Use of The Indefinite Pronouns A, An, Some, Any and The Adverbs of Quantity Little, Few, A Lot Of, Much and Many With Nouns (C & NC)
Use of The Indefinite Pronouns A, An, Some, Any and The Adverbs of Quantity Little, Few, A Lot Of, Much and Many With Nouns (C & NC)
Use of The Indefinite Pronouns A, An, Some, Any and The Adverbs of Quantity Little, Few, A Lot Of, Much and Many With Nouns (C & NC)
First of all, we are going to identify some nouns count and non – counts. Let’s do
Put C o NC and translation
Advice ____________ Hair _________ Plastic ___ ____________
Apple _____________ Bag ___________ Knowledge___________
Desk ___ ___________ Law ____________ Lawyer ___ ___________
Man __________ Air ____________ Bottle of wine ________
Biology ____________ Tree ____________ Chemistry __________ Corn
______________ Speed ___________ Oil ___ _____________ Patriot
___ __________ Freedom ___ _____________
Smoke ___ ___________ Idea ___________ Power ___ ___________
cotton ___ _____________
Luck __________ T – shirt __________ Silver ___ ___________
Gold ___ ______________
I'm making a cup of tea. - There's some money on the table. - Do we have any
- How many chairs do we need? - How much milk does my aunt have in her fridge?
- The students have a lot of opportunities of learning through internet.
As you can see we use A, AN for singular nouns. (Countable nouns have pluralform).
SOME and ANY for plural nouns. (SOME when we use affirmative sentences and
ANY in negative or interrogative sentences)
Ex: we can use a/an for singular nouns or some for plurals.
There's a man at the door. I have some friends in New York.
For negatives we can use a/an for singular nouns or any for plural.
I don't have a dog. There aren't any seats.
Uncountable nous only have one form, they don’t have plural form, so the verb is
always in singular.
We use some with uncountable nouns in positive sentences and any with negatives.
In questions we use MANY with countable nouns and MUCH with uncountable
ones, and ANY.
Ex: There's some milk in the fridge. There isn't any coffee.
Is there any oil on the shelf? No, but there is some butter.
Is there an email address to write to? Are there any chairs? How many
chairs are there?
Is there any sugar? How much orange juice is there? How much money
do you have?
** When you offer something or when you know the answer is YES, we
normally use SOME.
Do you want some chocolate? Do you have some sugar for my coffee?
Other expression of quantity is A LOT OF o LOTS OF can used in both
count and non-count
Ex: There are lots of apples on the trees.
There is a lot of snow on the road.
There are lots of carrots but there aren't many potatoes.
There's lots of juice but there isn't much water.