Database Management System

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• In this chapter, you will learn:
The difference between data and information
What a database is, the various types of databases, and why they are valuable assets for
decision making
The importance of database design
 How modern databases evolved from file systems
 About flaws in file system data management
 The main components of the database system
The main functions of a database management system (DBMS)

• To understand what drives database design, you must understand the difference between
data and information. Data are raw facts. The word raw indicates that the facts have not yet
been processed to reveal their meaning.
• Information is the result of processing raw data to reveal its meaning. Data processing can
be as simple as organizing data to reveal patterns or as complex as making forecasts or
drawing inferences using statistical modeling. To reveal meaning, information requires
• Data constitute the building blocks of information.
• Information is produced by processing data.
• Information is used to reveal the meaning of data.
• Accurate, relevant, and timely information is the key to good decision
• Good decision making is the key to organizational survival in a global
• Timely and useful information requires accurate data. Such data must be properly
generated and stored in a format that is easy to access and process. And, like any basic
resource, the data environment must be managed carefully.
• Data management is a discipline that focuses on the proper generation, storage, and
retrieval of data. Given the crucial role that data play, it should not surprise you that
data management is a core activity for any business, government agency, service
organization, or charity.
A database is a shared, integrated computer structure that stores a
collection of:
•End-user data, that is, raw facts of interest to the end user.
•Metadata, or data about data, through which the end-user data are
integrated and managed.
The metadata provide a description of the data characteristics and the set
of relationships that links the data found within the database.
In short, metadata present a more complete picture of the data in the
database. Given the characteristics of metadata, you might hear a database
described as a “collection of self-describing data.”
• A database management system (DBMS) is a collection of programs that
manages the database structure and controls access to the data stored in
the database.
• In a sense, a database resembles a very well-organized electronic filing
cabinet in which powerful software, known as a database management
system, helps manage the cabinet’s contents.
• The DBMS serves as the intermediary between the user and the database.
The database structure itself is stored as a collection of files, and the only
way to access the data in those files is through the DBMS.
• DBMS presents the end user (or application program) with a single,
integrated view of the data in the database. The DBMS receives all
application requests and translates them into the complex operations required
to fulfill those requests. The DBMS hides much of the database’s internal
complexity from the application programs and users.
• The application program might be written by a programmer using a
programming language such as Visual Basic.NET, Java, or C#, or it might be
created through a DBMS utility program.
•Having a DBMS between the end user’s applications and the database
offers some important advantages.
•First, the DBMS enables the data in the database to be shared among
multiple applications or users.
• Second, the DBMS integrates the many different users’ views of the data
into a single all-encompassing data repository.
• Because data are the crucial raw material from which information is derived,
you must have a good method to manage such data.
• Improved data sharing. The DBMS helps create an environment in which end
users have better access to more and better-managed data. Such access makes it
possible for end users to respond quickly to changes in their environment.
• Improved data security. The more users access the data, the greater the risks of
data security breaches. Corporations invest considerable amounts of time, effort, and
money to ensure that corporate data are used properly. A DBMS provides a
framework for better enforcement of data privacy and security policies.
• Better data integration. Wider access to well-managed data promotes an integrated
view of the organization’s operations and a clearer view of the big picture. It becomes
much easier to see how actions in one segment of the company affect other
• Minimized data inconsistency. Data inconsistency exists when different versions of the
same data appear in different places. For example, data inconsistency exists when a
company’s sales department stores a sales representative’s name as “Bill Brown” and
the company’s personnel department stores that same person’s name as “William G.
Brown,” or when the company’s regional sales office shows the price of a product as
$45.95 and its national sales office shows the same product’s price as $43.95. The
probability of data inconsistency is greatly reduced in a properly designed database.
• Improved data access. The DBMS makes it possible to produce quick answers to ad
hoc queries. From a database perspective, a query is a specific request issued to the
DBMS for data manipulation—for example, to read or update the data. Simply put, a
query is a question, and an ad hoc query is a spur-of-the-moment question. The DBMS
sends back an answer (called the query result set) to the application. For example, end
• users, when dealing with large amounts of sales data, might want quick answers to questions (ad hoc queries)
such as:
- What was the dollar volume of sales by product during the past six months?
- What is the sales bonus figure for each of our salespeople during the past three months?
- How many of our customers have credit balances of $3,000 or more?
• Improved decision making. Better-managed data and improved data access make it possible to generate
better-quality information, on which better decisions are based. The quality of the information generated
depends on the quality of the underlying data. Data quality is a comprehensive approach to promoting the
accuracy, validity, and timeliness of the data. While the DBMS does not guarantee data quality, it provides a
framework to facilitate data quality initiatives.
• Database Administration and Security.
• Increased end-user productivity. The availability of data, combined with the tools that transform data into
usable information, empowers end users to make quick, informed decisions that can make the difference
between success and failure in the global economy.

•A DBMS can support many different types of databases. Databases can be classified
according to the number of users, the database location(s), and the expected type
and extent of use.
• The number of users determines whether the database is classified as single-
user or multiuser. A single-user database supports only one user at a time. In other
words, if user A is using the database, users B and C must wait until user A is done. A
single-user database that runs on a personal computer is called a desktop database.
• In contrast, a multiuser database supports multiple users at the same time. When the
multiuser database supports a relatively small number of users (usually fewer than
50) or a specific department within an organization, it is called a workgroup database.
• When the database is used by the entire organization and supports many users (more
than 50, usually hundreds) across many departments, the database is known as an
enterprise database.

• Location might also be used to classify the database. For example, a database that supports data
located at a single site is called a centralized database.
• A database that supports data distributed across several different sites is called a distributed database.
• The most popular way of classifying databases today, however, is based on how they will be used
and on the time sensitivity of the information gathered from them. For example, transactions
such as product or service sales, payments, and supply purchases reflect critical day-to-day
operations. Such transactions must be recorded accurately and immediately.
• A database that is designed primarily to support a company’s day-to-day operations is classified as
an operational database (sometimes referred to as a transactional or production database). In contrast, a
data warehouse focuses primarily on storing data used to generate information required to make
tactical or strategic decisions. Such decisions typically require extensive “data massaging” (data
manipulation) to extract information to formulate pricing decisions, sales forecasts, market
positioning, and so on. Most decision support data are based on data obtained from operational
databases over time and stored in data warehouses. Additionally, the data warehouse can store data
derived from many sources. To make it easier to retrieve such data, the data warehouse structure is
quite different from that of an operational or transactional database.

• Databases can also be classified to reflect the degree to which the data are
structured. Unstructured data are data that exist in their original (raw) state, that is,
in the format in which they were collected.
• Therefore, unstructured data exist in a format that does not lend itself to the
processing that yields information. Structured data are the result of
• Taking unstructured data and formatting (structuring) such data to facilitate
storage, use, and the generation of information. You apply structure (format)
based on the type of processing that you intend to perform on the data. Some
data might not be ready (unstructured) for some types of processing, but they
might be ready (structured) for other types of processing. For example, the data
value 37890 might refer to a zip code, a sales value, or a product code. If this value
represents a zip code or a product code and is stored as text, you cannot perform
mathematical computations with it. On the other hand, if this value represents a
sales transaction, it is necessary to format it as numeric.

• Semi structured data are data that have already been processed to some extent. For
example, if you look at a typical Web page, the data are presented to you in a
prearranged format to convey some information.
• Unstructured and semistructured data storage and management needs are being
addressed through a new generation of databases known as XML databases.
Extensible Markup Language (XML) is a special language used to represent and
manipulate data elements in a textual format. An XML database supports the storage
and management of semistructured XML data.
• Database design refers to the activities that focus on the design of the database structure that
will be used to store and manage end-user data. A database that meets all user requirements
does not just happen; its structure must be designed carefully.
• In fact, database design is such a crucial aspect of working with databases. Even a good DBMS
will perform poorly with a badly designed database.
• Proper database design requires the designer to identify precisely the database’s
expected use.
• Designing a transactional database emphasizes accurate and consistent data and operational
• Designing a data warehouse database emphasizes the use of historical and aggregated data.
• Designing a database to be used in a centralized, single-user environment requires a different
approach from that used in the design of a distributed, multiuser database.
• Creating database designs that avoid the pitfalls of earlier systems requires that the designer understand
what the problems of the earlier systems were and how to avoid them, or else the database technologies
are no better (potentially even worse!) than the technologies and techniques that they have replaced.
Manual File Systems:
In order to be successful, an organization must come up with systems for handling
core business tasks. Historically, such systems were often manual, paper-and-pencil
systems. The papers within these systems were organized in order to facilitate the
expected use of the data. Typically, this was accomplished through a system of file
folders and filing cabinets. As long as a data collection was relatively small and an
organization’s business users had few reporting requirements, the manual system
served its role well as a data repository. However, as organizations grew and as
reporting requirements became more complex, keeping track of data in a manual file
system became more difficult.
Therefore, companies looked to computer technology for help.
Computerized File Systems
Generating reports from manual file systems was slow and cumbersome. In fact,
some business managers faced government-imposed reporting requirements that
required weeks of intensive effort each quarter, even when a well-designed
manual system was used. Therefore, a data processing (DP) specialist was hired
to create a computer-based system that would track data and produce required
Initially, the computer files within the file system were similar to the manual files. A
simple example of a customer data file for a small insurance company is shown in

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