Learning How To Learn Week 4: Types of Inquiry: Devika Misra
Learning How To Learn Week 4: Types of Inquiry: Devika Misra
Learning How To Learn Week 4: Types of Inquiry: Devika Misra
Week 4: Types of
Inquiry based learning is not only student-centric, based on a central relationship between
interest and inquiry, but is also student-led.
Given the vastness of possibility that human inquiry can encompass, it is important to
underline the importance of ‘answerable questions’ – not only to enable the most efficient
classroom environment, but to beat that fear of failure as well as the overwhelming array
of possibilities that often stymie the beginning of the learning process
Having already discussed the various elements of inquiry, this session aims to discuss the
various forms that inquiry may take.
Inquiry Based Learning places the responsibility for learning on the students, and
encourages them to arrive at an understanding of concepts by themselves, following a
process that can include:
Determining what they need to learn
Identifying resources and how best to learn from them
Using resources and reporting their learning
Assessing their progress in learning
IBL allows for the stimulation of both curiosity and interest and allows for the
development of deeper and more profound understanding in the student.
Types of Inquiry
The faculty gives learners a question and procedure that leads to a known result. Learners
follow the directions.
Reinforces concepts and confirms previous understandings.
The student follows the procedure as detailed by the teacher, and then proceeds to collect
and record data.
Question : Given by the teacher
Results : Known to the teacher
Procedure to be Followed/Method: Given by the teacher
STRUCTURED INQUIRY : The faculty gives learners a question and outlines procedures
that lead to an unknown result. Learners investigate and answer the question. Given that the end
result is not known, the student has to formulate explanations and to prove/disprove them,
analyse the collected data.
Inquiry guided by the teacher
Students follow teacher’s directions to come up with a specific end point or product
The teacher asks the class to discuss the results when the inquiry is complete
Therefore :
Question : Given by the teacher
Results : Unknown
Procedure to be Followed/Method: Given by the teacher
The teacher gives learners a question with an unknown answer. The learners design procedures, investigate, and answer the
question. So while the question is still provided by your teacher, the procedures to arrive at any sort of answer is up to the
student. The students, therefore, are in control of their own research methodology, allowing for immense freedom to pursue
research techniques best suited to their talents and preferences.
Teacher selects the over arching question
Whole Class or groups of students work to assist in developing the procedure and learn specific skills needed for future open-
Using the data gathered or provided, students generate explanations
Findings and claims are communicated
Therefore :
Question : Given by the teacher
Results : Unknown
Procedure to be Followed/Method: Devised by Students/Learners
Learners design their own question(s) and procedures. They must investigate and answer the question.
In this mode, students further formulate their own questions as well as communicate their own results.
Build upon prior experiences and inquire about the overarching concepts
Display the tools, materials
Inquiry begins with the student’s question
Continues with student(s) designing and conducting the investigation or experiment
Complete the learning cycle by communicating the results
Therefore :
Question : Formulated by the Student
Results : Unknown
Procedure to be Followed/Method: Devised by Students/Learners