ECONOMICS Presentation On Unemployment
ECONOMICS Presentation On Unemployment
ECONOMICS Presentation On Unemployment
Presented By : Group – 5
19011519-001 Usama Mustafa
19011519-002 Usama Raheem
19011519-003 Usama Saeed
19011519-031 Qaseem Hussain
19011519-034 Hassaan Ahmad
Presented To :
Ms. Saima Iqbal
Unemployment and
Major Factor
By Usama Mustafa
Employed Unemployed
(looking for a job )
Major factor of Unemployment
• Unemployment is a serious social and economic issue that results in a
tremendous impact on everything but is often overlooked.
• The major factors of unemployment in Pakistan are as follows:
• Poor Governance
• Political Instability
• Corruption
Poor Governence
1. Voluntary Unemployment
Unemployment that results when resources which are willing and able to engage in production choose not
to produce output. These are resources (especially labor) that decide to leave one job, often in search of
2. Involuntary Unemployment
• Involuntary unemployment occurs when a person is unemployed despite being willing to work at the
prevailing wage. It is distinguished from voluntary unemployment, where a person refuses to work
because their reservation wage is higher than the prevailing wage. involuntary unemployment is also
known as Forced Unemployment.
Types of Unemployment
There are some types of unemployment, I’m going to describe. These types are as follows:
1. Frictional Unemployment.
2. Structural Unemployment.
3. Cyclic Unemployment.
4. Seasonal Unemployment..
5. Disguised Unemployment
6. Technological Unemployment.
7. Geographical Unemployment
8. Long Term Unemployment. (Length of Unemployment)
9. Short Term Unemployment. (Length of Unemployment)
Frictional Unemployment
• Frictional Unemployment
• This is a temporary condition when someone is doing job but he/she is not 100 percent happy with that job
and looking for a better one.
• This is a type of voluntary unemployment that arises because of the time needed to match job seekers with
job openings.
• Just as friction always takes place before the slider comes to its final position on the surface.
• people need time to find the best job, thus voluntarily rubbing back and forth between choices and staying
• Example:
• When you make up your mind and set off looking for a better job and abandoning the current one, you are in
the frictional unemployment labor force.
Structural Unemployment
• Structural Unemployment
• This unemployment arises due to structural change in dynamic economy.
• Structural unemployment exists when there are jobs available and people willing to work, but there are
not a sufficient number of people qualified to fill the vacant jobs.
• Example:
• Heavy Manufacture (mining). Manufacture now involves machines so humans are no longer needed for
the harder work
• Structural unemployment causes more of a problem because workers must seek jobs elsewhere or must
develop the skills demanded. The process is full of pain and frustration, and may lead to negative impacts
on society.
Cyclic Unemployment
• Cyclical Unemployment
• There come ups and downs in economy or in a country, due to which employment opportunities are
• Cyclical unemployment occurs when the overall demand for goods and services in an economy cannot
support full employment.
• It occurs during periods of slow economic growth or during periods of economic contraction.
• Example:
• During recession, there is low demand for output (production), so there is low labor demand, most of
labor remains unemployed and decrease demand for labor would increase unemployment rate
Seasonal Unemployment
• Seasonal Unemployment
• When people or companies are employed for only a particular season, according to temperature and
remain idle for other season. It includes regular seasonal changes in employment or labor demand. It
affects certain industries more than others.
• Example
Companies which produce winter clothes, remain idle in summer season.
In cultivation season, there is a high demand of labor but in other seasons many of them remain idle.
Disguised Unemployment
• Disguised Unemployment
•When persons are working as a labor just to help and engage busy, so a labor does not help in production
increment. When more people are engaged in some activity than the number of person required for that,
this is called disguised unemployment.
• Example
•In a farm, two kids are working as a labor to help their father and to engage busy, Here, two persons are
unemployed and that is disguised unemployment.
•An agricultural field require 4 laborers but people engaged in this activity is 6 then this unemployment for
2 labors is called disguised unemployment
Technological Unemployment
• Technological Unemployment
Definition: Technological unemployment occurs when technological change causes some workers to
lose their jobs. There are number of caused that can lead to technological unemployment.
• The evolution of the automobile assembly plant.
• In the beginning, everything on the line was done by humans in order to build a car.
• The assembly line itself was a great technological innovation.
• Today, robots are employed for much of the hand-work humans used to do.
Geographical Unemployment
• Geographical Unemployment
• Geographical Unemployment occurs when workers are not willing or able to move from region to
region, or town to town.
• Geographical mobility is made worse by immense house price variation between regions.
• Other factors also contribute to geographical immobility, such as strong social and family ties,
and parents being unwilling to disrupt their children’s education by changing schools.
• Example:
• when a family lives in Hesperia, CA, an half hour drive to Los Angeles. The commute is too far to
find suitable employment and the living expenses in LA are also too high to survive on mini-wage
with the entire family. This causes the unemployed because, individuals cannot afford or has no
means to commute to a bigger city.
Length on Unemployment
1. Long Term Unemployment
• Long-term unemployment is defined as referring to people who have been unemployed for 12
months or more. Thus, these people called Long term Unemployed.
• being unemployed for a long period of time can have substantial impacts on individuals.
• Jobs skills, certifications, and qualifications lessen over time.
• Long-term unemployment can also result in older workers taking early retirement.
• Policy makers and central banks consider how much the unemployment rate
has increased during a particular recession to gauge the recession’s impact
on the economy and to decide how to tailor fiscal and monetary policies to
mitigate its adverse effects.
• In addition, central banks carefully try to predict the future trend of the
unemployment rate to devise long-term strategies to lower it.
Impact of Unemployment Ratio on Investment
• Investors and the general public use the unemployment rate to understand
the state of a county’s economy and as a measure of how well the
government is running the country.
• A high unemployment rate means that the economy is not able to generate
enough jobs for people seeking work. High unemployment not only brings
about deeper social problems and prolonged suffering for families but also
makes the country less attractive to foreign investors, thereby decreasing
the investment funds flowing into the country.
Unemployment Rate in Pakistan
• The causes of high rate of unemployment are lack of education, lack of
capital, lack of proper skill, Poverty, and High rate of population growth
in Pakistan.
Reasons of Unemployment
By Qaseem Hussain
Reasons of Unemployment
• Bad Governance
• The bad governance in Pakistan has worked for corruption, nepotism, extortion, and
Reasons of Unemployment
• Afghan Refugees
• Afghan refugees are another problem that effect the unemployment when the afghans
migrated in 9/11 incident. The total registered refugees as of 2020 is 1.4 million.
• Homelessness
• cities with high rents, people who become unemployed may struggle to keep their
homes since they may no longer be able to pay their rent.
• Drug use
• Unemployment can also lead to substance addiction. People who mentally suffer from
unemployment a lot may try to fight their emotional issues by using substances of all
• Social isolation
• Losing your job may also lead you into social isolation. Since we spend so much time in
our jobs, many connections and friendships result out of it.
Effects of Unemployment
• Poverty
• Unemployment, especially long-term unemployment, may also lead to a significant
level of poverty. Since most people rely on their jobs in order to be able to pay their bills,
once these people lose their jobs, they may no longer be able to afford the things for
their daily life and may suffer from significant poverty.
• Adverse effects on children
• Children who come from families with unemployed parents often have a greater risk of
unemployment themselves since parents often have a great influence on their children.
Solutions for Unemployment
• Better education
• In order to fight unemployment, it is crucial to improve education levels of people so that it
will be easier for them to find a job. This education should start early in school and teachers
should pay close attention and take care of every child to ensure good educational
• Motivation programs
• Jobless people who are not willing to work at all have to be incentivized to get a job. This
could mean that their social security levels may be lowered if they do not take action to go
back to work.
Solutions for Unemployment
• Create jobs
• An intuitive measure to fight unemployment is to create jobs. Jobs can be created in
several different ways. The creation of jobs often involves raising the incentive for
companies to employ people and open branches in weak economic regions.
• Fight discrimination
• We should also try to fight all sorts of discrimination as a society. This also includes
gender inequality. In countries where women are still repressed and not seen as equally
important as men, governments and celebrities should speak up and show the general
public that women are as important as men and therefore job discrimination due to
gender is not a senseful behavior.
Solutions for Unemployment