the second
planet from the Sun. It’s terribly hot, even
hotter than Mercury
Neptune is the farthest planet in our Solar
System. It’s the fourth-largest by diameter
and the densest
A Picture Always
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A Picture Is Worth a
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Mars Saturn
Despite being red, Mars Saturn is a gas giant,
is a cold place. It’s full composed mostly of
of iron oxide dust hydrogen and helium
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Infographics Make Your Idea Understandable…
Mercury Mars
Mercury is the closest planet Despite being red, Mars is a
to the Sun cold place
Jupiter Neptune
It’s the biggest planet in our Neptune is the farthest planet
Solar System from the Sun
Venus Saturn
Venus has a beautiful name, Saturn is the ringed planet
but it’s terribly hot and a gas giant
Try Using Infographics!
It’s the biggest planet
in our Solar System
Venus has a beautiful
name, but it’s terribly hot
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
…And the Same Goes for Tables
Despite being red, Mars
is a cold place, not hot.
It’s full of iron oxide
Despite being red, Mars
is a cold place, not hot.
It’s full of iron oxide
This Is a Map
01 03
Mercury Venus
Mercury is the Venus has a beautiful
closest planet to name, but it’s terribly
the Sun hot
02 04
Mars Saturn
Despite being red, Saturn is composed
Mars is actually a of hydrogen and
cold place helium
What about Four Columns?
Mars Venus
Despite being red, Mars is Venus has a beautiful name
actually a cold place. It’s full and is the second planet from
of iron oxide dust, which the Sun. It’s terribly hot, even
gives the planet its reddish hotter than Mercury
Neptune Saturn
Neptune is the farthest planet Yes, Saturn is the ringed
from the Sun and the fourth- planet. It’s a gas giant,
largest by diameter in our composed mostly of hydrogen
Solar System and helium
How about This Timeline?
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Big numbers catch your audience’s
earths is the Sun’s mass
386,000 km
is the distance between the Earth and the Moon
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