Total Quality Management

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We add Value to your Life!!

 Name:
James Charles Okiror
James Charles Okiror MMBAA, MIBD, MIITM, MIETU, HTD (M), BMD
Cell: +256 776 471892/+256 752 471891

Skype: james.okiror2

 Some of Our associates:

– Power Engineering Ltd: Eng. Y. k. Balemezi (Ugandan); Eng. Michael Kabanda

– Thornbury Consulting Associates: Jan Thornbury (Irish).

– Business Education Design (Pty.) Ltd.: Ian Clark (SA)
– LWAP: Anne Wakudumira (Ugandan)
– PEDEXS (U) Ltd.: Benson Amwata (Ugandan)
– LWAZI/The Work Place Dynamics: Delphine du Toit (Canadian/SA)
– DMSA: Dr. Mark J Paiker, PhD(Wits); AW Samson, B. Bus. Sc.(UCT); MJ Greyling, MSc (Stats);
Consultant: Professor LP Fatti, MSc, DIC (London), PhD (Wits)
Please introduce yourself with…
 Your name
 What you do at Your Organisation
 Identify 2 key things that will help you to be successful with TQM at your
– If you had the power to change one thing in Tukole Uganda or Your Group, what
would it be?

TQM, QC, PDCA backbone of KAIZEN process Module

• Introductions
• Definition
• Objectives and Principles
• The overall Quality Management Process
• Total Quality Management (TQM)
• QC
• PDCA, backbone of KAIZEN process
• Summary
• Evaluation

What are your expectations

for this workshop?
TQM, QC, PDCA backbone of KAIZEN process Module
Rules of Conduct
 Time-keeping
 No Cell-phones (Silent mode)
 Leg stretches
 Breaks
 No smoking‼
 Observe 5-S
 Respect one another (Treat each other with dignity and respect)
 Be open to learning from one another
 Speak for your self
 One person talks at a time
 Ask questions; others may be wondering too
 No ‘fishing’
 All must participate and contribute (Be involved)
 Other?

We add Value to your Life!!

"We add value to your life!!" Total Quality Management (TQM),
Quality Control (QC) and PDCA:



Prepared by:
18 March 2020

Total Quality Management (TQM),
Quality Control (QC) and PDCA:

Concepts, Principles, and Philosophies for Productivity Management,

and Continuous Quality Improvement of Process and Products..

Tukole Uganda
18 March 2020

James Ch. Okiror We add Value to your Life!!

Business Insights - Capability Framework


ISO/Technology/OE Surveys/
Internet/HR Reviews


World Class Competitiveness

Environmental Management
Autonomous Maintenance

Set-up Time Reduction

Health & Safety

Asset Care

Teamwork 5-S Visual Management Focused Improvement

Leading and Managing Change

Four Evolution Model
Policy Deployment
Involve Suppliers and Customers
Involve All Operation

Process Management
Performance Measurement
Total Employee Involvement
Quality System
Advanced Quality Planning
Quality Quality Cost
Assurance FMEA Quality Manual
SPC Process Performance Data
Product testing
Quality Basic Quality Planning
Control Basic Statistics
Salvage Paper Work Control
Sorting, grading, reblending
Corrective action From “Managing Quality “third edition by Barrie G. Dale

Identify sources of no conformance


Present of the direction of KAIZEN TQM



5S Hospital
Workplace Workplace

Workplace Workplace
Workplace Workplace
Employee From “Managing Quality “third edition by Barrie G. Dale
Standardize and share Re-plan

Good outcome
Poor out come
Who, Where, What, Why, How, When

Kaizen Approach: PDCA cycle

Check Plan

Measure achievement and Develop action plan with 5W1H

Evaluate the effectiveness

Implement “Action Plan” We add Value to your Life!!

• F find a process to improve • P Plan the change
• O organize an improvement • D Do or implement the
effort. change
• C clarify the current • C check the results
• A act upon the data to
• U Understand process reinforce or modify the
variation change
• S select improvement
What is TQM?

Total Quality Management

• The way of managing an organization to

achieve excellence
• Total – everything
• Quality – degree of excellence
• Management – art, act or way of planning,
leading, organizing, controlling, directing
to achieve certain goals
Definition of TQM (BS4778:1991)

A management philosophy embracing all

activities through which the needs and
expectations of the CUSTOMER and
COMMUNITY, and the objectives of the
organization are satisfied in the most efficient
and cost effective manner by maximising the
potential of ALL employees in a continuing
drive for improvement.”
Basics of TQM
• Involvement and Empowerment
• Teamwork
• Scientific Tools
• Commitment
• Training and Education
• Customer focus
Total Quality Management
Quality element Previous state TQM
Definition Product-oriented Customer-oriented
Priorities Second to service and First among equals of
cost service and cost
Decisions Short-term Long-term
Emphasis Detection Prevention
Errors Operations System
Responsibility Quality Control Everyone
Problem solving Managers Teams
Procurement Price Life-cycle costs
Manager’s role Plan, assign, control, Delegate, coach,
and enforce facilitate, and mentor
Total Quality Management
• Requires cultural change – prevention not
detection, pro-active versus fire-fighting,
life-cycle costs not price, etc
• Many companies will not start this
transformation unless faced with
disaster/problems or forced by customers
Five Principles of TQM
• Produce quality work the first time.
• Focus on the customer.
• Have a strategic approach to
• Improve continuously.
• Encourage mutual respect and teamwork
Effect of Quality Improvement

Improve Quality (Product/Service)

Increase Productivity (less rejects, faster job)

Lower Costs and Higher Profit

Business Growth, Competitive, Jobs, Investment

TQM implication vies vies an
organization-wide management of
• In industrial sector, TQM approach is, often discussed,
citing various examples from "TOYOTA production
system", "Lean methodology", "Six Sigma" or "Theory of
• It is possible to summarize that the core concept of TQM
is to adjust the entire production system meticulously for
preventing over-productions and also preventing shortage
of the end-products in the manufacturing process.
Increase in productivity with improved quality

Before Improvement After improvement –

Item – 10% 5% nonconforming
Relative total costs of 20 units 1.00 1.00

Conforming units 18 19
Relative cost of non-conforming 0.10 0.05
Productivity increase 1/18(100)=5.6%
Capacity increase 1/18(100)=5.6%
Profit increase 1/18(100)=5.6%

Principles & Tools &

Practices Techniques

Leadership Quantitative Non-quantitative

satisfaction SPC ISO 9000

Employee Sampling ISO 14000

Reliability Benchmarking
Experimental Total
design productive
partnership Management

measures QFD Concurrent

Scope of the TQM activity

TQM Six Basic Concepts

1. Leadership
2. Customer Satisfaction
3. Employee Involvement
4. Continuous Process Improvement
5. Supplier Partnership
6. Performance Measures
(All these present an excellent way to run
a business)
What is QC?


Work teams take

responsibility for
product quality by
monitoring and
correcting critical
process variables to
keep the product
within customer
specification limits.
Quality Control
• is a somewhat reactive approach based
heavily on inspection to find defects before
the product is ready for release or
shipment or at the end of selected stages
in the development or manufacturing
Quality Assurance
• is a much broader and more proactive approach
that attempts to go upstream in the process to
eliminate defects at the source. The goal of an
effective Quality Assurance effort is to design
processes and systems that are inherently
reliable in producing high-quality products.
• It takes a holistic approach to identifying and
trying to influence all the factors that might have
some impact on the quality of products including
the role of people in producing those products.
What is 5S?


World Class Competitiveness

Environmental Management
Autonomous Maintenance

Set-up Time Reduction

Health & Safety

Asset Care

Teamwork 5-S Visual Management Focused Improvement

Leading and Managing Change

1. 5S

A structured way of
keeping the workplace
clean, hygienic and

5S is the best practice of establishing basic

discipline and order in the workplace,
using the following five Japanese concepts:

• Seiri – sorting and discarding unnecessary items

• Seiso – clean up the workplace
• Seiton – a place for everything and everything in its place
• Seiketsu – set standards
• Shitsuke – maintaining standards through discipline
A process to create orderliness
within the workplace

5-S CYCLE (Seiso)

Standardise Set in Order

(Seiketsu) (Seiton)
• Step 1: Select an implementation committee
• Step 2: Identify a target area and develop a target
area map
• Step 3: Make a Photographic record of the existing
• Step 4: With everyone's involvement Sort all
unneeded items in the target area and red tag them
• Step 5: Keep a record of the red tagged items
• Step 6: Move the unneeded items to a Temporary
Holding area for future evaluation

Guiding principle: “When in doubt move it”





• Step 1: With everyone's involvement
Organize the items in the work place
• Step 2: Develop efficient and effective
storage methods
• Guiding principle: Ask yourself these
– What do I need to do my job?
– Where should I locate the items I need?
– How many of these items do I really need?
• Strategies for effective Set In Order include:
painting floors, outlining work areas and
locations, shadow boards, and modular
shelving and cabinets for needed items such
as trash cans, brooms, mop and buckets.
• Imagine how much time is wasted every day
looking for a broom? The broom should have
a specific location where all employees can
find it.
"A place for everything and everything in its
• Once you have eliminated the clutter
and junk that has been clogging your
work areas and identified and located
the necessary items, the next step is to
thoroughly clean the work area. Daily
follow-up cleaning is necessary in order
to sustain this improvement.
• Once the first three 5S’s have been
implemented, you should concentrate
on standardizing best practice in your
work area.
• Ensure that Standards are agreed and
made visual through labels, charts,
color coding, work instructions e.t.c.
• This is by far the most difficult S to implement
and achieve. Human nature is to resist
change and more than a few organizations
have found themselves with a dirty cluttered
shop a few months following their attempt to
implement 5S.
• This calls for discipline and ensuring that
standards are adhered to.
• Some processes like 5 minutes 5S everyday
in addition to continuous cleaning will help to
keep the standards required.
• Please see photo impression of an example of
5S’ed areas.
5S World Class 5S : Colmans of Norwich 5S

Single Sachet Dry Goods Line Raw Materials Store

Shadow Boards

Departmental Notice Board Lubrication Trolley Engineering Workshop

• Once fully implemented, the 5S process
can increase morale, create positive
impressions on customers, and increase
efficiency and organization.
• Not only will employees feel better about
where they work, the effect on continuous
improvement can lead to less waste,
better quality and faster lead times. Any of
which will make your organization more
profitable and competitive in the market
5S Principles
Benefits of 5S

1. It creates a clean and organised environment which is essential for

the implementation of the other best practices
2. It establishes a culture of discipline and order
3. It reduces time wasted while searching for items
4. It creates a safer workplace
5. It creates a transparent workplace
6. It gives workers the opportunity to take ownership of their work area
7. It improves worker pride and morale
Meaning of 5S

“Each of the 5S words is simple enough in itself, yet each has

a depth of meaning and significance for the workplace.
However, because they have entered common usage,
people tend to think they are not sophisticated and hence
not “Modern”. People tend to understand them as meaning
many different things. It is essential that you make sure
everybody has the same understanding of the terms and
their meaning – that everyone is doing the same thing.”

Takashi Osada
Overview of 5S TRACC

Stage 1 : Chaos
- The workplace is dirty, untidy and cluttered
Stage 2 : Clear Up
- 5S awareness and unnecessary items have
been removed
Stage 3 : Cleaning with Meaning
- The area is clean and sources of dirt addressed
Stage 4 : Locations and Limits
- All necessary items are properly stored in
demarcated areas
Stage 5 : Sustain and Improve
- Ongoing efforts to sustain and improve 5S as a
way of life
Sequence of 5 S’s
(Seiri) Set
Organise (Shitsuke)

• Total Quality Management is essential to our ability to compete [and out-compete]

in the various markets in which we operate.

• It is a key culture-driving process. Effective leadership is the foundation for TQM.

• It is the way we manage our businesses. It is not “another intervention”, it is not


• Focus on the customer(s) in a TQM environment.

• Every manager and employee is accountable for shaping the desired culture with
patience. Think Long term.


TQM, QC, PDCA backbone of KAIZEN 49

process Module
• We have to reshape our Country with our own hands &
• Change is inevitable: Introducing new philosophies does
not mean you aren't a good institution
• TUKOLE platform must play a role to transform our
Institutions/Industries. Innovate or become extinct
• Learning is the key…it implies a transfer of knowledge,
not just a training event
• Being in Africa/Uganda is no longer an excuse – we have
to compare with Asia, Europe & the Americas

Review against the learning objectives…

■ Concepts & Principles of TQM.

■ Philosophies of TQM for Productivity Management .
■ Continuous Quality Improvement of Process and Products
■ Embrace the overall linkage between TQM, QC and PDCA Management Process as
industrial procedures for Quality in production, delivery and work.
■ PDCA concept for productivity management, and continuous quality improvement of
process and products. PDCA is the “golden cycle for improvement”. It is a methodical
approach for problem solving and continuous improvement. PDCA wheel should be
considered a never-ending cycle for improvement towards an ideal condition.

Review against your expectations…

Any final questions or concerns?

TQM, QC, PDCA backbone of KAIZEN
process Module
Thank You!!

© 2020 Octetrus (U) Ltd./Consulting Foundation


Stage 1: Chaos
Stage 1: Chaos

• The area is only cleaned and painted before important events

• The work area is cluttered with unnecessary / redundant items
• The work area is dirty and unhygienic
• Items are disorganised and difficult to find
• Time and material wastes are common
• No 5S standard or systems exist in the workplace
• Housekeeping is driven by management – no ownership and
therefore no sustainability
• The area is unsafe and unpleasant, resulting in low morale
• No understanding of 5S principles and benefits

Stage 2: Clear Up

Stage 2: Clear Up
• Management understands and promotes the importance of 5S
• All unnecessary items have been removed or red tagged
• The area is basically clean but sources of dirt still remain
• Needed items are stored out of the way but not necessarily
• Clear criteria exist for needed and unneeded items
• 5S rules and responsibilities have been clarified
• Regular, informal 5S audits are done by management
• 5S awareness has been created and everyone understands its
principles and benefits
• ‘Before’ and ‘After’ photos are displayed

Stage 1-2

•5S Readiness Check

•Customization of the Japanese Terms
•Link with Autonomous Maintenance
•Pilot or Big Bang Implementation
•Integration with the Safety Programme


What is the difference between 5S and Autonomous

Clearing (Seiri)

Objective : Remove clutter from the workplace

Tools : Red tags and holding area
Steps : 1. Define the area
2. For each item, ask
- Do we need it?
- Do we need this quantity
- Do we need it here?
3. Remove unnecessary items
4. Tag items to be removed later
5. Keep doubtful items in holding area
6. Set standards for unneeded items
7. Introduce audits

Stage 1-2

• Launch the 5S Promotion

• Take ‘Before’ Photographs
• Train Work Teams in 5S
• Do Clear Up Exercise
• Take ‘After’ Photographs
• Initiate 5S Improvements
• Prevent Reappearance of Unneeded Items
• Introduce Management Walkabouts

Do Clear Up Exercise

• As opposed to Clean and Tag Exercise

• Red Tags
• Holding Area
• Criteria for unneeded items
• Discarding policy

Stage 3: Cleaning with Meaning


Stage 3: Cleaning with Meaning

• The main focus is on sustained cleanliness in the workplace

• Unnecessary items do not reappear
• The area has been deep cleaned
• Sources of dirt and cleaning access have been addressed
• Cleaning and inspection schedules implemented
• The area has been neatly painted and demarcated
• Formal 5S audits introduced
• The team has taken full ownership of its area
• 5S improvements are discussed during team meetings
• Workers can distinguish between normal and
abnormal conditions

Stage 2-3

• The Link between Hygiene and 5S

• Use of External Cleaners
• Ensuring Ownership
Cleaning (Seiso)

Objective : Create a clean and healthy workplace

Tools : Cleaning schedules
Steps : 1. Do initial cleaning
2. Eliminate sources of dirt
3. Make it easier to clean (next slide)
4. Paint the area
5. Develop & implement cleaning schedules
6. Introduce audits

Stage 2-3

• Review the 5S Plan to Focus on Cleaning

• Take New ‘Before’ Photographs
• Do Deep Cleaning
• Take new ‘After’ Photographs
• Initiate Cleaning Improvements
• Implement Cleaning Schedules
• Ensure Inspection During Cleaning
• Formalise the 5S Audit

Initiate Cleaning Improvements

• Prevent contamination
• Contain contamination
• Make it easy to clean
Steps to Make Cleaning Easier
1. Remove the source
(e.g. …………………………………………..)

2. Contain the dirt – prevent it from spreading

(e.g. ………………………………………….)

3. Make it easier to clean (access, tools, surface)

(e.g. ………………………………………….)

Formalize 5S Audit

• Address 3S’s
• Easy Scoring
• Easy % calcuation
• Customise
• Room for comments
• Discuss improvements in team meeting
• First Management, later teams
Organising (Seiton)

Objective : “A place for everything and everything

in its place”
Tools : Shadow boards, labels, demarcations,
colour coding, indexing, standard
procedures, arrows, floor plans
Steps : 1. Decide on appropriate locations
2. Decide on quantities (limits)
3. Visually identify locations
4. Move the items there
5. Extend the audit
Standards – 5S Audit
Discipline – 5S Map

A : Tom & Jerry

B : Pluto & Sylvester
C : Ginger & Fred

• Check GEM 5S Assessment

• Create new assessment for Utilities

• Review the audit sheet

• Customise the audit sheet to suit your area
• Do 5S Audit in your area (pick one zone)
• Give feedback on improvement areas
End of Day 4
Any questions?




Criteria 1

 Top management must realize importance of

 Quality is responsibility of everybody, but
ultimate responsibility is CEO
 Involvement and commitment to CQI
 Quality excellence becomes part of business
 Lead in the implementation process
Characteristics of Successful Leaders

1. Give attention to external and internal customers

2. Empower, not control subordinates. Provide resources,
training, and work environment to help them do their jobs
3. Emphasize improvement rather than maintenance
4. Emphasize prevention
5. Encourage collaboration rather than competition
6. Train and coach, not direct and supervise
7. Learn from problems – opportunity for improvement
8. Continually try to improve communications
9. Continually demonstrate commitment to quality
10. Choose suppliers on the basis of quality, not price
11. Establish organisational systems that supports quality efforts
Implementation Process
 Must begin from top management, most important CEO
 Cannot be delegated (indifference, lack of involvement cited
as principle reason for failure)
 Top/senior management must be educated on TQM
philosophy and concepts, also visit successful companies,
read books, articles, attend seminars
 Timing of implementation – is the org ready, re-organization,
change in senior personnel, current crisis – then need to
postpone to favourable time
 Need a roadmap/framework for implementation
 Formation of Quality Council – policies, strategies,
Implementation Process
Quality council job–
1. Develop core values, vision statement, mission statement, and
quality policy statement
2. Develop strategic long-term plan with goals and annual quality
improvement program with objectives
3. Create total education and training plan
4. Determine and continually monitor cost of poor quality
5. Determine performance measures for the organization, approve
them for functional areas, and monitor them.
6. Continually determine projects that improve processes, particularly
those affect external and internal customer satisfaction
7. Establish multifunctional project and departmental or work group
teams and monitor progress
8. Establish or revise the recognition and reward system to account
new way of doing business. Must begin from top management, most
important CEO commitment
Implementation Process
Core values
- foster TQM behaviour and define the culture
- need to develop own values
Examples from Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award
1. Customer-driven excellence
2. Visionary leadership
3. Organizational and personal learning
4. Valuing employees and partners
5. Agility
6. Management for innovation
7. Management by fact
8. Systems perspective
9. Social responsibility
10. Focus results and creating value
Criteria 2
Customer Satisfaction
 Customer is always right – in Japan customer is “King”
 Customer expectations constantly changing – 10 years
ago acceptable, now not any more!
 Delighting customers (Kano Model)
 Satisfaction is a function of total experience with
 Must give customers a quality product or service,
reasonable price, on-time delivery, and outstanding
 Need to continually examine the quality systems and
practices to be responsive to ever – changing needs,
requirements and expectations – Retain and Win new
Issues for customer satisfaction

Checklist for both internal and external customers

1. Who are my customers?

2. What do they need?

3. What are their measures and expectations?

4. Does my product/service exceed their

5. How do I satisfy their needs?

6. What corrective action is necessary?

Customer Feedback

To focus on customer, an effective feedback

program is necessary, objectives of
program are to:
1. Discover customer dissatisfaction
2. Discover priorities of quality, price, delivery
3. Compare performance with competitors
4. Identify customer’s needs
5. Determine opportunities for improvement
Customer Feedback Tools/Method
 Warranty cards/Questionnaire
 Telephone/Mail Surveys
 Focus Groups
 Customer Complaints
 Customer Satisfaction Index

Good experience are told to 6 people while bad

experience are repeated to 15 people
Criteria 3
Employee Involvement
 People – most important resource/asset
 Quality comes from people
 Deming – 15% operator errors, 85%
management system
 Project teams – Quality Control Circles (QCC),
 Education and training – life long, continuous
both knowledge and skills
 Suggestion schemes; Kaizen, 5S teams
 Motivational programmes, incentive schemes
 Conducive work culture, right attitude,
Criteria 4
Continuous Process Improvement
 View all work as process – production and
 Process – purchasing, design, invoicing, etc.
 Inputs – PROCESS – outputs
 Process improvement – increased customer
 Improvement – 5 ways; Reduce resources,
Reduce errors, Meet expectations of
downstream customers, Make process safer,
make process more satisfying to the person
Continuous Improvement
Inputs – processing – outputs

Process Outputs
Work methods Products
Materials Delivered service
Info, Data In-process jobs –
Production – Cutting,
People Welding, etc. forms signed,
drawing completed
Money Bank –
deposit/withdrawal Others
Kad Pintar Application Also by-products,
Process at NRD wastes

Problem – Solving Method
 Identify the opportunity (for improvement)
 Analyze the current process
 Develop the optimal solution(s)
 Implement changes
 Study the results
 Standardize the solution
 Plan for the future
Identify the opportunity (for
 Phase 1 – Identify problems
 Use Pareto Analysis – external & internal
failures, returns
 Phase 2 – Form a team (same function of
 Phase 3 – Define scope of problem (Paint
process – data collected for a week
showed high 30% ‘runs’ defect)
Pareto Diagram Example

BH Model Ink Cartridges Defects from (January till August 05')

Quantity (units) Cumulative %

25000 100


20000 80


15000 60


10000 40


5000 20


0 0
Seal tape Ink stain Air > 0.5mm Seal tape Arrow tape Seal tape Ng Foreign Cartridge Leakage Ink in air Ink not insert Ink over flow Overw elding Dirty Slanting Others
w rinkle missing Ng material drop room in case
Types of Defects
Process Flow Chart – Ink filling process

1 Ink case

Ink supply
Degasification tank Vacuum pressure inside ink case
BK/C/Y/M 1
(-550mmHg or lower)

2 Ink filling process

Seal tape
3 Welding on adapter/ air holes

4 Press for proper sealing

5 Excess seal tape cutting


•Inspection for leaking

1 •Ink weight checking

7 Effective date printing

8 Vacuum packing

Ink leakage check

(after 48 hours)

Ink cartridge
Analyze the current process

 Understand the current process, how it is

 Develop process flow diagram
 Define target performance
 Collect data, information
 Determine causes not solution (use cause
and effect diagram)
 Root cause if possible
Project Title: Reduce Seal Tape Wrinkle Defect To Increase Sigma
Model: BH Model Ink Cartridges
Process: Ink Filling
No Input Processes Output
1 Ink case ( INCOMING ) PROCESS #1
~ Pressure inside ink case Vacuum pressure inside ink case to ~ Vacuum pressure under control
~ Jig & clamping conditions (-550mmHg or lower) ( Pressure gauge)
~ Loading & handling method ~ No misallignment
~ Machine condition
~ Pallet accuracy
2 Ink case ( AFTER #1) PROCESS #2
~ Parts after #1 process Ink filling process ~ No overflow of ink
~ Jig & clamping condition ~ Adequate volume of ink
~ Machine condition ( Selfeeder ) ~ Electronic Scale (M3-31-010) ok
~ Ink filling head condition
~ Ink filling volume
3 Ink case ( AFTER #2) PROCESS #3
~ Part after #2 process Seal tape welding on adapter/ air holes ~ Every line: 215±10°C
~ Jig & clamping conditions ~ No misallignment
~ Loading & handling method
~ Machine condition ( Selfeeder )
~ Temperatue of seal tape heater
4 Ink case ( AFTER #3 ) PROCESS #4
~ Part after #2 process Press for proper sealing ~ Proper sealing
~ Jig & clamping conditions ~ No misallignment
~ Spring counterbalance
~ Machine condition
~ Seal plate allignment
5 Ink case ( AFTER #4) PROCESS #5
~ Parts after #3 process Excess seal tape cutting ~ No dented / scratches/ overcut
~ Jig & clamping condition ~ No left over burr
~ Loading & handling method
~ Machine condition ( Selfeeder )
~ Cutter condition
Affinity diagram Example

Issues in solving seal tape wrinkle problem

Lack of Machine People


Lack of follow-up
No experienced Untrained for by management
technical experts this machine

No time to focus on it
Doesn’t understand Old machine
the problem
Bad maintenance No ongoing group to
Dun have the math focus on this
skills for this problem
countermeasures Short term planning
Will probably fail
just like most of
the improvement
Plan to solve
done earlier
problem before
problem clearly
Develop the optimal solution(s)
 To establish solutions
 Recommended optimal solution to improve process
 Create new process, combine different process,
modify existing process
 Creativity (rubber pad adhesive, door trim)
 Brainstorming, Delphi, Nominal Group Technique
 Evaluate and testing of ideas/possible solutions
Implement changes
 To prepare implementation plan, obtain approval,
conduct process improvements, study results
 Why is it done? How, When, Who, When it will be

1) Old pallette made of nylon material 1) Aluminium material pallette

2) Part slot gap is 13mm 2) Part slot gap is 12.5mm
3) Misalignment of ink cartridge during ink filling process 3) Reduce movement of ink cartridge during ink filling process.
4) Cost of palette: RM 200/palette 4) Cost of palette: RM 200/palette
Effects of Improvement

Monthly Defect Ratio for BH CLR Model Seal Tape Wrinkle Issue
Old palettes (nylon)
1.40% New improved palettes
1.20% (aluminium palettes)
Defect Ratio (%)

1.00% 0.74% Improvement

Nov Dec
Study the results/Standardize the
solution/Plan for the future

Measure and evaluate results of changes

Standardize solution – certify process, operator,
Next project/problem areas
Positron Control Wave Soldering Process
What Specs Who How Where When
A 880 0.864 g Lab Specific Lab Daily
Flux 0.008 technician gravity
Criteria 5
Supplier Partnership
 40% product cost comes from purchased
materials, therefore Supplier Quality
Management important
 Substantial portion quality problems from
 Need partnership to achieve quality
improvement – long-term purchase contract
 Supplier Management activities
Criteria 5
Supplier Partnership
 Define product/program requirements;
1. Evaluate potential and select the best suppliers
2. Conduct joint quality planning and execution
3. Require statistical evidence of quality
4. Certify suppliers, e.g. ISO 900, Ford Q1
5. Develop and apply Supplier Quality Ratings
 Defects/Percent non-conforming
 Price and Quality costs
 Delivery and Service
Criteria 6
Performance Measures
 Managing by fact rather than gut feelings
 Effective management requires measuring
 Use a baseline, to identify potential projects, to
asses results from improvement
 E.g. Production measures – defects per million,
inventory turns, on-time delivery
 Service – billing errors, sales, activity times
 Customer Satisfaction
 Methods for measuring
 Cost of poor quality
 Internal failure
 External failure
 Prevention costs
 Appraisal costs
Performance Measures
 Award Models (MBNQA, EFQM, PMQA)
 Benchmarking – grade to competitors,
or best practice
 Statistical measures – control charts,
 Certifications
 ISO 9000:2000 Quality Mgt System
 ISO 14000 Environmental Mgt System,
 Underwriters Lab (UL), GMP
 QS 9000, ISO/TS 16949
Deming’s 14 Points for Management
1. Create constancy of purpose towards
improvement of product and service with aim
to be competitive, stay in business and
provide jobs.
2. Adopt a new philosophy – new economic
age, learn responsibilities and take on
leadership for future change.
3. Cease dependence on inspection to achieve
quality. Eliminate the need for inspection on
a mass basis by building quality into product
in the first palace.
Deming’s 14 Points for Management
4. End the practice of awarding business on the
basis of price, instead, minimize total costs.
5. Improve constantly and forever the system of
production and service, to improve quality and
productivity, thus decreasing costs.
6. Institute training on the job
7. Institute leadership, supervision to help do a
better job.
8. Drive out fear, everyone can work effectively for
Deming’s 14 Points for Management
9. Breakdown barriers between departments.
Work as teams to foresee production problems.
10. Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets for
11. Eliminate numerical quotas on the workforce.
12. Remove barriers that rob people pride of
13. Institute a vigorous program of education and
14. Put everybody to work to accomplish the

• Total Quality Management is essential to our ability to compete [and out-compete]

in the various markets in which we operate.

• It is a key culture-driving process. Effective leadership is the foundation for TQM.

• It is the way we manage our businesses. It is not “another intervention”, it is not


• Focus on the customer(s) in a TQM environment.

• Every manager and employee is accountable for shaping the desired culture with
patience. Think Long term.


TQM, QC, PDCA backbone of KAIZEN 107

process Module
• We have to reshape our Country with our own hands &
• Change is inevitable: Introducing new philosophies does
not mean you aren't a good institution
• TUKOLE platform must play a role to transform our
Institutions/Industries. Innovate or become extinct
• Learning is the key…it implies a transfer of knowledge,
not just a training event
• Being in Africa/Uganda is no longer an excuse – we have
to compare with Asia, Europe & the Americas

Review against the learning objectives…

■ Concepts & Principles of TQM.

■ Philosophies of TQM for Productivity Management .
■ Continuous Quality Improvement of Process and Products
■ Embrace the overall linkage between TQM, QC and PDCA Management Process as
industrial procedures for Quality in production, delivery and work.
■ PDCA concept for productivity management, and continuous quality improvement of
process and products. PDCA is the “golden cycle for improvement”. It is a methodical
approach for problem solving and continuous improvement. PDCA wheel should be
considered a never-ending cycle for improvement towards an ideal condition.

Review against your expectations…

Any final questions or concerns?

TQM, QC, PDCA backbone of KAIZEN
process Module
Thank You!!

© 2020 Octetrus (U) Ltd./Consulting Foundation

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