Objectives:: The Sampling Theorem
Objectives:: The Sampling Theorem
Objectives:: The Sampling Theorem
EE 8443
3512 – PatternContinuous
– Signals: Recognition
and Discrete
• Objectives:
Representation Using Impulses
FT of a Sampled Signal
Signal Reconstruction
Signal Interpolation
Multirate Signal Processing
• Resources:
Wiki: Nyquist Sampling Theorem
CNX: The Sampling Theorem
CNX: Downsampling
Representation of a CT Signal Using Impulse Functions
• The goal of this lecture is to convince you that bandlimited CT signals, when
sampled properly, can be represented as discrete-time signals with NO loss of
information. This remarkable result is known as the Sampling Theorem.
• Recall our expression for a pulse train: x(t)
p(t ) (t nT ) … …
n t
• A sampled version of a CT signal, x(t), is: -2T -T 0 T 2T
x s (t ) x(t ) p (t ) x(t ) t nT x(nT ) t nT
n n
T /2 T /2
1 1 1 jk0t 1
T T/ 2 T T/ 2
jk0t jk 0t
ck p (t ) e dt (t ) e dt e t 0
1 jk0t
p(t )
k T
X s e F p (t ) x(t ) F x(t )e
j jk0 t
F x(t )e 0
jk t
k T T k
X (e j ( k0 ) )
T k
x(nT ) t nT h(t )d x(nT ) t nT h t d
n n
x(nT ) t nT h t d
• Using the sifting property of the impulse:
y (t ) x(nT ) t nT h t d
x(nT )h t nT
• How was the sample frequency for CDs and MP3s selected?
• Full-motion video signals are sampled spatially (e.g., 1280x1024 pixels at 100
pixels/inch) , temporally (e.g., 30 frames/sec), and with respect to color (e.g.,
RGB at 8 bits/color). How were these settings arrived at?