Rebirth of Maggi: Submitted By: - Prajwal.P.Rahangdale
Rebirth of Maggi: Submitted By: - Prajwal.P.Rahangdale
Rebirth of Maggi: Submitted By: - Prajwal.P.Rahangdale
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-Nestlé has faced hurdles during 1990, when there was national furor on usage of MSG (Monosodium glutamate) in food and
there was a demand in Indian parliament to ban processed food that used MSG, including Maggi noodles.
-Maggi not only survived but thrived during this difficult time by using messages like “Maggi is healthy”, “Nestlé’s focus on
quality”, “no added MSG” and using endorsements by well known celebrities like Amitabh Bachan and Madhuri Dixit.
-Nestlé Maggi “2 minute noodles” garnered a fan following that would be an envy of any major movie star.
2015 Controversy
-The year 2015 was a nightmare for Nestlé and Maggi fans. The horror story began in April 2015, when Uttar Pradesh’s FSDA
found MSG and lead in higher than the permissible limit in their tests.
-UP FSDA served notice to Nestlé India in the first week of May to recall Maggi instant noodles. At that time, it could have
been dealt as a localized technical issue. Instead, Nestlé referred to it’s internal quality processes and said there are no issues
with MSG or lead level and they are safe for human consumption.
-After that FSSAI ordered several state FSDAs to test Maggi samples and submit reports. On June 5 FSSAI ordered Nestlé to
withdrew all of it’s Maggi products.
Impact of the Controversy
-Nestlé showed its arrogance when it argued that its own test
results of Maggi noodles were correct, which prompted
confrontation with regulators who found different results.
Pricing Competition
Communication Product
Strategy Nestle adopted to re-launch Maggi