Workshop4-Brainstorming and Mind Mapping
Workshop4-Brainstorming and Mind Mapping
Workshop4-Brainstorming and Mind Mapping
Kiran Sandhu
WLC Chandigarh
•Some basic facts about the brain
•What is the brain and what is the mind
•What is a mind map
Its divided into the Left hemisphere and the Right hemisphere.
•Every time you recall a memory or have a new thought, you are creating a
new connection in your brain
•The brain can live for 4 to 6 minutes without oxygen, and then it begins
to die. No oxygen for 5 to 10 minutes will result in permanent brain
Mind versus Brain
Our mind is
Our brain is the 1.4
the intangible
Kg (3 pounds)
controller of our
of tangible,
realities including our
convoluted gray
thoughts, knowledge,
matter that resides
implicit assumptions,
in our heads.
values, emotions,
intentions, habits, and
Functions of Mind
•Creativity etc.
What are mind maps?
1) Start in the center with an image of the topic, using at least 3 colors.
3) Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters.
5) The lines should be connected, starting from the central image. The
central lines are thicker, organic and flowing, becoming thinner as they
radiate out from the centre.
6) Make the lines the same length as the word/image they
It is used –
•To generate, visualize, structure, and
classify ideas
•Problem solving
•Notes taking
• Outline/framework design
•Marriage of words and visuals
•Individual expression of creativity
•Condensing material into a concise and memorable
•Team building or synergy creating activity
Brainstorming is a group
creativity technique designed to
generate a large number of ideas
for the solution of a problem.
Step 4 – keep repeating the above process until you have got more
ideas than you think you will ever need.
"Mind maps open the floodgates to creativity and are a brilliant format
for thinking. Occasionally to fire the imagination, a new theme, central
starting point or idea is needed. Whilst "thinking outside the box" has
become a familiar term, harnessing ideas from the silence within may
be a relatively new concept. Tapping into our inner resources can
provide the necessary armory for idea creation. “
In the briefing he specify that he wants the color green for the logo and this must
have a nature element.
In groups make a mind map and use it to create a logo for the client.
Sample Mind Map for the Logo
Now that we have the Mind Map of our brainstorming lets find the ones who will
helps us make our logo (based on the example).
We can use trees and leaves who are also related to life. Lets use this three
elements to make a simple logo.
Mind Maps are a great way for students to make notes on all
of the information they receive.
Traditionally, when studying, we make notes in a linear, list style by making lines
and lines of information.
Why are linear notes bad?
By making notes in this way we end up with ugly, dense lines of text which are difficult
to read and understand.
By writing notes in list form you are forced to isolate pieces of information, and you
will feel unable to make connections between your ideas.
You find ideas written in this way hard to read, and you don't look forward to
reviewing your notes
How to Use Mind Maps for Notes Taking?
1) Write the title of the subject you're exploring in
the center of the page, and draw a circle around it.
This is shown by the circle marked 1 in Figure 1,
2) As you come across major subdivisions or
subheadings of the topic (or important facts that
relate to the subject) draw lines out from this
circle. Label these lines with these subdivisions or
subheadings. These are shown by the lines
marked 2 in Figure 1.
Mind Maps only contain keywords. This means that the information to
remember is prompted by short, memorable words with meaning - not reams of
Mind Maps use colour and images, which stimulate your imagination.