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Cost concepts
• Opportunity cost
• Total cost
• Fixed cost
• Variable cost
• Average cost
• Marginal cost
The economic problem
• The basic economic problem is the scarcity of
social resources to satisfy human wants and
• An economic system must make choices
about the allocation of resources among the
many possible uses.
• The economic system also chooses how the
goods and services are distributed -- who gets
Cost and the necessity of choice,
even in health care
When a high percentage of all spending in our economy is for
health care, we wonder if some of the resources going into
health care could be better used elsewhere, as
• other kinds of health care, that might give more benefit for
the same resources
• other kinds of health-enhancing investments besides health
care, such as education
• consumption goods and services that might enhance our
lives more than spending on certain kinds of health care
• or as investments outside of health care that might
improve our future ability to produce goods and services
more than some investments in health do.
Opportunity cost
• Opportunity cost is the most fundamental cost
– The opportunity cost of doing or getting
something is:
• what you could have done or gotten instead
Opportunity cost is what you forgo.
• Example: The opportunity cost of buying a box
of Cracklin Oat Bran is one-and-a half boxes of
Wheat Chex, if that's your second favorite
Opportunity cost is what you forgo.
• Example: Your opportunity cost for taking this
class includes:
• Whatever else you could have bought with
your tuition and fee money
– plus
• the work, family participation, and recreation
that you are not doing because you are here.
Opportunity cost
is not resources used
• Strictly speaking, the cost of something is not
the resources used up to get it.
• Instead, the cost is what else you could have
done with those resources.
• Resources have value only because you can
use them to make goods and services that
have value.
Using prices for costs
• Opportunity cost can be hard to use in
• Dollar costs (prices) are
• easier to determine
– and
• easier to add up.
Nevertheless, we should not lose sight of
opportunity cost.
For example:
• saving medical institutional costs by
discharging patients early
• adds opportunity costs for family members
drafted into being home caregivers
– (one of the ways that the percentage of national
health expenditure in the GDP understates the
cost of our health care system)
Opportunity cost = price?
Prices can reflect society's opportunity cost
• "Reflect" here means that the ratio of prices of any
two goods or services is the opportunity cost of the
one in terms of the other.
• If the market system works properly then the price
ratio of any two goods or services tells you what the
social tradeoff actually is, how many of good X you give
up to get each unit of good Y.
• For this to work properly, you have to have strong
competition and savvy consumers. Competition will
then force the sellers to be efficient, and provide
goods and services at prices in line with costs.
If price ≠ opportunity cost
then we’re inefficient
• Suppose a recently-introduced drug is priced
well above the what the manufacturer is
paying for the resources that go into making it
(manufacturing cost).
• If the high price discourages some people
from using the drug, then society is missing
out. Resources that could be used to make
more of the drug are instead being used to
make something less valuable.
• How do I know that the resources that could
be used to make more of the drug are instead
being used to make something less valuable?
• Because the price of a resource depends on
what it can be used for.
• If there are some resources that are not being
used in the most valuable way, that is the
definition of inefficiency.
Hospital day price example
• Reinhardt, in this week’s assigned article,
argues that
• Prices for hospital days late in a patient’s stay
are higher than opportunity cost.
• This leads to substituting other forms of care
that have higher opportunity cost.
Money cost concepts
• In this section, we assume that we can use dollar
costs for costs.  Ignore, for now, what we just
talked about.
– The cost-accounting concepts we’ll discuss:
• Total cost
• Fixed cost
• Variable cost
• Marginal cost
• Average cost
Total cost
• ... is a function of quantity
– “function” in the mathematical sense
• Total cost = TC(Q)
• TC(Q) = the total cost per unit of time of
producing Q units of output per unit of time
Costs are flows, not stocks
• The Q in the TC(Q) formula stands for Quantity per
Unit of Time.
• Total cost, fixed cost, variable cost, marginal cost,
average cost …
• All have a time dimension. They are denominated in
units of currency per unit of time.
• For example, a U.S. firm presenting annual budget
numbers would use "dollars per year" as its cost units.
For a monthly budget, the cost units would be dollars
per month.
• For brevity, I'll leave "per unit of time" out sometimes,
but it's always implicitly there.
Total cost example
• Here was the total cost per month of
providing different numbers of screening
mammograms per day.
• This whole table is the total cost
ay 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 50
cost per
month $6,172 $9,462 $10,337 $13,627 $14,502 $18,667 $20,417 $22,167
• Source: Physician Payment Review
Commission, The Costs of Providing Screening
Mammography, 1989.  This study was done
just after Medicare started paying for
screening mammograms.
Screening mammography costs, 1989

Output rate  Total cost per

Mammograms/day month
0 $6,172
5 $9,462
10 $10,337
15 $13,627
20 $14,502
30 $18,667
40 $20,417
50 $22,167
Total cost is an increasing function of quantity. 
The faster you produce, the more your total cost at that rate.
The cost of producing 0 is not $0. 
The cost of producing 0 is the fixed cost.
Fixed cost

• Fixed cost is the cost of producing 0 output in

a given time period.
• Fixed costs are costs that can't be avoided in
the "short run"
• "Short run" means a time period in which
fixed costs can't be avoided.
– (Circular?)
• Fixed cost is a function of Quantity per unit of
time in the trivial sense that it's a constant
function.  Fixed cost’s line goes straight across.
Total and fixed cost
• In a table, fixed cost is "fixed" -- the same -- at
all output rates
Capital outlay required before the
first patient is seen:
What’s in
fixed cost. unit and processor $80,000
Part is because
Start-up supplies $2,000
of the capital Property
improvements $15,000
Furniture $5,000

Office equipment $3,500

Miscellaneous $500
Capital outlay --
total of above $106,000
Converting a stock to a flow
• The capital outlay is a stock, rather than a flow.
• To use our cost concepts, we have to convert it
to a flow.  Imagine that we borrow the $106K and
intend to pay it back at so many dollars per
month. That "so many dollars" per month is part
of our fixed cost flow.
• Amortized capital cost per month, at a 12%
interest rate for 6 years is $2,072.
This is the monthly fixed cost flow associated
with our initial capital outlay.
Expenses that happen
even if no customers show
Other fixed costs per month
Maintenance $425
Promotion $250
Accounting $100
Insurance $100
Rent $875
Telephone $100
Taxes $750

salary and benefits $1,500
TOTAL other fixed costs
per month $4,100
Fixed cost summary

Monthly capital cost $2,072

Recurring fixed cost $4,100

Total fixed cost -- flow per

month $6,172
• Fixed cost is $6172.
Variable Cost
• Variable cost equals total cost minus fixed
• The variable cost is extra cost of producing Q,
above the cost of producing 0.
• In the "long run," all costs are variable.
Variable costs per month (20 working days per month)

    Tests per day

Cost category Unit cost 5 10 15 20 30 40 50

technologist   $2,415 $2,415 $4,830 $4,830 $7,245 $7,245 $7,245

Film $3.00 $300 $600 $900 $1,200 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000

Records $2.00 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,200 $1,600 $2,000

Supplies and
miscellaneous $2.00 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,200 $1,600 $2,000

Postage $1.00 $100 $200 $300 $400 $600 $800 $1,000

Forms $0.75 $75 $150 $225 $300 $450 $600 $750

Total monthly
variable cost 
(all above
added up)   $3,290 $4,165 $7,455 $8,330 $12,495 $14,245 $15,995
Marginal cost
Incremental cost
• Marginal cost is
• Total cost at output Q
• minus
• total cost at output Q-1.
• Marginal cost is the additional cost of
producing one more.
• Or the reduction in cost from producing one
Calculating marginal cost
• … is a bit tricky, because the radiological
technologist is "lumpy."
• "Lumpy" means not continuously variable.
– The technologist is somewhat of a fixed cost over
some mall changes in output rate,
• Apparently, you can only hire full-time
technologists, not part-time, which would
reduce the lumpiness.
Variable costs per month (20 working days per month)

    Tests per day

Cost category Unit cost 5 10 15 20 30 40 50

technologist  $2,415 $2,415 $4,830 $4,830 $7,245 $7,245 $7,245

Film $3.00 $300 $600 $900 $1,200 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000

Records $2.00 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,200 $1,600 $2,000

Supplies and
miscellaneous $2.00 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,200 $1,600 $2,000

Postage $1.00 $100 $200 $300 $400 $600 $800 $1,000

Forms $0.75 $75 $150 $225 $300 $450 $600 $750

Total monthly
variable cost 
(all above
added up)   $3,290 $4,165 $7,455 $8,330 $12,495 $14,245 $15,995
The other marginal costs total $8.75 per
Unit cost 
(cost per
Cost category mammogram)
Film $3.00

Medical Records $2.00

Supplies and
miscellaneous $2.00
Postage $1.00
Forms $0.75
The physician’s fee is billed separately, so it’s not included here.
You make money if your price
is more than your marginal cost.
• $8.75 is the marginal cost of a screening
if the technologist is not fully busy.
• If a woman walks in unexpectedly and offers
$8.76 for a screening mammogram,
and your technologist is not busy,
then you can make $0.01 by doing a
mammogram for her.
If you need to add a technologist, the
marginal cost is higher.
• If you are doing 10 mammograms a day, and
you are considering signing a contract to
provide, say, 5 more mammograms per day,
$8.75 will not be your marginal cost per
mammogram, because you will have to add a
• For the table that follows, I’ve considered only
output rates 0, 5, 10, 15, etc., to simplify the
Tests per day 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 50
Tests per
month 0 100 200 300 400 600 800 1000
Total cost $6,172 $9,462 $10,337 $13,627 $14,502 $18,667 $20,417 $22,167
Fixed cost $6,172 $6,172 $6,172 $6,172 $6,172 $6,172 $6,172 $6,172
needed 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3
Variable cost $0 $3,290 $4,165 $7,455 $8,330 $12,495 $14,245 $15,995
Marginal cost  Not 
from previous
output rate applicable $3,290 $875 $3,290 $875 $4,165 $1,750 $1,750
marginal cost
per unit applicable $32.90 $8.75 $32.90 $8.75 $20.83 $8.75 $8.75
• The lumpiness of the technologist makes the
marginal cost jump up or down, depending on
whether we do or do not have to add a
technologist to achieve the next higher output
The marginal cost is high when we have to
add a technologist. It's low otherwise.
• The next slide assumes that we can change
the output rate only by a multiple of 5 per
Marginal cost and your minimum price
Tests per day 0 5 • If you’re seeing nobody,
Tests per 20-day
month 0 100 and you want to
Total cost $6,172 $9,462 contract for doing 5
Fixed cost $6,172 $6,172
visits a day,
needed 0 1 • Your price must be at
Variable cost $0 $3,290
Not least $32.90 per
Marginal cost from applic- mammogram, if you
previous output level able $3,290
want to gain money
marginal cost per unit Not from the contract.
(row above divided applic-
by 100 tests per day) able $32.90
Tests per day 30 40 • If you're currently
Tests per 20-day
month 600 800
doing 30 tests per day,
you can make money if
Total cost $18,667 $20,417
you can get a price
Fixed cost $6,172 $6,172
Technologists above $8.75 each for
needed 3 3 additional tests.
Variable cost $12,495 $14,245

Marginal cost from

previous output level $4,165 $1,750

marginal cost per unit $20.83 $8.75
Marginal cost is the concept to use when
considering changes.

• Compare the costs with the change

 to the cost without the change.
• The difference is the marginal cost of the
• Compare that with the marginal benefit of the
change to decide whether the change is
Average cost
• Average cost is
Total cost at output = Q, divided by Q.
• Average cost is sometimes mistakenly used in
place of marginal cost.
– The upcoming Stool Guaiac test article shows an
example of that confusion.
Average cost
• Marginal cost is what to use to decide
whether to do something.
• Average cost is good for telling you whether
you're making money overall.
• Profit = Revenue minus cost.
• Average profit per unit =
Revenue ÷ Units − Average Cost per unit.
• If you charge all customers the same price
– (in health care, you generally don't.  But, suppose you
• Revenue is the total amount you take in.
• Revenue = Price times Quantity.
• Therefore Price equals Revenue divided by
• Profit = Revenue minus Cost,
so profit per unit = Price minus Average Cost.
• If Price exceeds Average Cost then your unit
profit is positive.
• If the price is less than the average cost, your
average profit per unit is negative.
Average cost

Tests per day 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 50

Tests per
month 0 100 200 300 400 600 800 1000

Total cost $6,172 $9,462 $10,337 $13,627 $14,502 $18,667 $20,417 $22,167


Average cost by 0.) $94.62 $51.69 $45.42 $36.26 $31.11 $25.52 $22.17

Economies of scale. AC falls as Q rises. That’s because

the fixed cost gets spread over more tests.
Average cost and marginal cost
Tests per day 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 50
Tests per month 0 100 200 300 400 600 800 1000
Total cost $6,172 $9,462 $10,337 $13,627 $14,502 $18,667 $20,417 $22,167

Average cost by 0  $94.62 $51.69 $45.42 $36.26 $31.11 $25.52 $22.17
Marginal cost  Not 

from previous applic-

output level able $3,290 $875 $3,290 $875 $4,165 $1,750 $1,750
Corresponding  Not 

marginal cost applic-

per unit able $32.90 $8.75 $32.90 $8.75 $20.83 $8.75 $8.75
• In the 40 column:
• The marginal cost per test is $8.75,
• but the average cost is $25.52.
• Can we really provide extra tests at a price just
over $8.75 each and make money?

• Yes, if we don't have to charge all our customers

that price.
• Offering a group a price just above its marginal
cost will let us make money on that group.
• But if we offer all customers prices just above
their marginal costs, we won't cover our fixed
costs, so we'll lose money overall.
Price discrimination
• Jargon term for charging different customers
different prices.
• Not illegal.
• In health care, often encouraged.
– Sliding scale fees for doctors
– Payment plans and write-offs for hospitals
– Drug samples
– Negotiated contracts with insurers
Average cost is the break-even price
Tests per day 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 50
Tests per month 0 100 200 300 400 600 800 1000
Total cost $6,172 $9,462 $10,337 $13,627 $14,502 $18,667 $20,417 $22,167

Average cost by 0  $94.62 $51.69 $45.42 $36.26 $31.11 $25.52 $22.17
Marginal cost  Not 

from previous applic-

output level able $3,290 $875 $3,290 $875 $4,165 $1,750 $1,750
Corresponding  Not 

marginal cost applic-

per unit able $32.90 $8.75 $32.90 $8.75 $20.83 $8.75 $8.75

At 40 tests per day, the break-even price is $25.52. Any higher price Is profitable.
Long-run and short-run
• In the short run, it pays to sell to any customer
who'll pay marginal cost.
• Even if you’re losing money overall, you're
losing less than if you had turned down the
• In the long run, when you can get out of your
fixed cost, you shut down if your average price
is not more than average cost.
• Opportunity cost is
• what you give up to get something
Review of money cost concepts
• Total cost -- the dollars you give up by being in
business and operating at your current rate.
• Fixed cost -- the dollars you give up by being in
business, even if you produce nothing.
• Variable cost -- the dollars you give up to produce
at your current rate, over and above your fixed
• Marginal cost -- the dollars you give up to add
one to your rate of production.
• Average cost -- total cost divided by output rate
• Price discrimination is
Charging different customers different prices for
the same thing.

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