Preparing Injection

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Procedure Text:

Preparing Injection
On Procedure Text
• There are three definition about procedure text : (1)Texts
that explain how something works or how to use
instruction/operation manuals e.g. how to use the video,
the computer, the tape recorder, the photocopier, the fax.
(2) Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity e.g.
recipes, rules for games, science experiments, road safety

• To explain/tell (the reader) how to make/operate/do

something through a sequence of actions or steps.
• To explain steps/instruction to make/operate/do
Procedure text = cara melakukan/ membuat sesuatu
Langkah-langkah, persiapan, cara melakukannya, tips
(instant noodles, skin care product, coffee, how to make fried
rice, tea juice, prescription (resep obat).

Explanation text = teks yang berisi penjelasan tentang sesuatu

Misal: Dengue Fever, DM, Stroke (fenomena alam, sosial),
gender equality, feminism, racism
Language Feature of Procedure Text

• Use adverbial of sequence (kata keterangan runtutan)/use

temporal conjunction (e.g: first, second, third, the last).
adverbial sequence: first, second, third, the last, finally, then, next,
after that
• Use command/imperative sentence (e.g : put the noodles on
the . . ., cut the onion. . ., wash the tomatoes. . . )
• Use adverbials (adverbs) to express detail the time, place, manner
accurate, for example, for five minutes, 2 hours, etc.
• Adverb of manner = diligently, carefully
• Adverb of time = for five minutes, for two hours
• Adverb of place = put the alcohol swab in the container
• Use action verbs, e.g : make, take, boil, cook (kata kerja yang
terlihat tindakannya)
• Use simple present tense
On Giving Injection: language focus
No. Equipment Meaning
1 Medication
2 Liquid medicines
3 Needles
4 Syringe
5 Antiseptic/alcohol swab
6 Container
(kidney shaped-basin)
7 Ampule
8 Latex gloves
9 Ampules
10 Vial/phial
Language Feature of Procedure Text

How to present or describe tools and equipment:

• The tools for injections are ....

• We need to provide the tools for injection. The tools are ....

• There are some tools that should be provided before doing

injection. The tools are ....
Speaking practice!
Let’s present it in English

1. Sebelum kami mulai mendemontrasikan proses menyuntik, mari siapkan

peralatan dan bahan yang diperlukan. Alat-alat dan bahan tersebut adalah
(Before we begin to demonstrate how to inject, let’s prepare the equipment and
materials that are needed. The equipment and materials are…)
a. sebuah ...
b. ....
c. ...
2. Berikut ini adalah peralatan dan bahan yang diperlukan untuk melakukan proses
injeksi: (these are the equipment dan materials that are needed for injection:)
a ....
b ....
c ....
3. Kita harus mempersiapkan peralatan dan bahan berikut ini sebelum melakukan
proses injeksi, di antaranya adalah: (we have to prepare these equipment and
materials before doing injections. They are…)
a ....
b ....
c ....
Removing medicine from an ampule

1. First, wash your hand

2. Next, tap the stem of the ampule

or twist your wrist quickly holding
the ampule vertically
Removing medicine from an ampule

3. third, wrap a small gauze pad or dry

alcohol swab around the neck of the

4. Fouth, Use the snapping motion to

break off the top on the ampule along the
prescored line at its neck.

5. Break away from your body.

Removing medicine from an ampule

1. Next, remove the cap from the needle

by pulling it straight off.

2. Insert the needle into the ampule,

being careful not to touch the rim.

3. Use one of the following methods:

a. Insert the tip of the needle into

the ampule, which is upright

on a flat surface, and withdraw

fluid into the syringe

b. Insert the tip of the needle

into the ampule and invert
the ampule. Keep the needle
centered and not touching the
Removing medicine from a vial

1. Remove the metal or plastic cap on the vial that protects the rubber
2. Swab the rubber top with the alcohol swab
3. Remove the cap from the needle by pulling it straight off.
4. Pierce the rubber stopper in the center with the needle tip and inject
the measured air into the space above the solution. (Do not inject air
into solution.) The vial may be positioned upright or inverted.
5. Invert the vial and withdraw the needle tip slightly so that it is below
the fluid level
6. Draw up the needed amount of medication (sejumlah obat yang
dibutuhkan) while holding the syringe at eye level and vertically
7. If any bubbles accumulate (gelombang yang terkumpul) in the
syringe, tap the barrel of the syringe.
Useful words
No. Imperative words Meaning
1 Wash Cuci
2 Tap Ketuk/ jentikkan
3 Hold Pegang
4 Wrap bungkus
5 Break away Jauhkan
6 Remove Menghapus/ mengambil/
membuang/ memindahkan
7 Use Gunakan
8 Insert Masukkan
9 Swab Usap
10 Pierce Tusuk/ tindik
11 Invert Balikkan
12 Draw up Tarik/ ambil
Practice: Imperative sentences
Please make an imperative sentence using these list of verb!
1. Wash
Simple : Wash your hands before you touch any medical equipment,
Good: Wash your hands before and after you touch your patient! It’ll be
better if you wash your hand using soap.
2. Tap :
3. Hold :
4. Wrap:
5. Remove :
6. Use :
7. Insert :
8. Swab:
9. Inject :
10. Put :
11. Clean :
• 1. What is the meaning of e.g.? (Jihan)
2. What is the meaning of use adverbial of sequence? (Salsa)
3. What are the similarity (persamaan) between procedure and explanation? (Indah)
4. What is Adverb? (Dodi)
• Adverb = kata keterangan
• Diligently, quickly, beautifully, carefully
5. What is the meaning of manner accurate? (Wulan)
6. What is the meaning of recipes? (Sintia)
Resep. Resep obat = prescription
7. What is the meaning of temporal conjuntion? (Estina)
8. What is command/ imperative sentence? (Siti Azkiyah)
9. What is the meaning of actions or steps? (Sinta)
Actions/ steps= langkah2
10. Why we must use simple present tense? (Melinia)
Teks prosedur menggunaka simple present tense karena merupakan teks yang tidak
terikat waktu.
11. What is the meaning of sequence of actions? (Eva)
Sequence of actions = urutan langkah/ urutan tindakan
1. e.g. stands for (kepanjangan dari) exempli gratia (dari
bahasa latin), yang berarti contoh, contohnya, misalnya.
Selain e.g. kita bisa menggunakan for example, for instance,
and such as.

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