Abortion: Perception of Iligan Medical Center College Students
Abortion: Perception of Iligan Medical Center College Students
Abortion: Perception of Iligan Medical Center College Students
Shafa Mohammad Qassem
Sheralyn Pelayo
Jaliza Guildione Tomo
Sarafia Yunos
Abortion is a procedure in removing a fetus to end a pregnancy. Some women in the
Philippines undergo an unsafe abortion due to unintended pregnancy and some of the
pregnant women are financially unstable. Although abortion is illegal in the Philippines some
pregnant women risk their health through unsanitary techniques. The risk in the fertility of a
woman due to Abortion. Abortion is illegal under Republic Act No. 10354(Reproductive
Health Law). In the World Health Organization investigation, there is 70 percent of
unintended pregnant women in the Philippines undergo an unsafe abortion. Effective access to
sexual and reproductive health care helps to reduce millions of unintended pregnancies and
ensures access to safe abortion. Access to safe and legal abortion is an essential part of
reproductive healthcare that empowers women to enact their universal right to health and
“theory of free-will”
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
Abortion Perception of Iligan
Medical Center
College Students
Statement of the Problem
This study aims to determine the perception of IMCC students about abortion.
Specifically, it attempted to answer the following questions:
What is the demographic profile of the respondents?
2. What is the perception of Iligan Medical Center College 1st year students about abortion?
3. Does the 1st year students of Iligan Medical Center College agree to the Idea of abortion?
4. Why does the 1st year Students of Iligan Medical Center College think that abortion is
safe or not?
Research Design Location and Date Participants
Data Gathering
Procedure Instrument
Research Design
This study will utilize the qualitative method of research.
We will use qualitative research because we will seek to
know the opinions, thoughts, and feelings of respondents.
This study used a descriptive survey design because it may
use to determine the perception of Iligan Medical Center
College students about the online class
Research Locale
The school complex is located along the Rotonda of San Miguel Village, Pala-
o, Iligan City which is just a few hundred meters away from City Hall. It is
ideally located just outside the downtown area which conveniently shields it
from the hustling noise attendant to the City’s usual economic activities, yet
near enough to make accessibility a minor concern. Public transport is readily
available so with other amenities like student-friendly eateries and lodging
houses. The school complex has six (6) major structures with a total floor area
of approximately 13,570 square meters. Thus, the figure on the following page
shows the geological map of the school, IMCC.
Research Participants
The respondents of this study will be the selected students from a specific
department, the College of Medical Technology, College of Nursing, and the
College of Information Technology. A stratified sampling method will be used
in to be able to highlight a specific subgroup within this population. A
stratified method is used in this study because the respondents of this study
are specifically the First-year students of Iligan City Medical Center College.
Research Data Gathering Procedure
The purpose of this research is to gather some opinions from the Iligan
Medical Center College 1st year students about abortion. Researchers provided
some survey questionnaire for the participants who aim to answer. In each
department, researchers assume that there are 50 students per department. In
each department, researchers must collect at least 15 respondents per
Research Instrument
The study will use a survey questionnaire as one of the important instruments in gathering the data. According to the
Merriam Webster Dictionary, a Survey questionnaire is” a set of questions for obtaining statistically useful or personal
information from individuals.”
Chapter 4
This section presents the themes extracted from the transcripts of the interview.
The transcripts were subjected to reduction, coding, and extraction of
emerging themes prior to the development of the final theme.
Questions asked of the participants were based on the objectives of the study.
Questions were thrown to the participants who painstakingly partake in the
interviews. The researchers make sure that the conduct of the interview was
not tainted with biases as to veer the trajectory of the conversation.
The researchers interviewed participants and below are their personal circumstances
are as follows;
Problem 2. What is the perception of Iligan Medical Center College 1st Year students about
1. Abortion should not be done, because there other good ways you can do, instead of
killing the child inside the womb.
2. In my own opinion abortion for us muslims is haram (forbidden or proscribed by
Islamic law.)
3. Abortion is Sin
4. Abortion is not the solution for your problem.
5. If you get pregnant accidentally, you should take responsibility for the consequences
of your doing
6. A medical procedure used to end a pregnancy and cause the death of the fetus
7. It's not good to have an abortion it is not matter if it is accidentally or what so ever
but choosing abortion is like killing a human that cannot fight back.
8. Abortion is when woman wished to end her pregnancy.
9. Abortion is another type of murder wherein you kill a life before coming into this
10. Abortion is not a nice thing to discuss, and nobody wants to see more abortion.
11. The idea of aborting an unborn fetus is unpleasant.
12. Abortion is not a choice and it’s illegal.
13. Abortion is considered as a murder.
14. Think thoroughly before you engage in this kind of situation
15. Abortion is another way of crime, because if you don't want to get pregnant then
why did you do it in fucking first place.
16. It's a matter of choice, but we need to think first our action before we proceed to the
17. Abortion is haram.. even if doremi just don’t do abortion
18. Abortion is really not a good way to solve the problem for a baby is a blessing there
are a lot of people are not having a baby for they can't bare a child and there is someone who
is really willing to abort the most unique creature that God and Allah gave.
19. Abortion should not be tolerated because the fact that you are taking one life is very
unjustified but instead we should be educated enough to any type of way just to avoid
taking a life
20. Why would you make a baby if you can't be a responsible parents? Abortion is not a
good thing but in the case of those who are a victim of a sexual assault then it depends on
the woman if she will abort the innocent baby.
If you said depends, explain why. 1. We have a right to live.
1. A couple who have an idea to have their child aborted, is not right, because they should 2. Abortion is neither legal nor morally right.
accept the responsibility as a mother or father if they made a child. 3. The mother and Father should be responsible because they both made it.
2. Actually there's no depends word for those people who are truly love their own. 4. The decision must depends on the mother because she is the one who is carrying the
3. In my opinion, it’s base on the parents of the child. But for me, you don’t have to abort baby.
your child 5. It depends on the parents, if they really love their child they should not undergo abortion.
4. It is all depends on the situation. In times, it is good for the health of mother to do it but 6. The father should be the one who is responsible for his family.
can't deny the fact that it is considered as murder 7. They say the father is the “haligi ng tahanan” he should be the one who make the family
5. Because the father should have the right to say for he is the one who gave that sperm to that he made strong.
the girl 8. There are some pregnant women who have unhealthy pregnancy so the mother will
6. It should be decided with the father because the fact that they both made that baby they decide with the father.
both should be responsible enough to what decision they’re going to make 9. They both made the child so they should decide both whether to abort the child or not
7. There is also a case that depends on the situation of the pregnancy because there is also 10. Yes, it should be the father especially if it is really needed to abort the child for the
a case that the pregnancy hood of the mother is not safe so abortion is needed. For mother’s sake and that’s a very tough decision to make.
example Ectopic Pregnancy in this case is it has no possibility to survive the pregnancy so 11. If the mother is pregnant but then the father of the child did not support them so it
abortion is really needed in this case. should be the mother who decides whether to abort it or not. But for me, abortion is a
very big sin.
Chapter 5
This study aimed to determine the Abortion: Perception of Iligan Medical Center College
students. Specifically, it sought to answer the following problems:
1. What is the perception of Iligan Medical Center College 1st year students?
2. Do they agree with the idea of abortion?
3. Does abortion is safe or not?
This study utilized the descriptive questionnaire, we gather the data online via google forms
and responded by Iligan Medical Center College 1st year students.
• Government officials must profoundly discuss this issue in the court.
• Shall comprehend and learn to tackle this due to its sensitive content. Some
of the Filipino families are against the Abortion policy due to how family-
oriented they are.
• The government should establish programs and seminars which will educate
and aid the citizen on how to minimize the abortion rate in the Philippines.
• Future researchers must conduct a further study to discover more significant
findings and relevant alternatives towards this adversity.
• The perception of Iligan Medical Center College, which is the 1st year college students
about the act of abortion is that they do not really approve of abortion here in the Philippines.
• The Iligan Medical Center College, 1st-year college students do not agree to the idea of
the act of abortion in the Philippines.
• Abortion is very much safe than you think. Unless there's a rare and serious complication
that is not treated, there's no risk to your ability to have children in the future or to your
overall health.
• The 1st year college students support that the act of abortion is an act of murder to them.
• Majority of the 1st year students agrees that the act of abortion is morally wrong.
The researchers conclude that majority of the 1st year students do not support the act of
abortion. Considering that they think that abortion should not be done because there other
good ways they can do, instead of killing the child inside their womb. In their own opinion,
the act of abortion for us Muslims is haram (forbidden or proscribed by Islamic law.). In
addition to that, they also think that abortion is a sin.
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