Authentic Assessment Tools

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Are You Ready?

OLINO, Rica Jane
PASAMBA, Jayden Claire
URTAL, Erick Sun
Authentic assessment is where students
thoughtfully apply their acquired skills to
a new situation or environment. When
applying authentic assessment to student
learning and achievement, a teacher
applies criteria related to “construction of
knowledge, disciplined inquiry, and the
value of achievement beyond the school.
If we want students to develop such competencies as analyzing,
interpreting, synthesizing and evaluation information, we must be
able to assess those skills in relevant settings and context. Authentic
assessment makes use of three modes of assessment:

• Observations which include date and information that the teacher

collects from daily work with students.

• Performance samples which are tangible results that demonstrate

student achievements.

• Test and measures of students actual performance at a specific

place and time.
I. Observations-Based Assessment Tools
To make observations-based assessment systematic
and objective, Diane Hart (1994) suggested the following

1. Observe not only one but all the students.

2. Observation must be as frequent and as regular as
3. Observations must be recorded in writing.
4. Observations should cover both routine and
exceptional occurences.
5. Reliability of observation records is enhanced
multiple observations are gathered synthesized.
is an observation tool which requires the teacher recorder to describe the
traits or learning behaviors being assessed.
Interview Sheet is another tool which is also called the conference recording form.
Interview sheets consist of a list of questions the teacher intends to ask and space
for recording students answers.
II. Performance Samples Assessment Tools

A portfolio is a compilation of pieces of evidence of an

individuals skills, ideas, interets, and accomplishments.

The portfolio serves the following purposes:

(a) The teacher can assess the growth and development of

the students at various levels.
(b) Parents are informed of the progress of their children in
(c) Instructional supervisors are able to evaluate the
strengths and weaknesses of the academic program.
What can be included on a portfolio?
 Essays
 Video tapes
 Audio tapes
 Conference note
 Pictures
 Graphs/Charts
 Art work
 Group reports
 Compact disk
 Field reports
III. Performance Assessment Tools
Students achievements at specific place and time are actual student performances that
deserved to be assessed. One of the most frequently used measurements is the checklist. A
Performance checklist consist of a list behaviors that make up a certain type of performance. It
is used toi determine whether or not an individual behaves in a certain way(usually desired)
when asked to complete a particular task. If a particular behavior is present when an individual is
observed, the teacher places a check opposite it on the list.

Performance Checklist in
Solving Mathematical Problem:

1. identifies the given information
2. identifies what is being asked
3. uses variables to replace the unknown
4. formulates the equations
5. performs algebraic operations
6. obtains an answer
7. verifies if the answer is correct
Oral Questioning
Oral Questioning is an appropriate assessment
method for actual performance when the objectives are:
(a) to assess the students stock knowledge and/or (b) to
determine the students ability to communicate ideas in
coherent verbal sentences.

Observations and self-reports

Observations and self-reports need a tally sheet as
device when used by the teacher to record the frequency
of student behaviors, activities or remarks.
Decide wether each of the following assessment tools is for (a)
observation, (b) performance sample, or (c) actual performance.

1. individual developmental checklist

2. essays
3. interview sheet
4. oral questioning
5. behavior checklist
6. portfolio
7. art work
8. observation and self-report
9. Group developmental checklist
10. video tapes
I hope you have learned
something from this report.

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