British Raaj: Methods of Colonization
British Raaj: Methods of Colonization
British Raaj: Methods of Colonization
Methods Of Colonization
interview during class where each member played the role of a different
• Members: Rihab Khalid Khan, Ume Abiha, Zain Abbas, Zuneira, Zain Siddiqui
• The expansion of the British Empire in India was partly due to the policy of annexation.
• Annexation is the administrative action and concept in international law relating to the forcible
acquisition of one's state territory by another state and is generally held to be an illegal act.
• The annexed regions included the North-Western Provinces (comprising Rohilkhand,
Gorakhpur, and the Doab) (1801), Delhi (1803), Assam ([Ahom Kingdom] 1828), and Sindh
(1843). Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, and Kashmir were annexed after the Anglo-Sikh
Wars in 1849–56 (Period of tenure of Marquess of Dalhousie Governor-General); however,
Kashmir was immediately sold under the Treaty of Amritsar (1850) to the Dogra Dynasty of
Jammu and became a princely state. In 1854 Berar was annexed, and the state of Oudh two
years later.