6 - Ischemic Heart Disease
6 - Ischemic Heart Disease
6 - Ischemic Heart Disease
Heart Disease
Ghadeer Hayel,
2 Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD)
▹ Ischemic heart disease (IHD) is a broad term encompassing
several closely related syndromes caused by myocardial
▹ Myocardial ischemia: an imbalance between myocardial
blood supply (perfusion) and cardiac demand for
oxygenated blood. Which also reduces nutritional supply
and waste removal.
3 Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD)
▹ In 90% of cases, IHD is a consequence of reduced coronary blood
flow secondary to obstructive atherosclerotic vascular disease
▹ So IHD usually is synonymous with coronary artery disease
▹ Other 10% : increased demand, diminished blood volume,
diminished oxygenation, or diminished oxygen-carrying capacity.
▹ Mostly IHD are consequences of coronary atherosclerosis that has
been gradually progressing for decades silently.
4 Cardiac syndromes:
IHD manifestations/ clinical presentations are a direct
consequence of insufficient blood supply to the heart:
▹ Angina pectoris.
▹ Myocardial infarction (MI).
▹ Chronic IHD with CHF.
▹ Sudden cardiac death (SCD).
Acute coronary syndrome: any of the three catastrophic
manifestations; unstable angina, MI, & SCD.
5 Epidemiology :
▹ IHD is the leading cause of morbidity & mortality worldwide
▹ Since peaking in 1963, the mortality of IHD in US has declined by 50%?:
1. Interventions to diminished risk factors (atherosclerosis risk factors):
smoking cessation programs, hypertension & diabetes treatment, &
cholesterol lowering agents.
2. To a lesser extent, diagnostic & therapeutic advances; aspirin prophylaxis,
better arrhythmia control, CCUs, thrombolysis for MI, angioplasty &
endovascular stenting, & CABG surgery.
Maintaining this downward is challenging; longevity of “baby boomers,” &
the epidemic of obesity.
6 Pathogenesis
▹ The dominant cause of IHD is inadequate coronary perfusion
relative to myocardial demand the majority as a consequence of a
preexisting (“fixed”) atherosclerotic occlusion of the coronary
arteries & new, superimposed thrombosis and/or vasospasm.
▹ Fixed obstructions <70% of a vessel lumen: typically asymptomatic,
even with exertion.
▹ Occlude > 70% of a vessel lumen “critical stenosis”, generally
symptomatic with exertion.
▹ Occludes > 90% of a vascular lumen: Symptoms even at rest
Pathogenesis - Collateral
7 perfusion
▹ IF an atherosclerotic lesion occludes a coronary artery at a sufficiently
slow rate over years, other vessels undergo remodeling & provide
compensatory blood flow to the area at risk collateral perfusion
can subsequently protect against MI.
▹ With acute coronary blockage, there is no time for collateral flow to
develop and infarction results.
8 Acute Plaque Change
▹ In most patients, unstable angina, infarction, & sudden
cardiac death occur because of abrupt plaque change
followed by thrombosis—hence the term acute coronary
1. Rupture, erosions, fissuring, or ulceration of plaques expose
highly thrombogenic constituents or underlying subendothelial
basement membrane rapid thrombosis.
2. Also hemorrhage into the core of plaques can expand its volume
acutely exacerbating the luminal occlusion.
10 Angina Pectoris
▹ An intermittent/recurrent (15sec-15min) crushing
substernal chest pain (often radiates down the left
arm or to the left jaw (referred pain)) caused by
transient, reversible myocardial ischemia, that is
insufficient to induce myocyte necrosis.
▹ Ischemia-induced release of adenosine, bradykinin,
& other molecules that stimulate autonomic nerves
causes PAIN.
11 Angina Pectoris - variants
I. Typical/stable angina: is predictable episodic
chest pain ass./w particular levels of exertion or
increased demand (e.g.,hypertension,
▹ The most common form.
▹ The pain usually is relieved by rest (reducing
demand) or by drugs such as nitroglycerin (a
vasodilator) ↑ coronary perfusion.
▹ Critical stenosis of one or more coronary artery
(75% or more of lumen.)
12 Angina Pectoris - variants
II. Prinzmetal/Variant angina: occurs at rest & is
caused by coronary artery spasm.
▹ Spasms could occur on or near existing
atherosclerotic plaques, but a completely normal
vessel can be affected.
▹ Responds promptly to vasodilators such as
nitroglycerin & calcium channel blockers.
▹ Uncommon.
13 Angina Pectoris - variants
III. Unstable angina/Crescendo angina:
characterized by chest pain that is increasing in
frequency, severity, or time, & precipitated by
progressively less exertion or even occurring at
▹ Ass./w plaque disruption & superimposed
thrombosis, distal embolization of the thrombus,
and/or vasospasm.
▹ May be a forerunner of MI, portending complete
vascular occlusion.
Called “heart attack,” .. necrosis
of the heart muscle resulting
from prolonged severe ischemia
15 Myocardial Infarction
▹ The frequency rises progressively with aging & with
increasing risk factors for atherosclerosis.
▹ But approximately 10% of MIs occur before 40 years of
▹ Men are at greater risk than women, but the gap narrows
with age; women are protected against MI during
reproductive years, menopause (↓estrogen production) is
ass./w exacerbation of CAD.. IHD is the most common
cause of death in older adult women.
Pathogenesis – Sequence of events underlies most
16 MIs
1. Atheromatous plaque undergoes an acute change: intraplaque
hemorrhage, erosion or ulceration, or rupture or fissuring.
(Destabilized of atherosclerotic plaque).
2. Exposed subendothelial collagen & necrotic plaque contents
platelets adhere platelets activated release their contents
form microthrombi.
3. Vasospasm: stimulated by mediators released from platelets.
4. Coagulation: activated by tissue factor, adding to the thrombus.
5. In minutes the thrombus can expand to completely occlude lumen.
17 MI - Patterns of Infarction
▹ The location, size, and morphologic features of an acute
myocardial infarct depend on multiple factors:
1. Size and distribution of the involved vessel
2. Rate of development and duration of the occlusion
3. Metabolic demands of the myocardium (affected, for
example, by blood pressure and heart rate)
4. Extent of collateral supply
MI - Patterns of Infarction
18 (distribution )
Acute occlusion of the
proximal left anterior
descending (LAD) artery
causes 40%-50% of all MIs &
typically results in infarction of
anterior wall of left ventricle,
anterior two thirds of
ventricular septum, & most of
the heart apex.
MI - Patterns of Infarction (size of vessel &
19 collateral)
The gross and microscopic appearance of an MI depends on the
23 age of the injury:
Healed MI (collagenous scar)
29 MI – Clinical features
▹ Severe retrosternal pain radiate
to the neck, jaw, epigastrium, or
left arm.
▹ Not relieved by rest or
vasodilators, may persist for
several hours (>20-30 min) .
▹ Nausea, vomiting sweating &
weakness may be accompanying
30 MI – Clinical features
▹ Electrocardiographic ▹ The laboratory evaluation of MI is
abnormalities are important for based on measuring blood levels
the diagnosis of MI; these of macromolecules that leak out of
include Q waves, ST segment injured myocardial cells through
changes, and T wave damaged cell membranes.
inversions (the latter two ▹ molecules include: myoglobin,
representing abnormalities in cardiac troponins (higher
myocardial repolarization). specificity and sensitivity),
creatine kinase (CK)
31 Consequences and Complications of MI
▹ Arrhythmias. MIs lead to ▹ Contractile dysfunction. In
myocardial irritability & general, MIs affect left
conduction disturbances can ventricular pump function in
cause sudden cardiac death. proportion to the volume of
▹ The risk for serious arrhythmias damage.
(e.g., ventricular fibrillation) is ▹ Cardiogenic shock. has a
greatest in the first hour & nearly 70% mortality rate
declines thereafter. ▹ it accounts for two thirds of in-
▹ Mostly before reaching the hospital deaths in those patients
hospital. admitted for MI
32 Consequences and Complications of MI
▹ Papillary muscle dysfunction:
▹ They rupture infrequently after
▹ but they often are
dysfunctional & poorly
contractile as a result of
33 Consequences and Complications of MI
▹ Myocardial rupture. 1-5% of MIs
but is frequently fatal when it
▹ Left ventricular free wall rupture is
most common.
▹ Rupture occurs most commonly in 3
to 7 days after infarction healing
process lysis of necrotic
myocardium is maximal & infarct
has been converted to soft, friable
granulation tissue.
34 Consequences and Complications of MI
▹ Pericarditis. Transmural MIs
can elicit a fibrinohemorrhagic
▹ Typically appears 2 to 3 days
after infarction and then
gradually resolves over the next
few days
35 Consequences and Complications of MI
▹ Ventricular aneurysm. A late
complication, aneurysms of the
ventricle most commonly result
from a large transmural infarct
that heals with the formation of
a thinned wall of scar tissue,
usually they do not rupture.
36 Consequences and Complications of MI
▹ Mural thrombus. With any
infarct, the combination of
attenuated myocardial
contractility (causing stasis),
chamber dilation, & endocardial
damage (causing a
thrombogenic surface) can foster
mural thrombosis eventually
leading to left-sided
Chronic Ischemic Heart
37 Disease
▹ Chronic IHD, also called ischemic cardiomyopathy, is a
progressive heart failure secondary to ischemic myocardial
▹ Mostly there is a known clinical history of previous MI.
▹ After prior infarction(s), chronic IHD appears when the
compensatory mechanisms (e.g., hypertrophy) of residual
myocardium begin to fail.