UNIT 3 - Nostalgia: Ani-Sept-2018
UNIT 3 - Nostalgia: Ani-Sept-2018
UNIT 3 - Nostalgia: Ani-Sept-2018
Warming up
• What stage of life do you think most people remember as the happiest?
What stage do most people remember as the most difficult?
• What types of things do we store in our memories?
• Look at the situations below. What types of things do you need to
remember in order to do well in each situation?
Getting along with family - making new friends - playing a game or sport
preparing a meal - taking an exam - traveling from home to work/school
Vocabulary preview
How much do you know about Memory?
a. Eyewitnesses 1. About 40% of people can ____ being newborn babies.
b. Hippocampus 2. The more often ___ describe what they saw, the less ___ their
c. long-term memories become.
d. Neuroscientis 3. All memories are stored in tiny part of their brain called the ____
t 4. Almost all of our___-what we see, hear, taste, smell, and feel- are
e. Perception immediately forgotten.
f. Recall 5. Your ___ memory can remember only about seven things for 30
g. short-term
6. Once something enters your ___ memory, you will never forget it.
h. stable
7. After decades of studying the brain, ___ have developed drugs that
can give laboratory mice perfect memories.
Reading Skills
Understanding analogies
Critical thinking
in a text
How one thing is
Is a figure of Identifying source of
similar to one
speech infomation
Before you read
Till Then…
See you…