3-1 Dynamic Light Scattering

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Dynamic Light Scattering

Dynamic Light Scattering(DLS) is a non-invasive technique for measuring the size of particles
and molecules in suspension.
• Particle/molecular size
• Size distribution

DLS doesn’t measure the size of the particles directly, it measures the Brownian motion of
the particles and uses this information to determine their hydrodynamic size.
Brownian Motion
Brownian motion: random movement of particles which results from the bombardment of
collision of the solvent molecules.

• Related to size of particles

• Related to viscosity of the suspension
• Related to temperature

-smaller particles moves or diffuses more rapidly

-larger particles moves or diffuses more slowly
-velocity of the Brownian Motion can be quantified as
the translational diffusion coefficient(D)
Hydrodynamic Size
The translational diffusion coefficient(D) can be converted to the size of a particle using
Stoke-Einstein equation

  𝑘 𝐵𝑇
𝐷𝐻 =
3 𝜋𝜂 𝐷

 : Boltzman’s constant
: absolute temperature
: viscosity
: hydrodynamic size

Hydrodynamic size: the size of a sphere that diffuses/moves at the same speed as the
particle being measured.
Dynamic Light Scattering
How does DLS work?

DLS experiment
Determine and study the z-average, Polydispersity index(PDI), and zeta-potential(ZP) of a
polystyrene(PS) standard and zeolitic imidazolate framework-8 (ZIF-8) samples.

z-average: represent the hydrodynamic parameter or the average size of the particle for the

PDI: describes the size distribution. PDI values between 0.0~0.3 are considered acceptable
by industrial standards, but values greater than 0.7 are not compatible with DLS.

ZP: describes the surface charge of the particle in a colloidal. An indicator of stability of
particles in the colloidal. Very negative(<-60 mv) or very positive(>+60 mv) ZP indicate
excellent stability(particles repel each other due to high voltages with the same sign)

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