Development of The Eye-1-1
Development of The Eye-1-1
Development of The Eye-1-1
Dr. Nwankwo
Embryogenesis of Eye
2. Neuroectoderm
• Iris pigment epithelium
• Sphincter and dilator muscles
• Pupillary membrane is formed by
condensation of mesenchyme situated in the
anterior surface of the lens
• Two layers of neuroectoderm forming the
edge of the optic cup extend to the posterior
surface of pupillary membrane.
• These structures fuse to become the Iris
• An opening in the central part of the iris
becomes the pupil.
• Pupillary membrane begins to degenerate at
about the 8th month of gestation
Ciliary body and Suspensory
ligaments of Lens.
• Mesenchyme at the edge of the optic cup
forms the:
Connective tissue of ciliary body
Smooth muscle fibres of ciliary muscle
Suspensory ligaments of lens