Ruminant Digestive System: Ms. Zubiate

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Digestive System

Ms. Zubiate
What is a ruminant animal ?
 Other characteristics:
 A grazing animal
1. No upper incisors (teeth) called
that has a a dental pad.
digestives system
with 1 stomach 2. Chews cud (soft mass of already
containing 4 parts. chewed food) that is brought
back up through the esophagus.

3. All ruminants are herbivores,

meaning they only eat plant
Can you think of any ruminant
Pathway of food through digestive
 1. mouth
 2. esophagus
 3. rumen
 4. back to mouth for “chewing of cud”
 5. Reticulum
 6. omasum
 7. abomasum
 8. small intestine
 9. Large intestine
Getting Started!
 1.Using prehensile organs (lips & tongue) the
animal take food into its mouth where it is then
broken down using the teeth.
The esophagus

 2. After the food is broken

down into smaller particles it
is swallowed and passes
through the esophagus using
muscle contractions known as

Muscle contraction is called peristalsis:

The rumen
 3. The largest compartment of the ruminant
stomach is the rumen. This is where the food that
the animal has been taken in is mostly fermented,
it also houses the bacteria, protozoa, and fungi that
aids in the breaking down of food.

Microbes in the rumen are what break up

the plant matter and convert it to energy
that the animal can use.

Fermentation also produces large amounts

of gas.
Chewing cud

 Food that is stored in the rumen is regurgitated

back up through esophagus to be re-chewed in
the mouth. This is know as “chewing cud”. Food
can be re-chewed more than one time.

 The food that is regurgitated back into the mouth

is known as a bolus.

 Once the food has been broken down enough it

will then move onto the next step in the digestion
process of being swallowed, moved through the
esophagus then back into the rumen.
The reticulum
 4. Once food is broken
down small enough it will
travel from the rumen to the

 The reticulum is the

honeycomb shaped on the
inside and is very tough.

 The reticulum can trap

foreign objects that should
not have been eaten in the
first place, such as RETICULUM
The Omasum
 5. Food enters the
omasum after leaving the

 The omasum acts as a

filter to absorb water and
nutrients from what has Omasum
not been digested yet.

 The omasum resembles an

open book because of its
“pages” texture.
 6. Once leaving the omasum
the rest of the plant matter
will enter the abomasum.

 The abomasum is also

known as the true stomach.

 In the abomasum gastric

juices, hydrochloric acid, and
digestive enzymes break
plant matter down into its
most basic molecular
components so that the walls
of the intestines can absorb
them. Abomasum
Small intestine
 From the abomasum the
plant matter will then
travel to the small

 Here, it is exposed to
enzymes from the
pancreas and intestinal Small intestine
walls, and bile from the

 Dietary protein, starch,

sugars, and fats are all
completely digested here
to enter the bloodstream.
large intestine
 Following the small
intestine any remaining
plant matter will pass into
the large intestine.

 This is the second site of

fermentation (after the
rumen) where excess
water is reabsorbed.

 The large intestine is the

final site of the large intestine
gastrointestinal tract
(GIT), and will hold feces
until it is expelled through
the anus.

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