ECE Millipede
ECE Millipede
ECE Millipede
(a) (b)
In a uniform array with (a) 120-nm pitch and (b) variable pitch
(>40 nm), resulting in bit area densities of up to 400 Gb/in . I
mages obtained with a thermal read-back technique
Read one bit
The hot tip heats a small volume of polymer material to more than Tg: the s
hear modulus of the polymer drops drastically from GPa to MPa, which in t
urn allows the tip to indent the polymer. In response, elastic stress (represe
nted as compression springs) builds up in the polymer. In addition, viscous
forces (represented as pistons) associated with the relaxation time for the lo
cal deformation of molecular segments limit the indentation speed
Visco-elastic model of bit writing
The heating pulse length was 10 us, the load about 10 nN. The gray scale is
the same for all images. The heater temperatures for the bit on the left-hand
side are 445, 400, 365, and 275°C for the polymers Polysulfone, PMMA II
(anionically polymerized PMMA, M ~ 26k), PMMA I (Polymer Standard S
ervice (Germany) M ~ 500k), and Polystyrene, respectively. The temperatu
re increase between events on the horizontal axis was 14, 22, 20, and 9°C, r
The heater temperature threshold for writing
Here, a load of about 200 nN was applied before a heating pulse of 10-us length wa
s fired. The temperature of the heater at the end of the pulse has been increased from
430 to 610°C in steps of about 10.6°C. (a) The load was sufficient to form a plastic i
ndentation even if the polymer is not heated enough to come near the glass transitio
n, (b) By increasing the heater temperature a swelling of the polymer occurs which
works against the indentation and leads to an erasure of previously written "cold" bit
s, (c) As this process continues, the thermomechanical formation of indentations beg
ins to dominate until, finally, normal thermomechanical bit writing occurs.
Indentations in a PMMA film at several distances