9th Meeting - Handling Patient With Difficulties - Mod
9th Meeting - Handling Patient With Difficulties - Mod
9th Meeting - Handling Patient With Difficulties - Mod
Handling Patients with difficulties/Dealing with
Difficult Patients
DA 3: Students are able to comprehend the theory and
techniques and apply them in practices.
MC 3: Students are able to perform the topic.
A nurse spends their whole working lives dealing with people; sick
people, their families, other nurses or doctors, medical staff, and many
others. However, the dynamics of their human interactions with
patients and their families is anything but normal; people seek out a
medical care usually when they feel abnormal or when they are hurt
and vulnerable. Add to this emotional stress, time pressures, lack of
information, lack of options, financial concerns, and family pressures,
to name a few, and the interactions become quite complex when the
patients come from other countries / international patients.
A nurse must face both the burdens and the difficulties in different
languages and cultures.
It therefore stands to reason that nurses should be both good
communicators and good at human relationships in order to have
a successful career.
Nevertheless, not every nurse -patient interaction goes smoothly
for reasons, on both sides, that are only now being investigated. The
focus of this lesson is on the difficulties nurses have in dealing with
patients who they classify as “difficult to deal with” especially
When they are foreigners / international patients.