Biomechanics of Work: Yansen Theopilus, S.T., M.T
Biomechanics of Work: Yansen Theopilus, S.T., M.T
Biomechanics of Work: Yansen Theopilus, S.T., M.T
Biomechanics of Work
2. Musculoskeletal System
3. Musculoskeletal Disorder
4. Biomechanic Models
5. Design Considerations
Mary is the CEO of a package-shipping company. She and
managementher team recently decided to increase the package weight limit
from 80 per package to 145 pounds, hoping to increase
pounds and competitiveness of the company. This decision
immediately stirred an uproar among the workers, and the union is
planning to organize a strike. The union believes that the new package
weight limit puts workers at a great risk of physical injury. “Actually, the
current weight limit of 80 pounds is already too high!” some workers
Mary does not wish to put the workers in a dangerous work environment.
She does not want to see a strike in her company. She is also afraid of
any lawsuits against the company if a worker gets injured in the
workplace. But at the same time, Mary wants to see the company
survive and succeed in a competitive market, and to do so, she has to
constantly improve the productivity. She wonders, “Is the limit of 145
pounds too high? Is it true that 80 pounds is already too heavy? Is there
any scientific answer to these questions?”
Bentuk Tulang:
Long Bone (tulang paha, tulang lengan)
Short Bone (tulang jari)
Flat Bone (tulang tengkorak)
Irregular Bone (tulang rahang)
Sesamoid Bone (tempurung lutut)
Jenis Otot:
Otot Rangka : Penempel pada kerangka
Otot Halus : Pada organ tubuh lembut (perut, usus, dll)
8 Otot Jantung Ergonomics – Biomechanics of Work
Musculoskeletal system
Kontraksi otot dapat terjadi dalam 3
jenis yaitu :
diakibatkan iritasi
dan nervus
Model Biomekanika
Tulang Belakang Chaffin
(Chaffin, 1991)
M L5 / S1 0
dimana :
T = sudut antara sumbu badan dengan sumbu vertikal
K = sudut pada lutut
Gaya Geser (FS) : 0
F shear
sin m g b w sin mgl o a d
FS 0 Ergonomics – Biomechanics of Work
REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment)
Rapid Entire Body Assessment worksheet (REBA)
merupakan tools untuk mengukur postur kerja secara statis
yang sangat praktis dan murah
RULA Score
RWL = LC x HM x VM x DM x AM x FM x CM
di mana:
RWL= Recommended Weight Limit (kg)
LC = Konstanta pembebanan = 23 kg
HM = Faktor pengali horisontal = 25/H
VM = Faktor pengali vertikal = 1 - 0,003. V-75
DM = Faktor pengali perpindahan = 0,82 + 4,5/D
AM = Faktor pengali asimetrik = 1 - 0,0032.A
FM = Faktor pengali frekuensi (Cat : 75 cm = 30 inch)
CM = Faktor pengali kopling
46 Ergonomics – Biomechanics of Work
NIOSH (Recommended Weight Limit)
Definition of Components of NIOSH Lifting Equation
Component Metric System U.S. System
LC (Load Constant) 23 kg 51 lb
𝐵𝑒𝑏𝑎𝑛 𝐵𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡
𝐿𝐼 =
di mana:
LI > 1 -> Beresiko menyebabkan Kerugian
kesehatan (MSD)
LI < 1 -> Tidak Beresiko mengalami MSD
The job requires the worker to move tote boxes from from an
incoming flat conveyor to an outgoing J-hook conveyor at a
rate of about three boxes per minute. Each tote box weighs 15
lbs, and the worker performs this job for 8 hours each day.
The worker can grasp the tote box quite comfortably. The
physical dimensions of the workplace that are relevant for
using the NIOSH lifting equation are shown in Figure. Worker
needs to twist his torso about 80o while transferring a tote box
from the incoming to the outgoing conveyor.
57 Ergonomics – Biomechanics of Work
NIOSH (Recommended Weight Limit)
RWL untuk Multi Task Lifting Job
n = New task no. diperoleh dari pengurutan tugas dari nilai STLI terbesar ke
Ergonomics – Biomechanics of Work
NIOSH (Recommended Weight Limit)
Contoh Job Analysis untuk NIOSH (untuk Multiple job)
Create the report about your findings! Include the pictures in your