Business overview-ABB & Caterpillar
Business overview-ABB & Caterpillar
Business overview-ABB & Caterpillar
5 business divisions-
Power products Divisions
Power systems
Automation products
Process Automation Machin
• Caterpillar was ABB’s top customer with 30% share in turbo systems by
30% by volume volume while making only 10% in revenue
& 10% by
Insights/points to consider
• About Caterpillar as a Key Account
– Purchases a significant volume of Turbochargers
– DMU- involves Jim Owens (CEO), Dan Murphy (VP- Global purchasing), Paul Wroblewski
(operations manager) and Tom Sandbord (Purchase manager)- It involves interaction
with different stakeholders.
– Expectations: More attention and robust/better delivery support, Better Relationship,
which can be long-lasting
• Straight Rebuy situation- on the verge of becoming a modified rebuy situation
• Interestingly, Paul who was getting hostile vibes from ABB, has now accepted to be in the
steering committee.
Current Status
Most Valuable
Resists competitors
Commodity underperformer
buyers s Endorses products
ABB was always in the want to grow relationship part of the loyalty ladder. Caterpillar has 2 other suppliers other than
ABB and from the case we can see that, Caterpillar was ready to replace ABB immediately.
ABB Turbo charger sells 30% of the product for less than 10% revenue and this shows price cutting. The order quantity
provided by Kiel is less in volume and ABB also suffers from IP problems and turbo charger design by Caterpillar. So ABB is
not enjoying much revenue and is currently under performer.
ABB could have moved Caterpillar by collaborating with them on design and leveraging the product mix.
Account Selection Criteria
Utilization Price & Margins Order Patterns
Maintenance Cost
(product Mix)
When Dan approached Oliver, his responses were not inviting. For successful key account
management program, senior manager’s support is necessary.
The support might not be present as the program is being instituted for the first time. The
revenue from Caterpillar being less, the loss of BU’s control and the new CEO might also
be a factor.
Dan should have met R&D managers, purchase managers and operation managers on both
side. Most importantly he should have met LEC executives and Tom Sandborg .
The revenue for ABB Turbo charger BU from Caterpillar is less. ABB should do business
across the product line to achieve revenue. In such a scenario some BU will have to trade
on their profit margin. Therefore integration of sales programs with Key account program
is essential. This integration will reduce antagonism and encourage co-operation.
Since many other BU’s are co-operating, ideally Dan should lead the steering committee
or at the least participate in it. The other BU heads involved in caterpillar should also be
informed of the decision.
Apart from Dan one executive from turbo charger BU should sponsor the committee.
Moreover the compatibility of strategy between ABB and Caterpillar should be checked
and depending upon it mission and the goals of the Key Account management program
and sales program should be set.