Unit 4 Construction Equipments p2

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Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Construction Equipment types:

1. Excavating Equipment
2. Hoisting Equipment
3. Earth Compaction Equipment
4. Grading and Finishing Equipment
5. Equipment for mixing concrete
6. Equipment for mixing Asphalt
7. Hauling Equipment
8. Loading Equipment
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Earth Compaction Equipments

 Soil Compaction is the process of removing entrapped air from the soil mass

 Compaction would improve engineering properties of soil

Main Objectives of compaction

To reduce or prevent settlement

To increase the strength of the soil

To improve the bearing capacity of the soil

To control volume changes of the soil

To lower the permeability of soil

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Earth Compaction Equipments

The compaction of soil can be achieved by any of the following methods

1. By impact ( Sharp blows )

2. By vibration ( Shaking )

3. By pressure ( Static Weight )

4. By kneading ( Rearranging soil particles)

The effectiveness of different compaction methods

depends on the type of soil being compacted.
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Earth Compaction Equipments

Appropriate compaction methods for different type of soil

Material Impact Pressure Vibration Kneading

Gravel Poor No Good Very Good

Sand Poor No Excellent Good

Silt Good Good Poor Excellent

Clay Excellent Very Good No Good

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Earth Compaction Equipments

Types of available compacting rollers

1. Smooth wheeled rollers

2. Grid rollers
3. Sheep foot rollers
4. Tamping rollers
5. Smooth drum vibrating soil compactors
6. Pad drum vibrating soil compactors
7. Pneumatic – tired rollers
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Smooth wheel rollers

 This type of rollers are useful for compaction of cohesive

 This type of rollers can be used to compact silt, sandy soil, etc.

 The weight of these rollers varies from 5.5 tones to 24.0

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Smooth wheel rollers

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Smooth wheel rollers

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Smooth wheel rollers

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Sheep foot rollers

 Sheep foot rollers consists of a hollow drum

 On the periphery of the drum, pads or projections of the

shape of the sheep’s foot are attached.

 Due to the shape of these projections, the roller is called

sheep foot roller.

 To obtain the desired weight of the drum, it is filled with

moist sand and stones.

 This roller can be used to compact silty sand and sandy

clay, Clayey soils, Medium and heavy clay.
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Sheep foot rollers

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Sheep foot rollers

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Grid Rollers

 In this roller, an iron grid made of 4.0 cm diameter rods is

used to compact the cohesion less soil.

 Usually two rollers attached to the axle of the machine.

 Concrete blocks, rock pieces etc. can be put on these

rollers to increase the weight.

 This roller can be drawn by tractor at a speed of 16 km / hr

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Grid rollers
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Grid rollers
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Grid rollers
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Tamping Rollers
 These rollers are similar to sheepsfoot rollers with lugs of
larger area than sheepsfoot rollers.
 The tamping or pressing foot rollers are high speed, non
vibrating rollers
 These rollers have four steel padded wheels.

 The pads are smaller at their face than at their base at the

 The working speed of rollers vary from 13 kmph to 19 kmph

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Tamping rollers
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Vibrating compactors
 Vibration create impact forces, which result in greater
compacting power than an equivalent static load.

 Vibratory compactors are more economical than static load


 Vibratory compactors are the best option for non cohesive

soils such as sand, gravel etc .

 Vibratory compactors may be smooth drum vibratory

compactors or padded drum vibratory compactors.
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Smooth drum Vibratory compactors

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Smooth drum vibratory compactors

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Padded drum Vibratory compactors

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Pneumatic tired rollers

 These are surface rollers and work on the principle of
kneading action to produce compaction.

 The rear tires are spaced in such a way that they travel
over the surface between the front tires, ensuring the
complete coverage .
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Pneumatic tired rollers

Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Grading and Finishing Equipments

 Grading is the process of bringing earthwork to the desired

shape and elevation (or grade).

 Finish grading or finishing involves smoothing slopes,

shaping ditches and bringing the earthwork to the elevation
required by the plans and specification.
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Grading and Finishing Equipments

Motor Grader
 Motor grader is one of the most versatile earthmoving

 It can be used for light stripping, grading, finishing,

trimming, bank sloping, ditching, back filling and scarifying

 It is also capable of mixing and spreading soil and

asphaltic mixtures.

 It is used on building construction projects as well as in

heavy and highway construction
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Grading and Finishing Equipments

Motor Grader
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Grading and Finishing Equipments

Motor Grader
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Grading and Finishing Equipments

Grade Excavators or Trimmers

 Grade excavators or trimmers are machines capable of
finishing roadway and airfield sub grades and bases faster
and more accurately than motor graders

 They are capable of scarifying and removing soil and old

asphalt pavement.

 Trimmers are usually equipped with integral belt conveyors

that are used for loading excavated material into haul
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Grading and Finishing Equipments

Grade Excavators
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Grading and Finishing Equipments

Grade Excavators
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Grading and Finishing Equipments

Grade Excavators
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Grading and Finishing Equipments

Grade Excavators
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Equipments for mixing concrete

 Concrete is produced by mixing Portland cement , coarse

aggregate, fined aggregate and water

 Some times another component, an additive, will be added

to improve the workability or other properties of the concrete
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Equipments for mixing concrete

 The construction operations involved in the production of

concrete include

a. Batching
b. Mixing
c. Transporting
d. Placing
e. Consolidating
f. Finishing
g. Curing
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Equipments for mixing concrete

The process of proportioning cement, water, aggregates and
additives prior to mixing concrete is called batching

 If the ingredients are measured by weight, it is

called weigh batching

 If the ingredients are measured by volume, it is

called volume batching
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Equipments for mixing concrete

Concrete mixers are available as wheel mounted units,
portable plants and stationary plants.

 The wheel mounted concrete mixer is used for small

projects where ready mixed concrete is not available

 Trailer mounted mixers are capable of mixing and

transporting the concrete
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Equipments for mixing concrete

Transporting and handling the concrete

A number of different items of equipment are available for
transporting concrete from the mixer to its place of use.

a. Transit mixer trucks or Agitator trucks

b. Dump trucks
c. Conveyors
d. Pumps
e. Cranes with concrete buck
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Grading and Finishing Equipments

Concrete mixing
Dump trucks
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Grading and Finishing Equipments

Concrete mixing
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4
Grading and Finishing Equipments

Concrete mixing
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Equipments for mixing Asphalt

 Bituminous materials include both asphalt and tar

 Bituminous surfaces are used to provide a roadway wearing

surface and to protect the underlying material from moisture.

 Bituminous surfaces are produced by mixing solid particles

(aggregates) and a bituminous material.

 Asphalt plants are used to produce hot mix asphalt (HMA)

from asphalt cement.
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Paving and Surface Treatment

 Both concrete and asphalt mixes are used to construct


 Asphalt pavements are called flexible pavements and

concrete pavements are called rigid pavements.
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Asphalt Paving
 The bituminous or asphalt distributor is used to apply liquid
bituminous material
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Asphalt Paving
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Asphalt Paving
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Asphalt Paving
Construction Equipments and Methods Unit 4

Asphalt Paving
Hauling Equipment

• Dump trucks – Used to move clay, dirt, soils, and sands. Side and rear dump trucks dispose
of materials through the body attached to the chassis of the truck.
Bottom dump trucks have two gates that open from the bottom to dispose of materials.
• Hauling trucks – Used to transport a fleet of equipment (for general, military, or service
construction) from one location to another.
Loading Equipment
• Forklift:

If materials need to be transported a short distance, forklift equipment can be used. The
lift can move materials both vertically and horizontally. Usually used in warehouses. This
equipment is great for loading and unloading heavy packages/materials.
• Telehandlers:
A telehandler is used for jobs where a forklift is inadequate. It’s more heavy-duty than a
forklift and can access much higher areas as well.

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