Many cloud providers can share information with third parties if necessary
for purposes of law and order even without a warrant. That is permitted in
their privacy policies which users have to agree to before they start using
cloud services.
There are life-threatening situations in which there is no time to wait for the
police to issue a warrant. Many cloud providers can share information
immediately to the police in such situations.
We divide data in remote cloud into different kinds and utilize
encryption mechanism to protect them respectively. We propose
collaborative IDS based on cloudlet mesh to protect the whole
healthcare system against malicious attacks.
Project Scope
It shares information of any user based on cloudlet with the similarity.
A prevention system must identify and stop malicious attacks before
they do damage and have a chance to infect a system.
Objectives & Goals
The main objective of proposed system is to provide for a quick and
efficient retrieval of information.
The level of accuracy in the proposed system will be higher. All
operation would be done correctly and it ensures that whatever provides
better security to medical data.
Literature Survey
Project Name Author Name Proposed System Advantages and Disadvantages This proposed refer to:
[1] “Wearable medical K. Hung, Y. Advantages: Aim of our project is to
devices for Zhang, and B. 1. Use of mobile communication is no longer limited develop a tele-home
telehome Tai to telephony. healthcare system which
healthcare” 2. New interests and demands are wireless data and utilizes wearable
multimedia services, as 3G phones are available. devices, wireless
Disadvantages: communication
3. The world’s ageing population and prevalence of technologies, and multi-
chronic diseases have lead to high demand for tele- sensor
home healthcare, in which vital-signs monitoring is data fusion methods.
1.At the time of forgot password system should be connect with Internet.
Proposed Work & System
Wearable Device
Cloudlet Cloudlet
Remote Cloud
Proposed Work & System
For the user body information fetch using the wearable device and then
provide transfer this information to the cloudlet. But we provide the privacy of
user information. This information is transfer to the cloudlet in encrypted
format. In cloudlet is share information on user symptoms. Doctor fetched
information from remote cloud and checks the user EMR Report. User asked
question to the doctor through online for small disease.
Project Plan
Activity I II III IV V VI VII VIII week IX
Feasibility Analysis
Body Info
Wearable Device
Encryption transmit to
Intrusion Avoidance
Stored to remote Cloud Using CIDS
EMR Report
Class Diagram
Activity Diagram
Activity Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Sequence Diagram
Algorithm strategy & Proposed
Algorithm 1: NTRU
Number Theory Research Unit (NTRU):-
Input:- F, G, Message .
Output:- encrypt and decrypt message.
Step 1: Two small polynomial f and g.
Step 2: The large modulo p and modulo q.
Step 3: The inverse of f modulo q and the inverse of f modulo p.
Step 4: f * fq = 1 (mod q) and f * fp = 1 (mod p)
Step 5: Generating fp = f-1 (mod p) and fq = f-1 (mod q).
Step 6: The private key pair and the public key h is calculated using p, fq and g.
Step 7: public key is h = pfq * g (mod q).
Step 8: Encryption uses m, r and the public key h to generate e, the encrypted
message that is as follows: e = r * h + m (mod q).
Step 9: First uses the private key f to calculate: a = f * e (mod q).
Step 10: c = fp * b (mod p)
If decryption has successfully completed, then the polynomial c will be equal to
the original message.
Mathematical Modeling
A] Mapping Diagram
E=Encrypted User Body Information
C1,C2---Cn= Cloudlet information
Mathematical Modeling
B] Set Theory
S={s, e, X, Y,Φ}
s = Start of the program.
1. Log in with webpage.
2. Load medical data on cloudlet.
e = End of the program.
Retrieve the user EMR report from remote cloud .
X = {U, Nc}
X = Input of the program.
U = User.
Nc = Select number of User.
Y = Output of the program.
Share the same user symptoms
X, Y € U
Let U be the Set of System.
U= {User, E, H}
Where User, E,H are the elements of the set.
Feasibility Analysis
Feasibility study:
The feasibility of the project is analyzed in this phase and business proposal is
put forth with a very general plan for the project and some cost estimates.
During system analysis the feasibility study of the proposed system is to be
carried out. This is to ensure that the proposed system is not a burden to the
company. For feasibility analysis, some understanding of the major
requirements for the system is essential.
Three key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis are,
1. Economical feasibility:
Considering developing medical it require some software as well as hardware.
The cost is required for that. Here to develop project the steps are performed
requirement gathering, analysis, design, coding, testing for that need employee
to work on it. That needs to pay money.
Project Cost Analysis & System
•Cost Matrix and COCOMO Model
1.COCOMO (Constructive Cost Estimation Model) was proposed by Boehm.
According to him, any software development project can be classified into one
of the following three categories based on the development complexity:
organic, semidetached, and embedded.
5A ,5B ,5C ,4A ,4B ,3A Providing insurance ,replacing device if need
5D ,5E ,4C ,3B ,3C ,2A ,2B Security provided to system, fire management
system in office ,data backup, power backup
3E ,2E ,2C ,1E ,1D ,1C Providing user manual and well answered FAQ’s
,rich vocabulary database
Quality Assurance Measures
Under the FURPS model, the following characteristics are identified:-
The F in the FURPS+ acronym represents all the system-wide functional
requirements that we would expect to see described.
In privacy protection and intrusion avoidance based on medical data sharing is
share data based on user similarity.
This medical system is used as share information based on cloudlet but we
provide security of the user information
Here it provide search only to authenticated user. It allows user to change his
password securely.
It works on personalized information so its performance is better than other
this is a general bucket of requirements that address supporting the software
Ex. Hospital uses
Testing Strategy Used
Case Test Element Valid Values Valid Invalid R1 R2
Numbers Response Response
1 Are system classes permissible Existence of classes in YES NO YES YES
2 Are system classes generalizations/ Determination of class, YES NO YES YES
specializations permissible super class and subclass
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Base Paper