Chap. 2. Water (Part B) : Topics
Chap. 2. Water (Part B) : Topics
Chap. 2. Water (Part B) : Topics
Water (Part B)
• Weak interactions in aqueous systems
• Ionization of water, weak acids, and weak bases
• Buffering against pH changes in biological systems
• Water as a reactant
• Fitness of the aqueous environment
for living organisms
CO2(g) CO2(d)
K3 = [CO2(d)]/[CO2(g)]
Bicarbonate Buffer System (II)
When H+ is added to blood plasma as it passes through peripheral
tissues, Reaction 1 in Fig. 2-21 shifts towards the production of
H2CO3. This in turn increases CO2(d) in the blood (Reaction 2) and
thus increases the partial pressure of CO2(g) in the air space of
the lungs (Reaction 3). The extra CO2 is then exhaled. When H+ is
lost from the blood plasma, the opposite events occurs. More
H2CO3 dissociates into HCO3- and H+ and thus more CO2(g) from
the lungs dissolves in the blood. The rate of inhaling and exhaling,
which is controlled by the brain stem in response to pH changes in
the blood plasma, can quickly adjust these equilibria to keep the
pH of blood nearly constant. The partial pressure of CO2 in the
gas phase is denoted as pCO2.
Bicarbonate Buffer System (III)
At the pH of the blood plasma (7.4) very little H2CO3 is present
in comparison with HCO3- (Note that the pKa for H2CO3 is 3.57 at
37˚C). So why is the HCO3-/H2CO3 buffer system effective at
buffering the blood near pH 7.4? The answer is that there is a
very large reservoir of CO2(d) in the blood which is in rapid
equilibrium with H2CO3 via Reaction 2 in Fig. 2-21.
In clinical medicine it is common to refer to CO2(d) as the
conjugate acid of the bicarbonate buffer system. Further a
simple expression analogous to the HH equation can be derived
(see text) to calculate blood pH from the amounts of CO2(d) and
HCO3- in blood:
pH = 6.1 + log [HCO3-]/(0.23 x pCO2)
In this equation, pCO2 is expressed in kilopascals (kPa; typically
pCO2 is 4.6-6.7 kPa). 0.23 is the corresponding solubility
coefficient for CO2 in aqueous solution. Thus, the term 0.23 x
pCO2 ~ 1.2 kPa. Plasma [HCO3-] is normally about 24 mM keeping
The pH Optima of Enzymes
Enzymes typically show maximal
catalytic activity at a
characteristic pH called the pH
optimum (Fig. 2-22). Above and
below the optimum pH, activity
usually declines. For this reason,
it is important that the pH of
biological fluids such as the
cytosol and blood be controlled
within a narrow range. For
example, in untreated diabetes
mellitus, high concentrations of
ketones (weak acids) accumulate
in the blood, reducing its pH.
Severe ketoacidosis leads to
headache, drowsiness, nausea,
vomiting, and diarrhea, followed
by stupor, coma, and convulsions.
These symptoms are caused by
the disruption of proper enzyme
function at low pH.
Water as a Reactant
Water is a direct participant in many biochemical reactions.
When a biomolecule is split apart by water, the reaction is
called a hydrolysis reaction. When a biomolecule is formed from
two components with the elimination of water, the reaction is
called a condensation reaction. The condensation reaction in
which ATP is formed from ADP and inorganic phosphate (HPO42-)
is illustrated in Fig. 2-23. Biopolymers such as proteins,
polysaccharides, and nucleic acids are formed and broken down
by condensation and hydrolysis reactions, respectively.