Binomial Nomenclature: - Genus + Species - Examples

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Binomial Nomenclature

• Genus + species
• Examples:
– Rana catesbeiana: bull frog
– Turdus migratorius: American robin
– Homo sapiens: modern human
– Mucsa domestica: house fly
• Subspecies sometimes included
– Gorilla gorilla beringei: mountain gorilla
Taxonomic Hierarchy
• Linnaeus classified organisms into
groups, based on shared characteristics.
• There were different levels of groups.
• Each level nests within the group above.
• In his system, the Kingdom was the most
inclusive. Successive groups contain
fewer and fewer organisms.
Linnaeus and Classification
• Carolus Linnaeus designed our hierarchical
classification scheme.
– Kingdom
– Phylum
– Class
– Order
– Family
– Genus
– Species
Linnean System of Classification
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Class Mammalia
Order Primates
Family Hominidae
Genus Gorilla
Species Gorilla gorilla
Revised Linnean System
Division Eukarya
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Superclass Tetrapoda
Class Mammalia
Subclass Theria
Infraclass Eutheria
Order Primates
Superfamily Anthropoidea
Family Hominidae
Subfamily Ponginae
Genus Gorilla
Species Gorilla gorilla
Subspecies Gorilla gorilla beringei
Binomial Nomenclature
• Idea is that each species is assigned a
unique name
• Name has two parts: a genus name
and a specific epithet
• Together, the two words make up the
scientific name of the species
Binomial Nomenclature
• Allows clear communication between
different researchers
• Prevents confusion that can occur from
use of common names
Scientific Names: General Guidelines

• Scientific names are based on Latin.

• Scientific names are always italicized
(when printed) or underlined (when
• Modern scientific names follow
international guidelines
Scientific Names: General Guidelines

• Different species with the same genus

name are considered to be more closely
related to each other than to other
• Genus name is always capitalized;
specific epithet is always lower-case.

• Panthera leo – lion

• Panthera onca – jaguar
• Panthera pardus – leopard
• Uncia uncia – snow leopard
• Lions, jaguars and leopards are more
closely related to each other than to
snow leopards.
Modern Taxonomy
• Modern taxonomy is in a state of flux.
• As genomes are sequenced for different
organisms, evolutionary relationships
often become more clear. Taxonomy
should reflect those relationships.
• Expect major changes in taxonomy over
the next several years.
Example: Giant Anteater
Myrmecophaga tridactyla
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Xenarthra
Genus: Myrmecophaga
Categories and Taxa
• In this hierarch of classification, the different
levels are categories.
• A named group at a level is called a taxon
(plural = taxa).
• The giant anteater is in Class Mammalia.
Class is the category; Mammalia is the taxon.
• The giant anteater is in Family
Myrmecophagidae. Family is the category;
Myrmecophagidae is the taxon.
Paham-paham dalam taksonomi

1. Taksonomi Numerik (Numerical Taxonomy)

2. Biologi Evolusi (Evolutionary Biology)

3. Sistematik Filogeni (Phylogenetic systematic =

• Taksonomi Numerik (Numerical Taxonomy)
• Klasifikasi organisme dengan pendekataan
taksonomi numerik atau dikenal dengan fenetik
adalah sangat objektif dan dapat diuji secara
• Teori taksonomi numerik menekankan pendekatan
pada semua kesamaan dan atau perbedaan karakter
• Metode yang umum digunakan untuk analisis fenetik
• PCA (Principle Component Analysis),
• UPMGA (Unweighted Pair Group Method Using
Arithmetic) dan
• WPGMA (Weigthed pair group method)
• Pada dasarnya fenetik memiliki dua prinsip analisis
yaaitu pengelompokan (clustering) dan ordinasi
• Metode clustering mengelompokan dan
memisahkan unit operasional taksonomi (OUT’s)
= Operational Taxonomi Unit
• Hasil akhir dari metode clustering berupa
fenogram (phenogram) yang menunjukkan adanya
diagram dari cabang-cabang diagraam dari
cabang-cabang kekerabatan yang menunjukan
tingkat kedekatan

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