Underwater Foundation
Underwater Foundation
Underwater Foundation
Satrio Triadi Agung Nugroho 22-2013-108
Widi Fasha 22-2013-113
Andre Pranata Setialaksana 22-2013-128
Frizkia Azifa Silmi 22-2013-132
Underwater Foundation
Construction Underwater
Techniques Concreting
Advant Disadv
Types on
ages antages Method
Type Comp Advan Disadv
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Underwater Concreting
Placement Method
Watertight retaining structure .
Permanent in nature.
Used to work on foundation of bridge pier, construction of concrete
dam or for the repair of ships.
Constructed in such a manner so that the water can be pumped out.
Keeps working environment dry.
Type - Box Caissons
Type - Exavated Caissons
caisson yang diletakkan didalam lokasi yang digali. Biasanya berbentuk silinder dan dibuat secara precast
dan diurug dengan beton.
Type - Open Caissons
Type - Pneumatic Caissons
• Large inverted box
on which pier is
• Compressed air is
used to keep the
water and mud
• Used to work on
riverbed or
Advatages of Caissons
◦ Ekonomis
◦ Tingkat kebisingan dan besarnya getaran lebih kecil dalam konstruksi
◦ Mudah disesuaikan berbagai macam kondisi lapangan
◦ Dibutuhkan sedikit peralatan untuk pemasangan rakitan tulangan
◦ Pemasangan terkadang bisa dilakukan di jenis tanah yang tidak bisa ditembus oleh tiang pancang
Disavantages Caissons
◦ Sangat sensitif terhadap prosedur konstruksi yang digunakan
◦ Tidak baik untuk lokasi yang terkontaminasi
◦ Kurangnya ahli konstruksi dalam bidang ini
◦ Kurangnya pengawas yang berkualitas
Caisson disease
◦ Caisson disease is so named since it appeared in construction
workers when they left the compressed atmosphere of the caisson
and rapidly re entered normal (decompressed) atmospheric
◦ Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge, which was built with the help
of caissons, resulted in numerous workers being either killed or
permanently injured by caisson disease during its construction,
including the designer's son and Chief Engineer of the project.
Construction Method (Video)
◦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKeGKYBOK50
◦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF63V3BR7bw
◦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPFrdOsTyI0
Type – Earthen Cofferdam
◦It is constructed in places where the depth
of water is not much, say 13 to 18 in
◦the velocity of the current is very low
◦As a precautionary measure, the earth
bank is carried about one metre above the
water level
◦and the side slopes in a vary from 1 : 1 to
Type – Rockfill Cofferdam
◦ If the depth of water to be retained
by the embankment of cofferdam is
of order of 18 to 3 in
◦ stone or rubble is used for the