Underwater Foundation

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Satrio Triadi Agung Nugroho 22-2013-108
Widi Fasha 22-2013-113
Andre Pranata Setialaksana 22-2013-128
Frizkia Azifa Silmi 22-2013-132
Underwater Foundation

Construction Underwater
Techniques Concreting

Advant Disadv
Types on
ages antages Method

Type Comp Advan Disadv
s onent tages antages Method
Underwater Concreting

Placement Method
Watertight retaining structure .
Permanent in nature.
Used to work on foundation of bridge pier, construction of concrete
dam or for the repair of ships.
Constructed in such a manner so that the water can be pumped out.
Keeps working environment dry.
Type - Box Caissons
Type - Exavated Caissons
caisson yang diletakkan didalam lokasi yang digali. Biasanya berbentuk silinder dan dibuat secara precast
dan diurug dengan beton.
Type - Open Caissons
Type - Pneumatic Caissons
• Large inverted box
on which pier is
• Compressed air is
used to keep the
water and mud
• Used to work on
riverbed or
Advatages of Caissons
◦ Ekonomis
◦ Tingkat kebisingan dan besarnya getaran lebih kecil dalam konstruksi
◦ Mudah disesuaikan berbagai macam kondisi lapangan
◦ Dibutuhkan sedikit peralatan untuk pemasangan rakitan tulangan
◦ Pemasangan terkadang bisa dilakukan di jenis tanah yang tidak bisa ditembus oleh tiang pancang
Disavantages Caissons
◦ Sangat sensitif terhadap prosedur konstruksi yang digunakan
◦ Tidak baik untuk lokasi yang terkontaminasi
◦ Kurangnya ahli konstruksi dalam bidang ini
◦ Kurangnya pengawas yang berkualitas
Caisson disease
◦ Caisson disease is so named since it appeared in construction
workers when they left the compressed atmosphere of the caisson
and rapidly re entered normal (decompressed) atmospheric
◦ Construction of the Brooklyn Bridge, which was built with the help
of caissons, resulted in numerous workers being either killed or
permanently injured by caisson disease during its construction,
including the designer's son and Chief Engineer of the project.
Construction Method (Video)
◦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKeGKYBOK50
◦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF63V3BR7bw
◦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yPFrdOsTyI0
Type – Earthen Cofferdam
◦It is constructed in places where the depth
of water is not much, say 13 to 18 in
◦the velocity of the current is very low
◦As a precautionary measure, the earth
bank is carried about one metre above the
water level
◦and the side slopes in a vary from 1 : 1 to
Type – Rockfill Cofferdam
◦ If the depth of water to be retained
by the embankment of cofferdam is
of order of 18 to 3 in
◦ stone or rubble is used for the

◦ This construction is adopted only if

the stone is easily available in the
nearby areas

◦  The side slope on the water side is

protected by pitching
Type – Single-walled Cofferdam
◦ This type of cofferdam is used in places
where the area to be enclosed is very
small and the depth of water is more, say
4.5 to 6 m
◦  Timber piles known as guide piles are
first driven deep into the firm ground
below the river bed. 
◦ Depending upon the velocity of the
current of the water in the river, the centre
to centre spacing of the piles may vary
between 1.8 to 4 m
◦ After the cofferdam is constructed, the
water in the enclosed area is pumped out
and the construction work is taken up.
Type – Double-walled Cofferdam
◦ For cofferdams required to enclose
larger areas in deep water
◦ This type of cofferdam can be used
in depth of water up to 12 m
◦ The thickness of wall should be
equal to the depth of water up to 3
◦ To prevent the leakage from the
ground below, the sheet piles are
driven to a good depth in the bed.
Type – Braced Cofferdam
◦ In deep waters where it is
difficult to penetrate the
guide piles or sheet piles into
the hard bed below
◦ A braced is a framework of
horizontal timbers installed
in alternate courses to form
pockets which can be filled
with earth or stones
◦ Timber or steel sheet piles
are then driven around the
Type – Cellular Cofferdam
◦ This type of cofferdam is mostly used for de-watering
large areas in places where the depth of water may be
of the order of 18 to 21 m.
◦ Cellular cofferdam is made by driving straight web
steel sheet piles, arranged to from a series of inter-
connected cells
◦  The cells are constructed in various shapes and styles
to suit the requirements of site
◦ Finally the cells are filled with clay, sand or gravel to
make them stable against the various forces to which
they are likely to be subjected to
Component of Cofferdam
◦ Sheet piling
Sheet piling is a manufactured
construction product with a
mechanical connection “interlock”
at both ends of the section. These
mechanical connections interlock
with one another to form a
continuous wall of sheeting.
◦ Brace piling
◦ Concrete seal
Advantages of Cofferdam
◦ Allow excavation and construction of structures in
otherwise poor environment.
◦ Provides safe environment to work.
◦ Contractors typically have design responsibility.
◦ Steel sheet piles are easily installed and removed.
◦ Materials can typically be reused on other projects.
Construction Method
◦ 1. Pre-dredge to remove soil or soft sediments and level the area of the cofferdam
◦ 2. Drive temporary support piles.
◦ 3. Temporarily erect bracing frame on the support piles
◦ 4. Set steel sheet piles.
◦ 5. Drive sheet piles to grade.
◦ 6. Block between bracing frame and sheets, and provide ties for sheet piles at the top as
◦ 7. Excavate inside the grade or slightly below grade, while leaving the cofferdam full of
◦ 8. Drive bearing
◦ 9. Place rock fill as a levelling and support course.
◦ 10. Place Tremie concrete seal .
Comparison Between Caisson and
•Cofferdams are temporary structures and used in cases where the
plan area of foundation is very large, depth of water is less and for
the soft soils, where soils allow easy driving of sheet piles.
•Caissons are permanent structures and becomes economical in cases
where the plan area of foundation is small, large depth of water and
for loose soils.
•Suction caisson anchors are gaining considerable acceptance in the
offshore industry.
Tremie Method
◦ A Tremie is a watertight pipe
◦ Generally 250mm in dia.
◦ Funnel shaped hopper at its upper end and a
loose plug at the bottom.
◦ It is supported on a working platform above
water level.
◦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mFL8r9h8nM
◦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qn3xC-Qv79c
◦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2IJZjzEtgE
Pump Method
◦ Pumping concrete directly into its final
position, involving both horizontal and vertical
delivery of concrete.
◦ Pumping concrete has the advantage of
operational efficiency with potential savings of
time and labour.
◦ For massive underwater concrete construction
of navigation structures, the pump method
should be prohibited.
Toggle Bags
◦ Toggle bags are ideal for small amounts of concrete placement.
◦ The bag is filled in the dry with wet concrete
◦ Used for repair work.
◦ The concrete is squeezed out by a diver.
Bag Work
◦ Bags are made of open weave material.
◦ Diver-handled bags are usually of 10 to 20 litres capacity but 1cub.m bags can be placed using a crane.

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