Smart Cameras As Embedded Systems: Raksha Sudhakar
Smart Cameras As Embedded Systems: Raksha Sudhakar
Smart Cameras As Embedded Systems: Raksha Sudhakar
Raksha Sudhakar
• Smart cameras are equipped with a high-
performance onboard computing and
communication infrastructure, combining
in a single embedded device
– video sensing
– processing
– communications
• Networks of embedded cameras can
potentially support more complex and
challenging applications:
– Tracking
– Motion analysis
• “From Analog to Digital Cameras”:
• 1st generation surveillance: analog equipment
(closed circuit TV cameras transmitted video
signal over analog lines)
• 2nd generation: digital back-end components;
allow real time automated analysis of incoming
• 3rd generation: complete digital transformation;
video converted in digital domain at the camera
and transmitted via a computer network;
cameras can also compress video to save
• 4th generation: intelligent cameras; perform low-level
image processing operations on the captured frames
onboard to improve video compression and intelligent
host efficiency
– however most of the processing is done at a central unit