Sts Report Group 3

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G 3

G 3
Who’s Reporting?

Roselyn Kristina Aubrey Shane Rica Mae Bryan Jermalyn

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At the end of the section, students will have:
1. A greater knowledge of the great scholars in history responsible for the
technological revolution:
2. An in depth analysis of how these scholars have influenced and shaped the science
and technology landscape: and
3. More information on the status of information and technology in other states.

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Throughout its early history, western thought was

greatly shaped by an idea that our planet was at
the very center of everything in the universe.
• Geocentric model seemed at first to be deeply embedded in everyday life and
common sense:
– People did not feel any movement of the pavement on which they stood and at
the outset, there seemed to be no observational evidence that the was moving
– The simplest explanation was that the sun, moon, planets, and star were all
revolving around the earth in different speed.
– This system seemed to has been widely relied upon in the ancient world, and
became embedded in classical philosophy through the brilliant work of plato.
and aristotle in 4th century BC.
the ptolemaic system
● Greek astronomers introduced the new idea of epicycle or "sub orbits" around which the planets circle-
as the central "pivot" points that were carried around the sun.

● This system was later developed and given substance by the great Greco Roman astronomer and
geographer Ptolemy of Alexandria in the 2nd century AD.

● The Ptolemaic system ultimately prevailed over the other theories, with far-reaching consequences.
While the Roman Empire shrunk in the centuries that followed, the Christian Church adopted many of
its assumptions.

arabic intellectuals
The new science of "positional astronomy calculating the positions of heavenly bodies
reached its zenith in Spain, which had become a dynamic and evolving center of Islamic,
dewish, and Christian thoughts.

Ptolemy Doubts
● In 1377, French philosopher Nicole Oresme addressed this 2 problem straightforward in the work,
"Book of the Heavens and the Earth. He demonstrated the lack of real proof that the earth was static
and vehemently argued that there was no reason to think that it was not in motion. Yet, despite his
demolition of the evidence for the Ptolemaic system, Oresme concluded that he did not personally
believe that the earth was moving.
● It was in this context that Nicolaus Copernicus, a Polish Catholic canon, put forward the first modern
heliocentric theory: that of shifting the center of the universe from earth to the sun.
● Copernicus first published his revolutionary ideas in a short paper known as the Commentariolus, o
which was circulate friends in around year 1514.

Ptolemy Doubts
● As a result, Copernicus had to introduce the concept of "epicycles" to regulate the speed of planetary
motions on certain paths of their orbits. One important consequence of his model was that vastly
expanded the size of the universe. If the earth, indeed, was moving around the sun, this should
provide a changing point of view: The stars could appear to shift back and forth across the sky.

● The new model caused enough of a controversy for German mathematician Georg Joachim Rheticus
to travel to Warmia and become Copernicus's student and assistant in 153. It was Rheticus who
published the first widely disseminated view of the Copernican system, known as the Narratio Prima,
in 1540. Rheticus had requested the aging priest to publish his own work completely, something that
Copernicus had contemplated for many years but only agreed to the urges in 1543 as he was about to

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At the end of the section, students will have:
1. A greater knowledge of the great scholars in history responsible for the
technological revolution:
2. An in depth analysis of how these scholars have influenced and shaped the science
and technology landscape: and
3. More information on the status of information and technology in other states.

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Nicolaus Copernicus- Published posthumously,

"On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres,"
was not initially greeted with madness even though
any suggestion that the earth was moving directly
contravenes several passages of the bible and was
thought of so, by both Catholic and Protestant
• Heliocentric model- as purely a mathematical instrument and not a description of the physical
• Copernican Model- was used for the computations involved in the great calendar reform made
by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582.
• Tycho Brahe(1546-1601)- A Danish Astronomer, which illustrated that the Copernican model
did not adequately describe planetary movements. Brahe attempted to resolve these problems
with a model of his own in which the planets revolved around the sun, but the sun and moon
remained revolving around the globe.
• Johannes Kepler-was a brilliant mathematician who had a mystical vision of the mathematical
perfection of the universe that owed a great deal to the ancient Greek mathematician

• Galileo's 1610 views of the different phases displayed by Venus and the presence of moons
orbiting around Jupiter convinced him that the heliocentric theory was right, and his vigorous
support for it, from the center of Catholic Italy, was ultimately expressed in his Dialogue
Concerning the Two Chief World Systems.
Charles Darwin- British naturalist, was considered the first scientist to suggest that plants, animals, and any
other living organisms are not fixed and unchanging or “immutable.”

-He proposed this idea in his work, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,
published in London in 1859.

On the Origin of Species- was met with vigorous, academic and popular opposition.

-He explained to his protegee, the botanist Joseph Hooker, that his theory required no Go or
unchanging species. “At last, gleams of light have come, and I am almost convinced that species are
not immutable.”

➢ Darwin took his time step by step, heaping large quantities of evidence along the way.

the role of god
➢ In the beginning of the 19th century, fossils were widely discussed in common society,
Many treated them as naturally formed rock shapes that had nothing to do with living

➢ In 1796, Georges Cuvier(French Naturalist)- suggested that certain fossils, such as

those of mammoths or giant sloths, were the remains of animals that had become extinct.

➢ He reconciled this with his religious ideas by invoking catastrophes, such as the flood that
happened in the Bible. Each disaster swept away a whole kind of living thing; God then
replenished earth with a new breed of species. Between each disaster, each species
remained fixed and unchanging. This theory was known as "catastrophism," and it
became famous after the publication of Cuvier's Preliminary Discourse in 1813.

the role of god
➢ Erasmus Darwin- the free thinking grandfather of Charles.

➢ Jean-Baptiste Lamarck- a professor of zoology in Franc, articulated in 1809 the Philippine

Zoologique, which was perhaps the first reasoned theory of evolution. According to his theory,
living beings evolved from simple beginnings through increasingly sophisticated phases,
resulting from a complex force.

"More gradually strengthens, develops, and enlarges that organ... while the permanent disuse of
organ weakens and deteriorates, it also gradually...until it finally disappears."

➢ Although his theory came to be basically ignored, Lamarck was later praised by Darwin for
having made up the possibility that change did not happen as a result of what Darwin considered
"miraculous interposition."

the role of god

the role of god

the role of god

the role of god
➢ Erasmus Darwin- the free thinking grandfather of Charles.

➢ Jean-Baptiste Lamarck- a professor of zoology in Franc, articulated in 1809 the Philippine

Zoologique, which was perhaps the first reasoned theory of evolution. According to his theory,
living beings evolved from simple beginnings through increasingly sophisticated phases,
resulting from a complex force.

"More gradually strengthens, develops, and enlarges that organ... while the permanent disuse of
organ weakens and deteriorates, it also gradually...until it finally disappears."

➢ Although his theory came to be basically ignored, Lamarck was later praised by Darwin for
having made up the possibility that change did not happen as a result of what Darwin considered
"miraculous interposition."

Darwin had much time to waste on BEAGLE
the immutability of species when he undertook an around-
the-world voyage inside the survey ship HMS Beagle from 1831-1836.

➢ After his return to England, Darwin organized his massive data and supervised a multi
author report, The Zoology of the Voyage of HMS Beagle.

The Voyage of the Beagle, Darwin wrote, "Seeing the gradation and diversity of structure in
one small, variety of birds, one might really fancy that from an original variety of birds in this
archipelago, one species had been taken and modified for different ends." This was one of the first
clear, public manifestations of where his thoughts on evolution were heading.

➢ Darwin's thoughts on possible evolution had been mounting throughout the Beagle's
voyage, especially during his visit to the Galåpagos.

➢ Darwin proposed that the different mockingbirds might have evolved from one common
ancestor that had somehow flown across the Pacific from the mainland; then, each variety
of birds evolved by adapting to the particular environment present on each island and its
available food.

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At the end of the section, students will have:
1. A greater knowledge of the great scholars in history responsible for the
technological revolution:
2. An in depth analysis of how these scholars have influenced and shaped the science
and technology landscape: and
3. More information on the status of information and technology in other states.

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Jigsaw Puzzle
❖ In it, Lyell rejected ideas of gradual evolution of
plants and animals. Instead, he espoused the
concept of “Centers of Creation” to explain the
diversity and distribution of species.

❖ Another part of the jigsaw was revealed in 1838

when Darwin read An Essay on the Principle of
Population by the English demographer Thomas
Malthus, which had been circulated 40 years
Jigsaw Puzzle
➢ While traveling to South America in 1831, Darwin read the first volume of Charles
Lyell's Principles of Geology. Lyell went against Cuvier's “catastrophism” history and
his own theory of fossil formation. Instead, he absorbed the ideas of geological
renewal introduced by James Hutton into a theory known as “uniformitarianism.”

➢ Accordingly, the earth was continually being formed and altered over long time
periods by different processes, such as wave erosion and volcanic explosions that
were the same as those happening today.
Years of Silence
• Even before the Beagle made its trip back to England, the interest
generated by the specimens Darwin had sent back had already made him
a celebrity.

• In 1842, Darwin settled in the peace and quiet of his house, where he
continued to amass many evidences to support his theory of evolution.

• Through his extensive work on pigeons, Darwin began to understand the

relevance of variation among different individuals.

Years of silence
● Much later, in his autobiography, Darwin recalled his reaction when he first read
Malthus back in 1838, being well prepared to appreciate the struggle for existence it
at once struck me that under these circumstances favorable variations would tend
to be preserved and unfavorable ones to be destroyed.

● With more knowledge about the role of variation, by 1856, Darwin, the pigeon
breeder could now imagine not humans but nature doing the choosing.

joint action
• In June of 1858, Darwin received a short essay by a young British naturalist named
Alfred Wallace. Wallace described in detail a flash of valuable insights in which he
had somehow suddenly understood how evolution happened and asked Darwin for
his comments. Darwin was very startled to read that Wallace's insights replicated
almost exactly the same ideas he himself had been working on for more than two

• Worried about precedence, Darwin consulted Charles Lyell. They agreed to a joint
presentation of Darwin's and Wallace's papers at the Linnaean Society in London
on July 1, 1858.

• Encouraged by such reaction, Darwin now finished his book.

• Faced with such a thorough, reasoned, evidence-based argument of evolution by
natural selection, most scientists soon accepted Darwin's concept of “survival of the
fittest.” Darwin's book was careful to avoid any mention of human beings in
connection with evolution, other than stating that, “Light will be shed on the origin of
man, and his history.” However, there were vehement protests from the Church,
and the clear implication that humans had evolved from some other animals was
ridiculed by many.

• Darwin, as ever avoiding his celebrity status, remained engrossed in his studies at
Down House.


● The biologist Thomas Henry Huxley was aggressive in supporting the theory and
argued the case for human descent from apes and even dubbed himself “Darwin's

● Coincidentally, at the same period that Darwin published his book, a monk named
Gregor Mendel was experimenting with pea plants in the Czech Republic.

● Darwin's principle of natural selection remains a vital cog to understanding this.

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At the end of the section, students will have:
1. A greater knowledge of the great scholars in history responsible for the
technological revolution:
2. An in depth analysis of how these scholars have influenced and shaped the science
and technology landscape: and
3. More information on the status of information and technology in other states.

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freudian thought
It is not an exaggeration to state that the unconscious in
one of the most intriguing concepts in psychology. It
seems to contain all of our experience of reality
although it appears to be beyond our awareness or

Sigmund Freud
freudian thought
● It is the peculiar place where we retain all our memories, thoughts and feelings. This
notion somewhat fascinated Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, who
wanted to find out if it was indeed possible to explain things that seemed to lie beyond
the confines of psychology at the time.

● Freud's work on the subject was pioneering and exacting. He succinctly described the
structure of the mind as composed of the conscious, the unconscious, and the
preconscious; he popularized the idea of the unconscious, short of introducing the notion
that it is the part of the mind that defines and explains the workings behind our ability to
think and experience.
Hypnosis or Hysteria Freud's
Introduction to the world of the unconscious came in the year 1885 when
he stumbled upon the work of the French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot, who
seemed to be successfully treating patients for symptoms of mental illness
using hypnosis, Charcot's perspective was that hysteria was a neurological
disorder defined by abnormalities of the nervous system, and this idea provided
important new, pioneering possibilities for treatments.

Hypnosis or Hysteria Freud's

Joseph Breuer, is a well-respected doctor, who had

found that he could greatly reduce the severity of his
patient's symptoms of mental illness simply by asking
her to describe her fantasies and hallucinations Breuer
began using hypnosis to facilitate her co to memories
of a traumatic event, and after twice-weekly hypnosis
sessions all her symptoms had. Breuer concluded that
her symptoms had been the result of hidden disturbing
memories buried in her unconscious mind, saying that
the thoughts brought then to consciousness, allowing
the symptoms disappear. This was also the ease of
Anna O, the first instance of intensive psychotherapy
as treatment for mental illness.

Hypnosis or Hysteria Freud's
Breuer and Freud are best friend and co-worker, and together they developed
and popularized a method of psychological treatment in many forms of mental
illness, such as irrational fears, anxiety, imagined pains, and certain kinds of
paranoia were caused by traumatic experiences that had occurred in the
patient's past and were now tucked away from consciousness.

inside our minds
● It is quite easy to take for granted the reality of the conscious and naively
believe that what we think, feel, remember, and experience in our daily
lives make up the entirety of the human mind.
● But Freud says that the active state of consciousness, that is, the
operational mind of which we are directly aware in our daily experience is
just a fraction of the total psychological forces at work in our psychical
reality. The conscious exists at the superficial level, to which we have easy
and immediate access. Beneath the conscious lie the powerful dimensions
of the unconscious, the large warehouse from which our active cognitive
state and behavior are dictated.
inside our minds
● The conscious is effectively the puppet in the hands of the unconscious Thus; the
conscious mind is merely the surface of a complex psychic realm. Since the
unconscious is all-encompassing. And powerful, Freud says, it contains within it the
smaller spheres of the conscious and an area called the "preconscious." Everything
that is conscious-that we actively know-has at one time been in the unconscious
before rising to consciousness
● The unconscious acts as a receptacle for ideas or memories that is too powerful, too
painful, or otherwise too much for the conscious mind to process. It is Freud's belief
that when certain ideas or memories try to overwhelm the psyche, they are split
apart from a memory that can be accessed by the conscious mind and stored in the
unconscious instead.

dynamic thought
● Freud is also soon influenced by the physiologist Ernst
Brücke, who was one of the eventual founders of the 19th
century’s “new physiology," which looked for mechanistic
explanations for all organic phenomena.

● Brücke claimed that like every other living organism, the

1 human being is essentially a bundle of energy system,
and so must follow the Principle of the Conservation of
Energy. This law states that the total amount of energy in
a system stays constant over a period of time; it cannot
Ernst Brücke be destroyed, only moved or transformed.

dynamic thought
Freud applied this kind of thinking to mental processes,
resulting in the idea of "psychic energy." This energy, he
said, can undergo modification, transmission, and
conversion, but it cannot be destroyed. So if we have a
thought that the conscious mind finds unacceptable, the
mind redirects this away from conscious thought into
the unconscious, in a process Freud termed as

sigmund freud

motivating drives
The unconscious is also the domain where instinctual biological drives reside. The our
drives govern our behavior, directing us toward choices that promise to satisfy our basic

The drives ensure our survival as a race: the Med for food and water, the
desire for sex to ensure the continuation of our species, and the necessity to find
warmth and shelter, including companionship. But Freud claims the Unconscious
also holds a contrasting drive, the death drive, which is present from birth. This
drive is somewhat self-destructive and impels us forward though as we do so, we
are moving closer to our eventual death.

motivating drives
In his later statements, Freud moved away
from the idea that the mind was structured
by the conscious, unconscious, and
preconscious to propose a new controlling
structure: the id, ego, and superego.

● The id (composed of primitive impulses) obeys the Pleasure Principle, which

says that every wishful impulse must be immediately gratified.
● The ego, recognizes the Reality Principle, which states that we cannot have
everything we desire.
● The superego is a judging force.

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At the end of the section, students will have:
1. A greater knowledge of the great scholars in history responsible for the
technological revolution:
2. An in depth analysis of how these scholars have influenced and shaped the science
and technology landscape: and
3. More information on the status of information and technology in other states.

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information advancement
Advances in Information Technology (IT) are affecting
most segments of business, society, and government today.
The changes that IT has brought in various aspects of man’s
life are often collectively called the “information revolution.”

Information Revolution
According to Harvey and Barbara Deitel, it is the period
of change that might prove significance to the lives of people. It
led us to the age of the internet, where optical communication
networks play a key role in delivering massive amounts of data.
New Technology Drives the Information
Technology - is the idea or intellectual property based on scientific principles that allow the
creation of a product that embodies it; wireless communication standards and protocols per se are
also considered aspects of technology.

Product – (such as cellular phones) may involve hardware and/or software and embodies one or
more technologies.

Services – are capabilities offered to users, usually in a form resulting from storage, access and
manipulation of information.
New Technology Drives the Information Revolution

• Some technology developments can be foreseen, including continued growth in computing

power for the next decades. There will be continued convergence in voice and data
communications and major leap in available bandwidth, as well as more improvements in
machine translation for many purposes and limited domains of discourse which will be good
enough for useful applications and soon very strong synergies developing between material
• We expect to see tremendous increase in the multitude of the different, powerful, inexpensive
sensors, and some other devices.
• Computing and information systems will become much more complicated, with the convergence
of wireless telephones, personal digital assistance, radio, voice and emailing messages
including smart home appliances.

New Technology Drives the Information Revolution

• Display products will undergo dramatic improvement in the coming years, with electronic
displays that can soon be rolled or even folded and perhaps contain wireless links to personal
or any other information systems, digital displays that retain their content without requiring
power to continually refresh them, and constantly improving large – screen, flat panel displays
that can be tailored to desired sizes.

• It is easier to predict technological advances than to pinpoint the specific new – technology
based products or services that will be available and be adopted in widespread use.

Some dilemmas arising from these developments will affect the
growth and spread of IT – related products and services

• Optical Communications Technology and Internet Protocol (IP)-based Telephone Systems are
likely to be highly disruptive to existing telecommunication industries around the world.
• Open source against closed source; Propriety standard battles will continue to exist.
• Intellectual property laws and digital right issues will create major problems.

An extended period of IT consolidation is both likely and healthy to the industry. This
consolidation should lead to a stronger foundation for the substantial and sustainable IT growth in the
coming decades

Many of the leading technology-edge, IT-enabled business activities are concentrated in
geographical “clusters,” with North America and Europe most advanced in this process and
some parts of the Asia-Pacific region following close behind.

“Creative destruction” is a very common characteristic of business and financial transformations, with
new, more efficient products and services replacing older and less efficient business enterprises. This
process is often accompanied by the economic eclipse and collapse of the companies producing the old
product and services.

“Information work and workers” are becoming an ever-increasing fraction of economic activity and the
overall workforce in many states, as their business and financial worlds undergo the transformation.
Overtime, this should have a significant impact on educational institutions throughout much of the world.

While some traditional mechanisms of governance are facing new challenges and eroding, new
governmental structures are being enabled, generally falling under the heading of “e-government.” This usually
involves the use of IT to improve and eventually transform the manner in which governments interact with people
and provide public services to their citizens, the management of governments’ supply train, and the conduct of
internal governmental services.

New political actors are being empowered by the information revolution – in business, social, and
political situations at different national levels – which is changing the distribution of political power. At the same
time, advances in IT are making new e-based modes of interaction possible between citizens and their elected
representatives, between candidates and voters, and even among the citizens themselves.

Different nations take different approaches to dealing with changes. Smaller nations may more
readily give up some prerogatives of the nation-state. Larger nations may be less willing to give up any of their
powers and may try harder to preserve the traditional roles of the nation-state.

The information revolution may be enabled by new technology, but is driven primarily by
nontechnical factors, such as social and cultural factors. These transformations will have to take
place if individuals, organizations, and nations are to fully exploit the capabilities of IT. Unintended
effects and consequences will inevitably be produced.

Digital devices within and among nations will persist, but their future scope, duration, and
significance are subject to debate. Within countries, IT diffusion generally exacerbates these
disparities and reinforces social cleavages and inequalities, at least, until full saturation has been

• The ability to acquire and use subsequent knowledge will be very critical for success in the
information society as knowledge work constitutes an increasing proportion of all work in the
long-term future. Accordingly, developing human capital appropriately is essential. A “quality
education for all” policy will be one of the key to nation’s success in the information age.
• Globalization, boosted by the information propagation, will continue to have multi-balanced
social and cultural effects. While its economic effects are already given and widely recognized,
knowledgeable observers also give considerable weight to its societal implications.
• The information revolution will enhance greater homogeneity in the institutional and legal
infrastructures of societies networked across nations while at the same time stimulating the
heterogeneity of their constituent cultures.

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At the end of the section, students will have:
1. A greater knowledge of the great scholars in history responsible for the
technological revolution:
2. An in depth analysis of how these scholars have influenced and shaped the science
and technology landscape: and
3. More information on the status of information and technology in other states.

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There are factors that shape and characterize
a nation's approach to the information age
Some of these factors are causative and can play out in a
variety of ways:
• Rich nations are better positioned than poor nation as to
exploit the information revolution (IR).
• How a society deals with change is a major factor in
shaping a nation's information technology status.
• Governments and laws can be helpful or unhelpful.
• The structure of capital market is also important.
The other factors are effects, not causes.
The following factors add richness to the description of a nation' status and
serve as ways of tracking its performance
• The degree and nature of lT penetration into a society and the distribution its IT activity across
the technology product and service divide are useful descriptors of a nation's status.
• The amount of information work and workers and e-commerce in a nation also serves as an
important descriptor.
• The presence and number of IT business clusters in a nation are important measures of the
vigour of a nation's structure.
• The amount of "creative destruction" going on in a nation can be another important measure of
the vigour of a nation's state.
• The presence of new political actors and changes in governance are measures of IR-induced
change in the political arena.
• The movement of talented, IT-trained people can be a useful indicator of a nation's status.
North america
❏ North America as the vanguard of the information technology.
❏ The North American economies and societies are well positioned to meet the
challenges of the information technology.
❏ They have many advantages in their economies structures, including:
• well developed physical frameworks and human resources;
• economies and societal conditions that are generally receptive to change;
• governments that provide an environment that caters to business enterprises;
• legal regimes with good intellectual property laws, well-established contract and
bankruptcy laws, and strong protections for freedom of expression;
• and innovative and efficient capital markets with well-developed venture capital

North america
North American countries are nations of immigrants that attract energetic, talented, IT-
trained people from all over the world.

North America will exploit these advantages to continue at the forefront of the information
growth. Casual crashes and the telecom implosion may slow the pace of IT-related
developments in North America, but only temporarily. Furthermore, North America will in
general, deal well with the stresses generated by the information expansion.

LATIN america
● Obstacles in information Growth: Some nations will rise to the challenge: others may not.
● Today, most Latin American nations are lagging behind in the information growth, as they are in
the global economy. Regarding the information technology, they can be divided as leaders,
aspirants, and the rest.
● Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and Uruguay have been Latin America 's leaders in the
information growth in recent years, leading Latin America in most fields of IT-penetration and
usage and in IT-related business and financial growths. Of these nations, Mexico and Chile
continue to do well today while Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil have recently suffered financial
obstacles-in Argentina's case, grave difficulties--that put future economies and IT development
in jeopardy.

LATIN america
● Several of the small island states in the Caribbean are successful outliers regarding the
information development today. These nations have per capita incomes that are among the
highest in Latin American states and are much further along in IT penetration and use.

● They share several preconditions: their governments are founded on trust and transparency;
they have a well-established rule of law, high literacy, economic cultures in which business can
prosper, populations which are very fluent in English and, perhaps most importantly, political
stability in Central America, Costa Rica is another IT proponent.

LATIN america
● Intel has established an assembly plant there, which has had a major effect on
Costa Rican employment. With Intel, Costa Rican has advantages similar in scope
to the Caribbean islands. Costa Rica and these Caribbean nations do not provide
leadership to the rest of Latin America; they are information growth outlier, not

● The rest of the Latin states lag behind these leaders and successful outlier, often
way behind.

Home TV Shows Movies Recently Added My List KIDS DVD

At the end of the section, students will have:
1. A greater knowledge of the great scholars in history responsible for the
technological revolution:
2. An in depth analysis of how these scholars have influenced and shaped the science
and technology landscape: and
3. More information on the status of information and technology in other states.

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asia pacific
Many Asia pacific nations are poised to do well in the
information arena.

Asia pacific nations differ greatly in their information

development situations. Several are major IT and
Internet users, with internet penetration in South Korea,
Hong Kong, Japan and Australia exceeding even the
U.S level in early 2000, and Singapore Taiwan, and
New Zealand not far behind.
asia Pacific
Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, and Southeast States like Malaysia,
Thailand, and the Philippines are all major it producers on the world stage, with Asia as a
whole accounting for 70 to 80 percent of total world output in a wide range of important it
materials, components, and products, Asian it produces have generally follow the “Japan
Model” of progressively sophisticated production technology, beginning with labor
intensive, law value manufacturing and proceeding to higher value added stages. South
Koreans and Taiwanese companies are among the more technologically advanced and
diversified after Japan, but they face many challenges on their road to becoming global it
producers. At the other and of the spectrum, most southeast asian it innovators appear to
be stagnating at lower levels on the production ladder.
Japan itself has something of a “dual personality” regarding the information growth
there is no question that it is one of the world’s leaders IT today. However, much has
been written in recent years regarding the rigidities present in the Japanese society,
economy, and government. If this condition persist it could lead Japan gradually to
fall behind many states in the ban guard of the information development.

India has three important advantages in the global IT competition; an abundant

supply of talented IT trained people; large numbers of educated, low cost workers
and very proficient in the English language; and close ties to the many Indian
entrepreneurs and Silicon Valley.

Many other Asian nations are logging well behind today; this include Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos,
Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and some nations of central Asia. These nations
have low levels of internet activity and usage and little are no IT production activity and they lack one
or more essentials elements required to do well in the information age. Not only are they lagging
behind today, but also there is minimal activity to improve their future situations in so far as
information campaign is concern.

Middle East and North Africa
With the few notable exception like Bahrain, Israel, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE- IT penetration is below world
averages in most Middle Eastern and north African (MENA) nations, sometimes will below the minimum.

The MENA nations can be categorized into three categories regarding the information Era; “Fearful” “driven”
and “both driven and fearful”. The fearful nations include algebra, Iraq, Libya, and Syria, countries that have
limited internet connectivity of have prohibited it all together to ensure that they avoid any negative
consequences of joining the networked world because of their regular governments.

The rest of MENA Nations can be characterized as “driven”. They want what the information technology offers,
and they want it badly enough to be willing to risk some problem that may arise from a more often and
possibly “an acceptable communication system”. The wealthiest of this countries, including Bahrain, Kuwait,
and Qatar have well developed information infrastructure. The poorest country, Yemen has achieved very little.


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