Poster Presentation - Delayed Bathing
Poster Presentation - Delayed Bathing
Poster Presentation - Delayed Bathing
o The WHO (World Health o Postponing the first bath until at least 24 Brogan, J., & Rapkin, G. (2017). Implementing evidence-based neonatal skin
care with parent-performed, delayed immersion baths. Nursing for
Organization) stated delaying the hours preserves vernix, which in turn Womens Health, 21(6), 442–450. doi: 10.1016/j.nwh.2017.10.009
Chamberlain, J., Mccarty, S., Sorce, J., Leesman, B., Schmidt, S., Meyrick,
improves newborn skin integrity and E., Parlier, S., Kennedy, L., Coultas, L. (2019). Impact on delayed
first newborn bath 24 hours as newborn bathing on exclusive breastfeeding rates, glucose and
moisture. temperature stability, and weight loss. Journal of Neonatal Nursing,
best practice. o The rates of hypothermia after a 25(2), 74–77. doi: 10.1016/j.jnn.2018.11.001
Dicioccio, H. C., Ady, C., Bena, J. F., & Albert, N. M. (2019). Initiative to
o The timing of the newborn bath delayed bath decrease but if postponed improve exclusive breastfeeding by delaying the newborn bath. Journal
of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 48(2), 189–196. doi:
has significant impact on the for too long hypothermia can occur 10.1016/j.jogn.2018.12.008
Gözen, D., Çaka, S. Y., Beşirik, S. A., & Perk, Y. (2018). First bathing time of
infant, so the optimal time of the before the bath. newborn infants after birth: A comparative analysis. Journal for
Specialists in Pediatric Nursing, 24(2). doi: 10.1111/jspn.12239
bath should be determined. o Hypoglycemia rates have been found to Long, K., Rondinelli, J., Yim, A., Cariou, C., & Valdez, R. (2020). Delaying the
first newborn bath and exclusive breastfeeding. MCN, The American
o Nurses are the ones usually be decreased if the newborn bath is Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 45(2), 110–115. doi: