SRE Context

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Software Requirements

Customer Statement:

“I know you think you understand

what I said, but what you don’t
understand is what I said is not
what I mean.”

Invariably this happens late in the project, after

deadline commitments have been made, reputations
are on the stake, and money is on the line.
Another Story
Software Requirements – Definition - IEEE

 A condition or capability needed by user to

solve a problem or achieve an objective.
 A condition or capability that must be met
or possessed by a system or system
component to satisfy a contract, standard,
specification, or other formally imposed
 A documented representation of a
condition or capability as in 1 or 2.
Software Requirements – Definition - Jones

 The statement of needs by a user that triggers

the development of a program or system -
Jones 1994
Software Requirements - Definition
 Requirements are ... A specification of what
should be implemented. They are descriptions
of how the system should behave, or of a
system property or attribute. They may be a
constraint on the development process of the
system. - Sommerville 1997
Specification Levels
 Requirements Definition
Natural Language Statements
Services expected from System
Client Understandable
 Functional Specifications
Structured document – sets out the
system services in detail
Contract between system procurer and
Requirements Engineering - 1
 It is one of the most critical processes
of system development
 Iterative system development
concepts view the RE processes as a
continuous process in which the
related activities are repeated until
requirements are of acceptable
Requirements Engineering - 2
 Requirements elicitation
Determining what the customer requires
 Requirements analysis and
Understanding the relationships among
various customer requirements and
shaping those relationships to achieve a
successful result
 Requirements specification
Building a tangible model of
Requirements Engineering - 3
 System modeling
Building a representation of requirements
that can be assessed for correctness,
completeness, and consistency
 Requirements validation
Reviewing the model
 Requirements management
Identify, control and track requirements
and the changes that will be made to
Why Requirements?
 Why waste time worrying about
 Why not save money by eliminating this
unnecessary step?
Because - 1
 The later in the development cycle
that a software error is detected, the
more expensive it will be repair
 Many errors remain latent and are not
detected until well after the stage at
which they are made
 There are many requirements errors
being made
Because - 2
 Errors made in requirements
specifications are typically incorrect
facts, omissions, inconsistencies, and
 Requirements errors can be detected
Potential Impact of Requirements Errors -
 The resulting software may not satisfy
user’s real needs
 Multiple interpretations of
requirements may cause
disagreements between customers
and developers, wasting time and
money, and perhaps resulting in
Potential Impact of Requirements Errors -
 It may be (surely is) impossible to
thoroughly test that the software meets
its intended requirements
 Both time and money may be wasted
building the wrong system
Levels of Requirements
 Business Requirements
Represent high level objectives of the
organization or customer requesting the
system or product
Captured in a document describing the
project vision and scope.
 User Requirements
Describes tasks the user must be able to
Levels of Requirements
 Functional Requirements
Define the software functionality the
developers must build into the product to
enable users to accomplish their tasks -
thereby satisfying the business
Levels of Requirements
 Non-Functional Requirements
Include regulations, standards, and
contracts to which the product must conform:
○ Description of external interfaces
○ design and implementation constraints
○ Quality and performance attributes.
Constraints are restrictions that are placed
on the choices available to the developer for
design and construction of the software
Levels of Requirements
 All user requirements must align with
business requirements
 Requirements do not include design or
implementation details.
 Focus on WHAT to build.
Kinds of requirements
 BR – user will be able to correct spelling errors in a
document efficiently.
 Spell checker is included as a feature
 UR – finding spelling errors in the document and
decide whether to replace each misspelled word
with the one chosen from a list of suggested words.
 FR
 find and highlight misspelled words.
 Display a dialog box with suggested replacements
 Making global replacements
 NFR – It must be integrated into the existing word-
processor which runs on windows platform.
Importance of the Software Requirement

The hardest single part of building a software

system is deciding precisely what to build. No
other part of the conceptual work is as difficult as
establishing the detailed technical requirements,
including all the interfaces to people, to machines,
and to other software systems. No other part of
the work so cripples the system if done wrong. No
other part is more difficult to rectify later.
Fred Brooks - No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of
Software Engineering, 1987.
Importance of Requirements

 Many of the problems encountered in SW

development are attributed to shortcoming in
requirement gathering and documentation process.
 Building a house without requirements: no – building
a software: yes
 40-60% of all defects found in software projects can
be traced back to poor requirements
 Interest of all stakeholders in a project is must
Specification Levels
 Software Specifications
Abstract description of s/w – basis for
design and implementation
Use formal specification techniques
Software Requirements Specification
 It is a document containing a
complete description of what the
software system will do without
describing how it will do it
 This documents is also known as
 May suffer from “what versus how”
The Requirements Phase
 Begins
There is recognition that a problem exists
and requires a solution
A new software idea arises
 Ends
With a complete description of the external
behavior of the software to be built
Relationship of Several components of
Software Requirements
Business Level Business

Vision and Scope Document

User Quality
User Level Requirements Attributes

Other Non
Use Case Document Functional

Functional Level
System Functional
Requirements Requirements

Functional Specification
 Chapter 01: Aybüke Aurum, Claes
Wohlin, “ Engineering and Managing
Software Requirements”, Springer.
 Chapter 01: More About Software
Requirements: Thorny Issues and
Practical Advice by Karl E. Wiegers,
Microsoft Press © 2006

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