Kel 8 Biology Aves
Kel 8 Biology Aves
Kel 8 Biology Aves
Class Aves is one of several classes
included in the Chordata phylum in
kingdom Animalia, and this kingdom
belongs to the Eukarya domain. Group
Aves covers 10,000 types. Aves or birds
have feathers made from keratin.
Feathers that form wings play a role in
1. Body usually spindle-shaped, with four divisions: head,
neck, trunk, and tail
4. Fully ossified skeleton with air cavities, skull bones fused with one
occipital condyle, no teeth, tail not elongate, sternum usually well
developed into keel
7. Endothermic
How are egg shells made ?
How are egg shells made ?
Egg shell calcification was started before the egg go into the
uterus. The egg yolk which has suffered form Encasement by the
egg white in the shell membrane and the magnum in the isthmus.
The time required for the process that is approximately 180 minutes
in 75 minutes and magnum in the isthmus. A small group of calcium
have been visible on the outside of the shell membrane (outer shell
membrane) before the eggs left the isthmus. The first shells formed
i.e. inner shell be mammilary layer composed of calcite crystals,
followed by an outer shell which is twice thicker than the inner shell
(Suprijatnaet al., 2005).
How are egg shells made ?
Digestive System
Respiratory System
Respiratory System
Birds have lungs, but they also have
air sacs. Depending upon the species,
the bird has seven or nine air sacs.
The air sacs include:
•Two posterior thoracic
•Two abdominal
•Two anterior thoracic
•Two cervical (these are not present
in some species)
•One interclavicular
Air sacs do not play a direct role in
oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange,
however they do keep oxygen rich air
moving, in one direction, through the
avian respiratory system.
Excretory System
Excretory System
Urine is formed in the relatively large paired
metanephric kidneys by glomerular filtration followed
by selective modification of the filtrate in the tubule.
Urine passes by way of ureters to the cloaca. There is
no urinary bladder.
Birds, like reptiles, excrete their nitrogenous wastes as
uric acid, rather than urea. The concentration of uric
acid occurs almost entirely in the cloaca, where it is
combined with fecal material, and the water
Circulation System
Circulation System
Nervous and Sensory System
The senses of smell and taste of some birds are poor, but are
relatively well developed in many other birds, such as carnivorous
birds, flightless birds, oceanic birds, and water fowl.
Birds have good hearing and superb vision, the keenest in the animal
kingdom. As in mammals, a bird’s ear consists of three regions:
The date Analysis was performed by entering the collacted data into
MS-Excel and analyzing further statistics on S-plus and various
species diversity indices specified in PASTV3.18. this status is
very abundant (above 500 individuals), very commont (51-200
individuals). While searching birds are identified according to bird
JOURNAL literature and guidebooks.
ANALYSIS The results of this study were successfully recorded 304 species of
birds included in 18 orders and 69 families in the BFC. The most
species are Passeriformes (38 families), and the least are
Podicipediformes (1 family, 1 species). In addition, the results of
this study also showed that 59% of species are local species, 8%
of summer immigrant birds, 32% of winter immigrant birds, and
1% are wild birds. The birds are subdivided into 6 insectivores, 36
carnivores, 2 frugivores, 13 herbivores, 5 nectarivores, 11
omnivores, and 27 piscivores based on food needs categories.
Seasonal change in bird diversity in BFC
reflects its role in the connectivity of the
lowlands and highlands. The results also
show that BFC has a large number of rare
and threatened species with a low
population. Association and habitat of bird
diversity, in this study found a total of 51
wetland bird species which are mainly
located in river sand lakes from different
parts of BFC. Most BFC areas are covered
by forests which support the highest
number of bird species
Any questions?