Weather Prediction System
Weather Prediction System
Weather Prediction System
1. Introduction
2. Goals and Motivation
3. Various approaches
4. Literature review
5. Methodology
6. Conclusion
7. References
The activities of many primary sectors depend on the weather for
production, e.g. farming. The climate is changing at a drastic rate
nowadays, which makes the old weather prediction methods less
effective and more hectic.
To overcome these difficulties, the improved and reliable weather
prediction methods are required.
These predictions affect a nation’s economy and the lives of people. To
develop a weather forecasting system that can be used in remote areas is
the main motivation of this work.
Goals and Motivation
The main aim of weather forecasting models is to predict temperature,
humidity, dew point, rainfall, and wind speed based on past data.
Analysis of the literature reveals that several surveys related to wind speed
forecasting have been conducted.
However, reliable and comprehensive surveys related to forecasting weather
parameters, such as temperature, rainfall, dew point, and humidity, are much
less. Hence, an extensive survey on various weather forecasting models and
their classifications are presented in this paper.
Climatology and weather forecasting is important since it helps determines
future climate expectations.
Various Approaches
DHT11 Humidity and Temperature Sensor: The DHT11 sensor has the temperature and
humidity sensing capabilities. It provides a digital signal output. The sensor is integrated with an
8-bit microcontroller. This high-performance sensor comprises a resistive element and a sensing
element for negative temperature coefficient measuring devices.
BMP180 Barometric Pressure Sensor: This high precision sensor measures the barometric
pressure or atmospheric pressure. The sensor gives a digital output. It works on inter-
integrated circuit protocol.
Raspbian OS: Raspbian is a computer OS for Raspberry Pi which is Debian based [11]. There
are several versions of Raspbian, including Raspbian Stretch and Raspbian Jessie. It uses
the Pi improved X-window environment, lightweight (PIXEL) as its main desktop
[2] Kriesche, Bjoern, et al. "A probabilistic approach to the prediction of area weather
events, applied to precipitation." Spatial Statistics 12 (2015): 15-30.
[3] Matouq, Mohammed, et al. "The climate change implication on Jordan: A case study
using GIS and Artificial Neural Networks for weather forecasting." Journal of Taibah
University for Science 7.2 (2013): 44- 55.
[4] Chih-Chiang Wei, "Wavelet kernel support vector machines forecasting techniques:
Case study on waterlevel predictions during typhoons", Expert Systems with Applications,
vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 5189-5199, 2012.