Legal Issues For The Entrepreneur
Legal Issues For The Entrepreneur
Legal Issues For The Entrepreneur
What will we learn?
Intellectual Property Rights
Trade Secrets
Product Safety & Liability
Any Innovation, Commercial or Artistic, Unique
Name, Symbol, Logo or Design
IP is an Asset for the Entrepreneur
It must be protected from Un-authorized use.
There are four ways to protect IP
1. Patents on Inventions
2. Trademarks on Branding Devices
3. Copyrights on Music, Videos, Patterns, Forms of
4. Trade Secrets for Methods/Formulas with
Economic Value
• A Contract Between Government & Inventor in
Exchange for disclosure of Invention
• Grants the inventor EXCLUSIVITY to Make, Use
& Sell the Invention for
• Specified Amount of Time
• Territorial
• Holder Obtains MONOPOLY for certain period
and after that it passes into Public Domain
• Patents can be obtained in widely varying
Technical Subject Matters - "almost anything
under the sun made by man".
Holds the Right to issue Licenses to Others
An Idea/Thought can not be Patented
Modifications in Existing Products can also be
Patented (e.g. Galaxy Tab)
Term of Protection should be a minimum of 20
Patentable Inventions in Pakistan:
Invention in NEW
Involves an Inventive Step
Should NOT be Contrary to Law OR Morality
Protect Useful Processes, Machines, Articles of
Manufacture, and Compositions of Matter.
Some Examples: Fiber Optics, Computer
Hardware etc
Guards the Unauthorized Use of New, Original,
and Ornamental designs for Articles of
The look of an Athletic Shoe, a Bicycle Helmet,
the Star Wars Characters are all protected by
Design Patents.
Are the way we Protect Invented or Discovered
plant varieties.
For Example: Hybrid Tea Roses, Silver Queen
Corn, Better Boy Tomatoes are all types of plant
Protect Words, Names, Symbols, Sounds, or Colors
that distinguish goods and services.
Trademarks, unlike Patents, can be renewed
FORVER as long as they are being used in business.
The roar of the MGM lion, the pink of the Owens-
Corning insulation, and the shape of a Coca-Cola
bottle, The Original Lawn by Gul Ahmed are
familiar trademarks.
Four Categories of TMs:
1. Coined Marks: Denote NO Relationship b/w Mark &
Good (e.g. Kodak, Moosa Jee)
2. Arbitrary Mark: Common Word used in Meaningless
Context (e.g. Apple, Dollar)
3. Suggestive Mark: suggests certain Features, Qualities,
Ingredients, or Characteristics of a Product or Service
(Clean & Clear, Fair & Lovely, Skin White Products)
4. Descriptive Mark: with a dictionary meaning which is
used in connection with products or services directly
related to that meaning (e.g. Shoe Plant, Darzi, EBH)
Protects Works of Authorship, such as WRITINGS,
MUSIC, and WORKS OF ART that have been
Tangibly Expressed.
Stop others from Printing, Copying, or Publishing
Does not protect Idea itself, others can use
Idea/Concept in a Different manner
Term of Copyrights is the life of Author plus 50
Years & 75 Years for an Institute.
For Example: Gone With The Wind, Harry Potter
(the book and the film), Beatles Recordings,
Computer Software, and Video Games.
Detailed Description Of