MIS Presentation

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Aisheryo,adnan nasif
ID: 18-39079-3
Monty,Aydreela Dey
ID: 18-37798-2
Saba Tabassum
Rubaiyat, Tanzin

Medicine is one of the vital need of human and the pharmacies are the
first point for getting medicines. Our business mission will be to satisfy
customers by providing prescription medicine at the best price. This is
a startup business. Our primary stakeholders will be

•Pharmaceutical firms
Business Process

Our business process are listed below

•Inventory Management
•Account & Finance
•Sales & Marketing
•HR Management
•Operations Management
Inventory Management

Inventory management is one of the important process in our business.

We will follow below list to manage our inventory

• Regular check of quantity

• Customer demands
• Check of expiry
• Risk assessment
Account & Finance

As our business is startup business we will try to maintain accounting
by following these procedure

• Selecting a method for accounting

• Recording transactions
• Making a chart of accounts
Account & Finance

To grow in competitive market we will try to follow these financing
terms for our startup

• Making plans for sale forecast

• Making a startup budget
• Use of available funds
• Income calculation

After doing above these we will analyze to check our profits, losses and
other terms.
Marketing & Sales

The marketing plans will be based on two methods. First one will be
online based and another one will be offline based
For online we will take help of social media platforms like
• Facebook
• Twitter
• Instagram
For offline marketing we will use
• Billboard and Leaflet
Marketing & Sales

Our sale plans will be based on customer relationship. We will try to
maintain long-term relationship by providing best service towards
our customers. As a part of marketing we will
try to grab customers by giving discount
promotion on medicines to increase our
HR Management

Our startup company will consist HR department to make sure our

policies, practice and system remain smooth. We will focus these
term to ensure good HR management.

• Staff recruitment
• Staff retention
• Compliance
• Changing management
Operation Management

Our startup company will have these for Operation management

•Right dosing and dispensing

•Focusing on drug diversion
•Maintaining drug supply flow
•Safe handling of dangerous drugs
•Maintaining right environment to store drugs
Competitive Rivalry - High
• The majority of the industry's members have been around for a
long time and are well-known around the world. Profit margins
are high, there are a lot of small and big players, and there are a
lot of government regulations, so it's a very competitive industry.
• Another cause is the recent pattern of major industries absorbing
small competitors by mergers and acquisitions.
• Biotech and generics technological advances have boosted
innovation even further, as firms have no choice but to adopt
innovative ideas.
• The overall competitive rivalry in the pharmaceutical business is
Threat of New Entry - Low
• The costs of setting up a production facility, research and
development, marketing, sales, and delivery are all important.
• A high risk of no return on investment exists if a company
fails to deliver the requisite new drugs on schedule, resulting
in millions of dollars in losses. Established players have built
economies of scale, which has resulted in higher earnings.
• Another explanation is the lengthy clearance process by
regulatory agencies. The low threat of new competitors is also
due to established labels and product distinction.
Threat of New Entry - Low
• A new entrant would also find it difficult to gain access to a
distribution system. The majority of shoppers choose
pharmacy labels that they have already used. So, the new
entrant will face the tough time grabbing market share.
• Since the majority of medicines are generic, newcomers would
have to start from scratch. As a result, the risk of new entrants
is minimal.
Bargaining Power of Suppliers - Low
• Since medications are made in-house, the
pharmaceutical industry only needs the raw material for
the medication.
• The second criterion is the packaging and processing
facilities infrastructure.
• The packaging material is the third factor that suppliers
supply. Many of these are products that a variety of
vendors are able to supply.
• As a result, they are unable to manipulate or bergain the
stock price.
Bargaining Power of Buyers - High
• New drug patents are valid for twenty years, enabling the
company to set the price over that period. After that, generic
manufacturing begins, and prices continue to fall.
• Similarly, while big customers like hospitals have some
purchasing power, individual customers have little to none.
• The brand name is another consideration. The buyers'
purchasing position is weakened by the prospect. Today's
buyers have access to the internet, which enables them to do
further drug testing in addition to a doctor's prescription.
• In overall the bargaining power of the buyers or is high.
Threat of Substitutes - Medium
• There is no replacement for a prescription that is already in its
patent time. When the patent era ends, however, generic
manufacturing starts, and a variety of alternatives emerge.
• Alternative medications and alternatives of these drugs are the
second threat.
• In addition, homeopathic and nutritional therapies can be used
in place of prescription medications. Many medications may
be replaced by promoting a healthy lifestyle, such as a regular
diet, exercise, and other physical activity.
• Thus, the threat of substitutes is from Low to Medium.
Assessing the bargaining power
Economic MOAT-

• Online purchase: We will available our all medicine in

our website. Customer can purchase medicine from
• Bind up: We can bind up with our nearby doctor. That he
will prescribe medicine from our shop. Thus our
customer will be increase.
• Special item: We can make separate display rack for
surgical item.
• Delivery: We will provide free delivery if any customer is
not want to came shop.
Economic MOAT-

• Publicity: We will make website and keep all of

our medicine list there. We can open facebook
page as well as.
• Membership Card: We will give our membership
card to our customer that he/she can get
discount about their purchase.
• Payment system: We are getting digitalized. Our
payment system should have to digital that time
will be consumed our customer.
Economic MOAT-
• Efficiency and productivity: We will
available our online platform 24 hours. If
any customer need any medicine at night
that he can purchase their necessary at
any time and anywhere. And we will sell
our product with 30% discount to our old
Porter’s Generic Strategies-
• Cost leadership: We will provide our
product at reasonable price. We sell our
medicine in less profit. And we sometimes
will give free service to our customer.
• Differentiation: We will serve our product in
different way. We keep special rack for
surgery item, where customer can get
surgical product at reasonable. And we will
discount our customer as well as.
Porter’s Generic Strategies-
• Cost Focus: Here, we will target a small
market and sell our product there. We
don’t open any phermacy chain. We we
open our shop in crowd place nearby
doctor clinic, hospital or nursing home.In
small area we will provide best service to
our customer.
Value chain for Medicine shop

Manufacturing of
Illustrative Distribution Dispensing

 Research and • Medicine asset • Medicine asset

development • Delivery
Cost  Manufacturing
• Online purchase
• Labour, facilities,
Incurred  Import and export •

Promotion • Less popular
 Promotion Bind up

• Medicine
• Ensuring continuous Availability
• Innovation
medicine supply • Pharmacist advice
• Essential documents
Value Added • Quality assured
• Waste management • Patient
• Order processing convenience
medicine • Additional
Medicine manufacturing is the process of industrial-scale creation of
pharmaceutical Medicines by pharmaceutical companies. The means
Technology of Medicine manufacture can be broken down into a series of unit operations.
Milling, granulation, coating, and tablet pressing are all potential parts of the

Promotion More demand

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