Dental III - Entering AM & PM Records

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Entering Postmortem

and Antemortem Records

Dental Training Module III

Richard M. Scanlon, D.M.D.

A special thanks to
Linda Himmelberger
for her skills in editing the modules
and for reviewing the content for
clarity in the presentation of this

This training module will deal with the creation of a WinID3

database and the entry of antemortem and postmortem non-
graphic data into WinID3. These procedures are essential since
consistency and accuracy are paramount when compiling the
database for use in the comparison process. The data entered
during an actual disaster will be entered and checked by no less
than two members so to be absolutely certain accurate data is
utilized during the comparison. Remember Jim McGivney’s
axiom, JIJO (Junk In, Junk Out)
Required Skill

Entry of antemortem and postmortem dental records into

WinID3 is considered a required dental team member skill.
All members of the dental team must be able to accomplish
this task, since it is essential for operation of WinID3. Other
skills within WinID3 and Dexis are optional skills that can
be delegated to specific team members; however the entry of
the antemortem and postmortem dental records remains an
essential requirement for all dental team members.
Participation Training
When viewing this slide presentation, from time to time you
will see a small WinID3 Icon with a Stop Sign. This icon
represents a reminder that while reviewing this presentation
you should stop and open WinID3 to the viewing screen and
attempt the procedure or action that is being explained in
the PowerPoint module at that time. This will make the
training much more beneficial than reading the slides alone.
Remember, when you see this icon, stop and open WinID3.

You should also print the slides for

reference, by right clicking on the screen in
PowerPoint viewer and selecting Print.
First: Creation of A New Database
The creation of a new database is required when beginning a
disaster operation. Each disaster should have one and only
one database. To create a new database, first access WinID3.
To access the program you go to the START button on the
lower left of your computer screen, and click it. Immediately
above the START button is another button called “ALL
PROGRAMS”. Click this and look for the WinID3 icon; click
on it and the WinID3 Database selection screen will open.
Second: Select a Database to Open
Before a new
WinID3 database can
be created, you must
open any WinID3
database. To open
WinID3 a database it
must be selected and
opened. Click on
“Sample” to open
Third: New Database
After selection of a database, the main screen of WinID3 will
open. To create a new database, click the button
“File” on the
upper right bar.
A drop down
window will
Now click
New Database
When the Create New Database command is selected the
window below opens. A blinking cursor is present in the File
Name Box

Type the name of

your new database
and when
complete, click on
This will create a
database with the
name you have
Adding Records to a Database
Each time a new database is created, a postmortem and
antemortem “dummy” record is created. Do not delete these
records until
you have entered at
least one
antemortem and
postmortem record.
Now let’s review
what data must be
entered for either a
postmortem or
antemortem record.
Data Entry
Initial Identification
Antemortem and Postmortem
Record Differences

The data entry fields for Postmortem and Antemortem records

differ in some areas. In the lower right corner of a slide you
will see designation – AM, PM or AM & PM. This will assist
you in determining how to complete an Antemortem or
Postmortem record. If you see an AM, this field is only in an
antemortem record, PM for only postmortem records, and AM
& PM, when the field is the same in both antemortem and
postmortem records.

Entry Differences for
Antemortem Records
There are some differences in the entry of data for
antemortem dental records during the initial entry of data.
As with postmortem data, antemortem data has a unique
identifier that must be entered when first adding a new
record. This identifier can be the last name and first and
middle name initials or the first 12 letters of the last name.
For continuity or security, a number with the prefix “A”
starting at 001 may be used in place of the name. This is
option will be determined by the specifics of the incident.

Examples: Scanlon, RM or A018

New Record Command
To add a new record to an existing database, or to
begin adding records to a new database, you click
on the “Add New” Button.
A drop down menu will appear, click on either
postmortem or antemortem depending on which
record you wish to enter.
Entering the ID Number
The first information entered into either a postmortem or
antemortem record is the ID #. For disasters, follow the prescribed
format for numbering , here we will enter all postmortem numbers
with a “P” prefix, with the first number starting with 001.
Therefore, our first entry is “P001”.
Each successive record will
be increased by one so the
second record will be “P002”.
This number is a tracking
number and not a coroner or
body bag number.
Enter your name “as the
person entering the record”.
Click OK to finish.
Entering Data
After clicking “Ok” the following screen will appear. The ID
entered will appear in the first entry box on this screen.

The NCIC # will not be utilized in a disaster

deployment unless the coroner or ME requests NCIC
entry of unknowns. It pertains to the use of the NCIC
2000 database for missing or unidentified persons.

Entering Data – Originating #
Now that we have entered the unique ID # (P001), we need to
consider entering further postmortem data. The next areas to
consider are “Originating Agency “ and “Originating agency #”.
Both are normally left blank, unless working with an agency in
conjunction with a medical examiner or coroner such as the FBI,
and they have a unique tracking number.

Entry of Name for Antemortem
After the unique identifier, enter the Last Name, First Name
and MI. 25 spaces are available for the First and Last name.
Date of birth, if known may be entered.

AM Only
The next postmortem entries that may be entered are the
“MedExam/Cor” block and “MedExam/Cor #” block. These
are self-explanatory. The county or state identifier with the
jurisdiction should be entered in this block; i.e.: Somerset
County. In the “MedExam/Cor #” block enter the coroner or
medical examiner number in this area. This will help cross
reference the data for the coroner or medical examiner; : i.e.. A-

PM Only
Date Body Found
Estimated Age
The Date Body Found is self-explanatory. The date must be in the
format 2/3/2004. The estimated age entry is optional based on the
condition of the remains, and may be entered later, if the medical
autopsy has not been completed prior to the dental postmortem
examination. For “EstAge” a range of ages is used.

PM Only
Body Parts Not Recovered
To enter body parts not recovered, click on the small triangle at the
end of the entry box. Then click on the part not recovered. If
multiple parts are not recovered, hold down the Ctrl Key and click
the parts not recovered in the list on the right. When finished press
the Tab Key. This data entry may not be utilized in incidents with
fragmented remains.

PM Only
Antemortem Records
The next entry is for Date Last Contact. As part of our
Region III protocol, we will enter the date of the last
radiographs or, if no radiographs are available, then date of
last treatment. This entry will be apparent when conducting
comparisons, and will be discussed later.

AM Only
Disposition Entry

Disposition is the next AM and PM entry. As with the

Postmortem entry, this denotes the status of the identification
as it relates to the current disaster. Either “Active” or
“Identified” will be used.

Disposition - Identified
If “Identified” is selected, a secondary data entry box opens to
permit the linking of this identity to a specific postmortem
record. To complete the link click on the appropriate
Postmortem record number. This designation does not remove
the records from the either AM or PM database, allowing them
to still be available for subsequent comparisons. It will show
both the AM and PM records as identified when using the Status

Post Mortem Condition
The Post Mortem Condition data box is used to describe the
condition of the remains at the dental postmortem examination.
After clicking on the data entry box, you can either enter you own
description or you can by click on one of the descriptions on the

PM Only
Linked Graphic

The Linked Graphic and Add Graphic Button will be

explained in a later module dealing with the linking of
digital graphics to a specific dental record.

Type of Case
The Type of Case data entry box when selected, will display a list of
various manner of death descriptors. One of the descriptors on the
list may be chosen by clicking on it, or you may type in your own
descriptor. Only 15 spaces are available for an optional entry.

Data Entry
Physical Identifiers
Physical Identifiers
Once data entry is complete for the Name Data on a specific
entry, the next area that will be displayed (after pressing the
Tab Key in the final field of the Name screen) is the Identifiers
screen. This screen can also be accessed at anytime by clicking
the “Identifiers” tab at the top of either the AM or PM record

This screen permits physical identifiers to be entered for both

antemortem and postmortem records. These identifiers may not be
apparent for many dental postmortem examinations and entry of
this data may be deferred to the pathologist or anthropologist
during their previous or subsequent examinations.
Physical Identifiers
The Identifiers screen is identical for both antemortem and
postmortem entry. Each field has a drop down list accessed by
clicking on the small black triangle at the far right of each entry
box. When clicked, the box opens and gives the options available
for that particular field. Height and Weight are entered as a range
of values in postmortem entries

User Designated Fields
User designated fields will not be used for most WinID3 data
entry. They are user determined optional data fields.

Data Entry

Dental Descriptors
Data Entry – Dental
This next area of data entry is the most critical for the
WinID3 operator. The data entered into this area is what
the WinID3 algorithms use to sort and prioritize the
antemortem or postmortem records. While a mistake or
misinterpretation of the dental charting is not fatal, it does
lower the possibility that a particular antemortem or
postmortem record will be placed high on the list of “Best
Therefore, it is important to be careful when entering the
dental data. It will be Region III protocol to have this
accomplished by two members, who will cross check and
verify each entry.
WinID3 Dental Descriptors
Before proceeding, it is important that you are familiar
with the WinID3 descriptors and how they are used to
chart dental restorations and conditions. Please use this
opportunity to study the attached chart with the WinID3
descriptors before continuing. It is advisable to have the
chart available at your computer when completing the
next section.
After this module, we will be sending a list of dental
restorations and conditions for you to chart with WinID3
and then a series of dental exams in order to practice data
entry before going to the next module.
Accessing the Dental Screen
The Dental Screen is accessed by clicking on the Dental tab at the
top of either the Antemortem or Postmortem Record.

WinID3 Descriptors
Primary Codes Secondary Codes
M - Mesial A – Annotation
O - Occlusal B - Deciduous
D - Distal C - Crown
F - Facial E - Resin
L - Lingual G - Gold
I – Incisal H - Porcelain
U – Unerupted N - Non-Precious
V – Virgin P - Pontic
X - Missing R - Root Canal
J – MissCr MPM S - Silver Amalgam
/ - No Data T - Denture Tooth
Z - Temporary
Standard Comments for WinID3

Abrasion Ortho RPD

Apico Pedo Sealant

Cong Miss Pin Silver Pt
Cyst Post SuperNu
Hemisect Resorb Temp
Impaction Retainer Torus
Implant RetroFill Written Record Narrative
Opacity Root Tip Date of X-Rays
Dental Chart Entry
The Dental Chart Entry is identical in both the antemortem and
postmortem records. It contains a written chart and an
odontogram for visualization of the dental antemortem record or
postmortem examination

Dental Data Entry
The entry screen also has a rapid entry area for individuals with
dentures, all missing teeth or all virgin teeth. If your record has
these specific conditions you may use these “shortcuts” to save
time and ensure an accurate entry

Dental Data Entry
To begin the entry of dental data, click on the small box
with the number “1” at the top left of the screen. It
represent tooth number 1 or the maxillary right third molar.
Always start with tooth number “1”, even if not present.
Unless you have used the shortcuts to pre-enter all the
maxillary conditions.

If editing an
record, just
click on the
tooth or teeth
to be edited.
Dental Data Entry
When you click on the box #1, an Enter Dental box opens and
displays the dental entry screen. A small rectangle on the left
side of the Enter Dental box is highlighted. In the center is a
series of boxes with letters that represents dental conditions and
tooth surfaces.
To enter data,
click on the
lettered box or
type the entry
in the
Dental Data Entry
To aid the entry of data, a list of Primary and Secondary
codes is displayed on the right of the Enter Dental screen.
The primary and secondary codes shown are the only codes
that will be accepted by WinID3.

To enter an MOD
amalgam on tooth
#3, you may either
type in “MODS” or
click on the M , O,
D, square and then
type an “S”.

Dental Data Entry
Notice the format is SMOD in the entry box. Confirm that
this is the correct designator, and if you need to enter further
descriptors click “Next Tooth”. If you are only editing one
tooth or are finished entry, click “OK”. To cancel, click
If you click
“Next Tooth”,
you will see a
new screen to
enter data for
the next tooth
in numerical
Dental Data Entry
When you click “OK” at the end of the entry of data, the original
screen appears. Note the “SMOD” is now in the correct format
“MOD S’ and the odontogram is appropriately filled out and
labeled with an “S” for amalgam.

Now click on any

other tooth
number and enter
a sequence of
restorations or
conditions to

Data Entry
Data – Entry Comments

WinID3 standard codes as you can see do not cover all

possible treatment options that may be present in a
dental examination or “translation” of a dental chart.
To accommodate the “other” category of treatment and
pathology options, one has the ability to enter a
Comment for each individual tooth.
Comments are to be used sparingly. Standard
comments are available; however, any type of comment
can be entered.
Data Entry - Comments
To enter a comment for a particular tooth, enter an “A” for
Annote. After entering an “A” descriptor, click on the Next
box. With the “A” entered , a message will come up asking if
you wish to enter a Standard Code. Click “Yes” if you wish to
enter a code.

Data – Entry Comments
This is the Standard
Comments Screen that
appears when you click YES.
Enter a single or multiple
comment by clicking on the
box to the right of the
comment. Only standard
comments should be entered,
unless approval for non-
standard comments has been
granted by either the AM or
PM Section Leader.
To enter date of x-rays click
the box and enter a date.
Data – Entry Comments
When you click Ok at the bottom of the Standard Code
Box it will automatically enter the tooth number and code
in Comment Section. The comment section can be
viewed by clicking on the Comments Tab.

Data Entry
Module Review
Now let’s review the areas that we have covered in this
module. Along with this review, members should
practice the translation of common dental charting
into WinID3 descriptors and practice entering those
newly charted descriptors into WinID3. Only with
actual practice will members become proficient.
Team exercises will be also sent to aid in practicing
WinID3 Dental Data Entry.
Data Entry
Module Review
The following are WinID3 skills that you should be able
to accomplish after completing this module.

• Creation of a new Database

• Adding a New AM or PM record.
• Entry of Identifier Data for a new record.
• Body Parts Not Recovered Entry
• Disposition of a Record – Identified
Data Entry
Module Review Continued

• WinID3 Entry Descriptors

• Physical Identifiers Entry
• Entry of Dental Data
• Entry of Standard Dental Comments
Data Entry
This concludes the data entry module for WinID3. This is
an important module and should be reviewed regularly to
maintain your proficiency. This one section outlines the
single most important aspect of dental data entry at a
disaster. All dental team members must be proficient in
the entry of antemortem and postmortem data before
deployment to a disaster area.
This is a mission critical skill and will be used as a basis
for determining the deployment of dental team members
when Region III is alerted.
Home Study

Now that you have completed this module, further study to

be come accomplished in this important task is necessary.
A list of dental restorations and conditions will be sent to
allow you to hone you “translation” skills. You should
also prepare by entering into the WinID3 Sample database
10-20 dental patient records from your office. This will
give you experience in data entry and WinID3 translation.
As always, if you have any questions concerning WinId3
please let me know.
Rich Scanlon
The End Module III
Entering AM and PM
Dental Records

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