Applied Behavior Analysis

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Applied Behavior Analysis

Diversity and Behaviorism
Presented by
Humaira Fajir
PhD Student (1st semester)
Phases to ABA
 Premodification
 Modification

 Post Modification
Pre modification
The pre modification phase that its requires observing and
reflecting students behavior before Applying any specific
consequence to modify the behavior.
 Part of this reflective activity will consist of try to identify
the antecedent .
Antecedent include the contextual condition that are typically
present when student display the behavior you wish to
A goal of the modification activity is to
gain a better understanding of the
antecedents may be producing the
undesirable behavior.
Some time a slight change in the
enjoinment conditions around the
misbehavior .

Students has move tendency to move away from his seat

when he is assigned to working collaborative learning
activities but not when he is participants in whole class.
Changing the members of the group ,showing the students
how working with help of peer can promote his own
learning will end the misbehavior .
Modification phase
Modification phase the action plan is implemented and
special care needs to be taken to documents how to
responds to the action plan consequence.
Last step of modification phase baseline data collected
during the modification phase to be establish effectiveness
of the plan.
If the intervention is successful.
There should be an abrupt change in students behavior .
Interventions is successful do not require a post
modification phase .
The intervention may be discontinued when the
teachers considers that the change in behavior is
enduring and that the problem that motivated the ABA
has been successfully resolved .
Post modification

If the student behavior does not change significantly after

the intervention a reevaluation of the action and
appropriate change to the plan need to be made during the
post modification phase .
Teachers should again engage in the same step taken the
during the modification phase by documenting any
change in behavior and evaluating the effectiveness of the
new plan.
This process is continue until a solution is found .
Assumption of Applied Behavior Analysis

ABA is result of the past and present environment

Modification condition will be promote more productive
ABA can improvement in academic performance and
classroom behavior.
Its very common method used with students with
exceptionalities .
Diversity and Behaviorism

All the individual respond to reinforces and punishers.

This is universal dimension of the behaviorist principles
However diversity in the classroom case study ,the
effectiveness of specific reward and deterrents of
undesirable behavior can be influenced by individual
behavior of students .
Such as their interest need ,value ,and goals.
 These factor largely determine whether or not gold of
star , a pat on the back a tangible reward or self
satisfaction will motivate the students to increase a
desirable behavior.
Because the individual cultural background divers the
students are likely to responded according to the
behaviorist consequence than mainstream students.
Students from collectivistic cultures ( in which
cooperation and group success are valued higher then
competition and individual success).
Behaviorist strategies have been very successful at
helping shape the behavior of students with exception
Boys and girls may also experience consequence
differently .
In one study more than 1500 eighth grade students
USA were given a survey them selected which
punishment would make effective in making them
improve them on bad behavior in school. Boys
selected being reprimanded loudly in front of the
class as most effective punishment the majority of
girls selecting reprimanded softly instead .
Remember that research on group difference
(cultural group, gender group ) can be idea to
fining of average group members results .
Teachers should try to learn each student
effectively applying to behaviorist method.
Student had unique experience in their lives. You
will find a diversity of behavior pattern in the
Specially students behaviors and response will
depends on the teachers ,peer, parents and other
influential individual reinforced some behavior and
discourage other in past .

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