2.2 Ijarah
2.2 Ijarah
2.2 Ijarah
Ayesha Rehan
• AITAB is a contract of leasing with a
promise to sell the asset at maturity.
• The contract of AITAB consists of two
different contracts, namely:
• 1. The contract of lease (al-ijarah’ain)
• 2. The contract of sale (al-bay’)
• The rules of Ijarah, in the sense of leasing, are very much analogous to
the rules of sale, because in both cases something is transferred to
another person for a valuable consideration. The only difference between
Ijarah and sale is that in the latter case the corpus of the property is
transferred to the purchaser, while in the case of Ijarah, the corpus of the
property remains in the ownership of the transferor, but only its usufruct
i.e. the right to use it, is transferred to the lessee.