This document discusses different methods of providing resistance for physical therapy exercises, including resistance from the physiotherapist, weights, elastic bands or springs, water, and other malleable substances. It also discusses assessing neuromuscular efficiency through standardized tests like the Oxford Classification system, which grades muscle strength on a scale from 0 to 5. Methods like heavy resistance training with weights are described for building muscle power and volume after injury. Providing the right amount and type of resistance is important for effective physical therapy.
This document discusses different methods of providing resistance for physical therapy exercises, including resistance from the physiotherapist, weights, elastic bands or springs, water, and other malleable substances. It also discusses assessing neuromuscular efficiency through standardized tests like the Oxford Classification system, which grades muscle strength on a scale from 0 to 5. Methods like heavy resistance training with weights are described for building muscle power and volume after injury. Providing the right amount and type of resistance is important for effective physical therapy.
This document discusses different methods of providing resistance for physical therapy exercises, including resistance from the physiotherapist, weights, elastic bands or springs, water, and other malleable substances. It also discusses assessing neuromuscular efficiency through standardized tests like the Oxford Classification system, which grades muscle strength on a scale from 0 to 5. Methods like heavy resistance training with weights are described for building muscle power and volume after injury. Providing the right amount and type of resistance is important for effective physical therapy.
This document discusses different methods of providing resistance for physical therapy exercises, including resistance from the physiotherapist, weights, elastic bands or springs, water, and other malleable substances. It also discusses assessing neuromuscular efficiency through standardized tests like the Oxford Classification system, which grades muscle strength on a scale from 0 to 5. Methods like heavy resistance training with weights are described for building muscle power and volume after injury. Providing the right amount and type of resistance is important for effective physical therapy.
ِ ْس in the name of god,the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
LECTURE NO 5 SUBJECT kinesiology ii
Dr Syeda Abida Hussain Sherazi(PT)
MSAPT(DUHS)DPT(BMU) MPPTA Snr.Lecturer physical therapy UAJ&K Resistance A resisting force other than that provided by gravity and friction may be provided by: 1. The physiotherapist . 2. The patient 3. Weights * 4. Weight and pulley circuits 5 Springs and other elastic struc 6. Substances which are malleable 7, Water • 1 . Resistance by the Physiotherapist . This is usually applied manually in the line of the movement. Proprioceptive stimulation facilitates the patient’s efforts to overcome the resistance when the physiotherapist’s hand is placed on the surface of the skin which is in the direction of the movement. To prevent waste of effort and to ensure smooth controlled pressure the physiotherapist’s stance must be in the line of the movement, so that the thrusting action of the legs and the body weight are utilised. • Traction may be maintained throughout the movement and the resistance varied according to the variations in power in different parts of the muscle’s range, but it cannot be measured accurately or recorded . 2. Resistance by the Patient . The patient can resist his own movements with the sound limb, or by tensing the muscles antagonistic to those which attempt to produce the movement, or by using his own body weight. • The latter method is probably more accurately classified as a free exercise, but is included here as the quantity of resistance is obviously much greater when, as in this case, the muscles work with reversed origin and insertion to move the trunk on the limbs. • This type of resistance is convenient, but tends to be unreliable as it cannot be measured or felt by the physiotherapist and it requires careful instruction and the co-operation and understanding of the patient. • Examples. From high sitting the Extensors of one Knee can be resisted by the weight and pressure of the other leg when the ankles are crossed. • The Flexors of the Elbow can be thrown into strong contraction by bracing all the muscles of the arm. • The body can be pressed up from the floor by the arms, if their strength is sufficient 3. Resistance by Weights. The direct application of weights to the body forms a simple and effective method of resisting active exercise. The apparatus required is commonly sandbags, metal weights or a medicine ball, which can be applied by being held in the hand, by attachment to a shoe, or to any other part, by suitable straps. • When sandbags or metal weights are used, a canvas bag may be strapped to the part and any number of units of weight can be inserted to provide the required resistance. • It is essential that the means of attachment should be comfortable and efficient, but it need not be elaborate. By this method, resistance must, of necessity, be given in the direction of gravity; its effect increases progressively if the weight is moved away from the central axis of the body. It is a convenient method and suitable for home practice after adequate instruction has been given. • Examples. Lifting a weight held in the hand or attached to the foot or throwing a medicine ball are common examples. Resistance by weights is also commonly used for the technique known as Heavy Resistance Exercise. • Heavy Resistance Exercise • The use of Heavy Resistance Exercise for the restoration of muscle power and volume after injury was first described by de Lorme in 1945 • although this method of promoting muscular development had been well known and used by professional muscle builders for a very long time. • Metal weights, which constitute the resisting force, are applied to the part of the body in question either by means of a bar-bell held in the hand or hands, a de Lorme metal boot or some similar device. • The poundage is determined by testing the repetition maximum (R.M.) for a given number of repetitions. • Lifting of the weight may involve either static (isometric) or dynamic (isotonic) muscle work according to the circumstances and the movement is slow and controlled. • Several ways of correlating the weight lifted and the number of repetitions have been used. • It appears that the regime most suitable and successful in the treatment of an individual patient varies very much with his age, temperament and the condition from which he is suffering. • It is essential that his instruction is precise and that his efforts arc well supervised. • The following schemes are in common use and form a basis for experiment ; they are all based on the test for a 10 R.M. and represent a power programme. • The endurance programme is based on the use of relatively low resistance and high repetition regime. • Heavy resistance exercise can be used in principle for the development of most muscle groups but it is at present more often used for the Knee Extensors than any other group. 4. Resistance by Weight and Pulley Circuits. The use of a rope and pulley allows the force exerted by a weight to act in any direction , therefore the muscles need not be required to work against the resistance of both gravity and the weight. The effect of gravity can be counterbalanced if the movement takes place in a horizontal plane. This provides a useful method of arranging resistance for weak muscles when the limb is heavy. • Example. In sitting the resistance of gravity to the Knee Extensors is approximately 10 lbs. • If these muscles are unable to straighten the knee against this resistance, • they may still be able to perform the exercise adequately when, in side lying, the leg is supported horizontally and a resistance of, perhaps, 8 lbs. is applied. • As the angle of pull of the rope by which it is applied, and therefore the resistance itself, must vary during the course of a movement, • a resistance can be offered to the muscles which matches the variation of their power in different parts of the range more accurately than that supplied by means of a weight applied directly to the part or by a spring. • Assuming that a particular muscle group is most powerful in mid range it is there that the resistance is applied at right angles. • Both the power of the muscles and the force of the resistance will diminish on either side of this point. • To ensure relaxation and lack of strain on the joints between movements a relaxation stop is incorporated on the circuit by means of a clip or knot which prevents the rope from passing the pulley, or by arranging for the weight to be supported at the end of the movement. • Psycho logically, it is of the greatest importance for the patient to be able to see the weight moving as the result of his work and to know and record the poundage lifted. 5.Resistance by Springs and Other Elastic Substances. The resisting force of a spring increases progressively as it is stretched or compressed according to the type of spring used. Although convenient to arrange, the use of springs for resisting muscular contraction must be regarded as a somewhat crude method as it is virtually impossible to match their resistance to the capacity of the muscles with regard to both power and range of movement. When springs are used the speed of movement must be carefully controlled by the muscles both in contraction and during controlled relaxation as the accumulated energy in an extended spring makes its natural speed of recoil very great. Other extensible materials such as rubber elastic of various widths and thicknesses behave in a manner similar to that of springs, but they are not so durable. The elastic properties of Sorbo rubber are apparent on pressure, and rubber sponges, Dunlopillo and rubber balls afford varying resistances which are particularly useful in developing the gripping muscles of the hand. 6. Resistance by Substances which are Malleable. Substances such as putty, clay, some kinds of wax, Plasticine and wet sand can be moulded into different shapes. The resistance they offer to this change in form is variable and can be used both for strengthening and for mobilising the hands. 7. Resistance by Water. The resistance offered by water increases with the speed and the surface area of the part moved. When the movement is vertical, buoyancy adds to the resistance on the way down and cancels out much of the resistance on the way up. Methods of Assessment Neuromuscular efficiency must be tested before treatment and at specific intervals in order to assess progress and the efficacy of the treatment. A variety of methods may be used, but in every case it is important that the test should be standardised as far as possible, i.e. it should be carried out by the same physiotherapist under conditions which are as nearly similar as possible to those of the previous test. Results must be accurately recorded. The following examples of testing methods are in common use 1. Electrical Tests These may be carried out by the doctor with the use of the electromyograph or by means of the strength-duration curve. They are particularly valuable for diagnostic purposes. 2. The Oxford Classification:This is the standard most universally employed. 0. No contraction.1. Flicker of contraction. 2. Weak. Small movement with gravity counterbalanced. 3. Fair. Movement against gravity. 4. Good. Movement against gravity and some resistance. 5. Normal. 3. Circumference Measurement ,This test relies on the fact that there is a relationship between the development of power and that of hypertrophy. A tape measure made from some inextensible material is used to measure the circumference of the limb at a predetermined level. Experiment on normal limbs indicates that this method is unreliable even in experienced hands; it is still, however, much used. 4. Static Power Test The power of static or isometric contraction may be recorded by means of a spring balance capable of registering up to 50 or 100 lbs. The extensibility of the spring within this type of balance is virtually negligible and it can be arranged in such a way that contraction of the muscle group can take place at any predetermined point within its range. Record can be made of the maximum poundage recorded or of the average poundage re poundage recorded as the result of three efforts made at one-minute intervals. 5. Dynamic Power Test This is a method devised by de Lorme and Watkins as a basis for progressive Heavy Resistance Exercise. The maximum weight which can be lifted once only through a prescribed range is called the One Repetition Maximum (1 R.M.) and the maximum weight which can be lifted ten times at natural speed without rest between lifts is the Ten Repetition Maximum (10 R.M.). Experience in estimating the approximate weight which can be lifted is essential to avoid fatigue which results from continued trial and error and which rapidly reduces the poundage which can be lifted. 6. Endurance Test Endurance may be calculated by recording the drop in the maximal power of the muscles when their effort of contraction is repeated at given intervals for a specific period of time. 7. Functional Assessment This involves a series of tests designed to estimate the patient’s ability to perform the activities of daily living (A.D.L.). Such activities may be grouped under headings, e.g. mobility, personal care, household or garden jobs, work, recreational and social activities. Progression As the power of the muscle increases, the tension produced by a resistance which is constant will diminish, therefore, to maintain the stimulus of tension, the resistance must be increased proportionately as the power of the muscle develops. There are four main methods of increasing resistance to muscle action. Each method may be usM singly or in combination with any other method: 1. Increase in poundage or weight of the resisting force. 2. Increase in leverage of the resisting force. 3. Alteration in the speed of movement. 4. Increase in the duration of the exercise. • 1. Increase in Poundage or Weight. For example: it is found that a muscle group, able to achieve full-range contraction against a weight of 3 lbs. when it is applied at a specific point, can contract at a specific speed and for a specific duration. As the muscle power increases, the weight is increased proportionately to 4 lbs., 5 lbs. or 6 lbs., while the other conditions remain constant. The actual amount of the increase is variable according to the particular muscle group, its rate of progress to recovery and the frequency at which an increase is made. 2. Increase in Leverage. The total resistance offered by a given weight depends on the position of its point of application in relation to the fulcrum. (Moment of Force = Weight X Perpendicular Distance from the fulcrum.) The greater the perpendicular distance o1 the point of application from the fulcrum, i.e. the joint at which movement takes place, the greater the resistance offered by the weight. Example. A manual resistance, which is relatively constant, given to the Shoulder Abductors with the arm straight, is much greater when applied at the wrist than at the elbow 3. Alteration in the Speed of Movement . Muscular contraction is most efficient when it takes place at an optimum or natural speed. This speed varies according to the form and structure of the muscles concerned, the resistance, and the individual. Increase or decrease in this natural speed of contraction increases the effect of the resistance when the muscle works concentrically, but when it works eccentrically, the slower the movement the greater the effect of the resistance, i.e. concentric work is easiest at natural speed, eccentric work at high speeds. For example: it is easier to climb a steep hill at your own speed than at one dictated by a companion who may prefer to go faster or slower than you do, but it is easier to come down rapidly. 4. Increase in the Duration. As muscles warm up to their task of overcoming a resistance, they become more efficient and therefore the effect of the resistance decreases and the exercise seems easier. If, however, it is continued a sufficient number of times, fatigue reduces the efficiency of the muscles and the resistance therefore appears greater. For example: sawing a log of wood may seem to become easier as you warm up to it, but it becomes hard work by the end of an hour. • Effects and Uses of Resisted Exercises (0 Muscle power can only be maintained or increased by contraction, and in these exercises the working muscles are strengthened and hypertrophied in response to the tension created in them by the resistance. Their power and endurance is increased. Resisted exercises are used to build up weak muscles and so to restore the balance of muscle power which is essential for stability and co-ordinated movement. When all the muscles are weak, power and function are improved. (2) The blood flow to the working muscles is increased in proportion to tHt amount of work they are called upon to do thus providing the materials for repair and hypertrophy. Although the flow is impeded during the actual contraction, the amount of blood contained in the muscles immediately after contraction may be as much as ten times as great during strenuous exercise as the amount contained during rest. This increase in the blood flow to the muscles continues for some time after exercise, bringing oxygen and nutrition to the part and assisting the removal of metabolic products.. (3) A general rise in blood pressure frequently anticipates exercise and may be increased by the mental effort required to perform these exercises correctly. (4) Heat, which i& produced as the result of strenuous muscular activity, stimulates the heat-regulating centre causing vaso-dilatation in the skin. This follows a constriction of these vessels which occurs in the first place to compensate for the increase in the blood flow to the muscles. If there has been sufficient exercise, the skin feels warm and possibly moist and appears pink, indicating that heat is being lost from the surface to balance the gain from muscle activity and so keep the body temperature within normal limits. The degree of moisture depends largely on the temperature, humidity and movement of theatmosphere ACTIVE EXERCISE (Involuntary Movement) a. Reflex Movement Reflex movements, which are always involuntary, occur in response to sensory stimulation, which is transferred to the muscles without the knowledge of the cerebral cortex, as the co-ordinating centre is situated at some lower level of the central nervous system. The essential constituents of the pathway by which the impulses travel are theoretically, in the simplest form, Knowledge of the movement only reaches consciousness after the muscular contraction has been initiated. • Flexor Reflexes Reflexes which arise from painful stimuli are mostly flexor in character, their purpose being to protect the body from harm, e.g. the withdrawal of a hand on touching a hot iron, or of a foot on stepping on a nail. • Extensor Reflexes These are weaker than the flexor reflexes, and easily give way to them if pain is experienced. They are most easily demonstrated in the leg, where they involve the use of the anti-gravity muscles and are elicited by firm pressure on the foot when the kg is bent. • The Myotatic or Stretch Reflex This reflex is also protective in character and is demonstrated by a sudden and usually unexpected stretch on a muscle or its tendon, e.g. the knee jerk. This contraction, which results from the stretching of a muscle, is a device to protect it and the underlying tissues from injury. • Many instances of this contraction, which occurs in response to passive stretching, are met in the application of exercise therapy. It may be a response to be encouraged or to be avoided, according to the circumstances. • Conditioned Reflexes This type of reflex is not inborn, but is developed with the co-operation of the cerebral cortex. A particular response to a particular stimulus may be initiated by the cerebral cortex so often that it eventually becomes unconscious or habitual. Examples of this are the ability to walk or to ride a bicycle, which are both activities which were achieved with much conscious effort, but once learnt become conditioned reflexes requiring no conscious effort. Thus the higher centres are set free to concentrate on other things, such as the traffic or the scenery. • The Postural Reflex This is an extremely complicated series of reflexes, some of which are inborn and some conditioned . In the healthy body reflexes always run true to form, although many can be inhibited voluntarily, if the higher centres are informed in time. Failure to elicit a response, or an alteration in the nature of the response, to a given stimulus is of diagnostic significance in some diseases. b. Associated Movements: A movement which occurs involuntarily and accompanies another movement which is usually voluntary may be called an associated movement. These movements probably arise as the result ofspreading of the impulses discharged to promote the initial movement. Examples (i) Stimulation of the involuntary musculature of the alimentary tract is associated with that of the voluntary musculature of the abdominal wall. (it) The muscles of the pelvic floor may contract when the Hip Extensors and Adductors are strongly innervated. («V) Muscle groups which habitually work together tend to contract when one of their number is thrown into action. This association in this case is usually of fixator or synergic origin. (iv) Corresponding muscles on the opposite side of the Tsody tend to contract in unison, or reciprocally, when those of one side are stimulated, as in the case of muscles on either side of the face or of the muscles of the lep used in walking. (r>) Intense concentration on the performance of one movement may lead to the production of an apparently useless movement such as biting the lips or frowning. (vi) Pathologically, movements such as those of tremor frequently accompany specific voluntary movements.In some cases association between movements can be utilised, as for instance in obtaining contraction of the muscles of the pelvic floor, and exercises in which both limbs are involved are frequently beneficial when the function of one is impaired. • Thanks