Global Institutional Industrial Corporate Image Building Public Service Social Advertising

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-Corporate Image Building
-Public Service; Social Advertising
Banks – advertise range of
services, new ways of
distributing their services and
Services – activities, benefits
locational aspects
or satisfactions offered for  Luxury Hotels & Airlines –
sale service quality (copy always
Tangible, inseparable, shows the best room & seats) ,
variable and perishable. home away from home
Require strict quality control,  Personalised services (laundry,
supplier credibility and automotive repairs, beauty
adaptability salons etc) – emphasis on the
institution, ambience, economy
or exclusiveness, quickness and
promptness of service with
Advertising that crosses national and
cultural boundaries
(Cultures not nations define advertising
Ethnocentrism - Tendency to view and value things
through one’s own culture
Self-Reference Criterion (SRC) - Unconscious reference
to own cultural values, experiences, and knowledge to
make decisions
Trends Promoting
Global Advertising
Global communications
The global teenager
Universal demographics and lifestyle trends
Americanization of consumption values
Barriers to Global Communication
 Cultural Barriers
 A message in one country can mean something else in another (P&G,
 Overcome by developing cross-cultural literacy

 Source & Country of Origin Effect

 Source Effects = Receiver of the message (consumer) evaluates the
message based on the status or image of the sender (Honda)
 Country of Origin = Extent to which place of manufacturing influences
product evaluation (Hyundai cars, German cars, French wine)

 Noise Levels
 Amount of other messages competing for a potential consumers attention
(US high)
Global Advertising
Against Standard Advertising
For Standard Advertising
 Cultural differences are such
Significant economic that a message that works in
advantages – lowers the cost one nation can fail in another
of value creation by spreading
cost over many countries

Creative talent is scarce so

one large effort better than
40-50 small Hybrid = select some features to include
in advertising campaigns & localize other
Justification = many brand features -> build global brand
recognition yet customize ads to different
names are global – project cultures
single brand image
Objective –
To create awareness about
 A company
 Its products and services

 Its achievements

 Its values

To make socio-political, economic and moral

 Inform  Appeals used are rational
 Influence the buying persons  Specific – giving evidence of
in purchasing organisations product attributes
 Stimulate queries  Facts and figures
 Get empanelled on the  Media used – trade journals,
buyer’s panel of sources catalogues, brochures, direct
 Get orders mail and exhibits
Part of Institutional Advertising
To maintain Public Relations – deliberate, planned,
and sustained efforts to establish, and maintain
mutual understanding between an organisation and
its public.
May precede share issues to create favourable
climate for investing public
Used in times of crisis
Promotes greater awareness of public causes
Its emotional since it touches one’s deepest fears,
anxieties, and values
Generally created free of charge by advertising
professionals, and media donate the necessary space and
Promotes important social issues
 Female foeticide
 National integration
 Drug addiction
 Blood donation
 Education
Shows Corporate citizenship
May run counter to commercial interests of firms
Alcohol companies propagating responsible drinking,
not to drink and drive
Unit II Advertising strategy planning and organization; Campaign
planning and creativity in advertising; Decision areas in advertising,
Emerging Trends in Indian advertisement; Determination of Target
Unit III Evaluating advertisement Effectiveness. DAGMAR approach.
Advertising agency function, selection and coordination,
Advertisement Agency and Advertiser Agency Relations, working of
advertisement agency. Advertising budget.
Unit IV Media selection, planning, scheduling and strategy; The AIDA
Model, Considerations in Media Planning, types of media, Indoor
media, outdoor media.
Unit V Legal aspects of Advertising Management; advertising art-the
layout of advertisements, preparation of layout.

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