Project Review-3
Project Review-3
Project Review-3
The COVID 19 pandemic has affected the world very badly as the
number of cases is not declining any day. The growth and the
mutation of the virus in a different form have created a lot of
concern among the researchers working on it. This project enables
the prioritization of tests by taking the symptoms from a person and
feeding the input data to it which in turn gives an output of
estimation of how much the person is infected with COVID 19.
COVID-19 is a viral infectious disease in which Wuhan was the initial epicenter and the
maximum confirmed cases worldwide as of 8 November 2020. Coronavirus 2, also
known as SARS-CoV-2 Extreme Acute Respiratory Syndrome, is the virus which
caused the COVID-19 pandemic. This virus spreads rapidly when the infected person is
in close contact. The lower concentrations respiratory droplets when an infected person
coughs or sneezes, which may not be visible to the naked eye.
These droplets also may originate from saliva, which can be inhaled through the mouth
or nose into a healthy person's lungs, thus spreading the disease from one person to
another. If they touch their eyes, nose or mouth after they touch any contaminated
objects, people may also get sick.
Old people with high blood pressure, heart attacks and diabetes have a serious risk of
COVID-19 infection. Aggregated data on the symptoms of other infected patients would
play an enormous role in this study in order to speed up the early detection of COVID-
19 infected individuals.
Existing System
• A more specific and accurate estimation of the disease can help bring
alertness to a person. This application gives a probabilistic result set
with 70% accuracy based on the nationwide data.
• To be specific, the option to check doctors nearby and get an
appointment or the needed medication at the moment can add more
credibility to the application. It can use more datasets and resources in
updating the limited symptoms to be used in estimating the disease.
• Classification of the data sources of medication for each symptom and
self-isolation tips can be an add-on. Step-by-step guidance of self-
isolation and medication details, course, and timings check can also
be developed and updated in the application.
Problem Statement
This project enables the prioritization of tests by taking the symptoms from a
person and feeding the input data to it which in turn gives an output of estimation
of how much the person is infected with COVID19.
To predict the likelyhood of a person whether effected with covid or not
and by how much percentage did a person get effected.
The objective of this study is to conduct the literature review on the role of
machine learning as a determined technology to fight against the COVID-
19 crisis in the sector of diagnosis and disease analysis as well as
The output variable is the target variable and all the other attributes of the symptoms
and individual’s necessary details are fed into it and the desired result is shown.
After the training of the model is complete, then the later dataset can be used for
predicting the presence of COVID 19 in a particular individual. The Covid Output is
the final result that we need to predict from our study. After the utilization of different
machine learning algorithms, we construct a model that can be used to predict the
patient’s final Covid Output.
•Logistic Regression
•Naïve Bayes
Data Description
Sample data
Source of Dataset : Wolfram Data Repository
Description of each parameter
Results and Discussion
Preliminary Results
Precision: It is defined as the number of true positives divided by
the total count of false positives and true positives.
F1 Score: It is defined as the weighted average of the precision and
Various classification algorithms are applied and the COVID19
Symptoms dataset is provided for the performance analysis of
different models.
Input to Output clear representation
• At present the information about the symptoms to COVID-19 infected outcome
is present at a very small scale while the future work will be able to draw a better
understanding between the symptoms and the infection in a greater detail as the
contribution of adding new data will be done.
• This project gives an insight of the different symptoms linked to COVID-19 and
proposed a probabilistic classification of getting infected. The work concludes
that men have a higher tendency to get infected having common symptoms as
fever and cough. To choose the best algorithm to train the dataset, statistical
analysis is carried out.
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19),
Dong, E., Du, H. & Gardner, L. An interactive web-based dashboard to track COVID-19 in real time. Lancet
Punn, N. S., Sonbhadra, S. K. & Agarwal, S. COVID-19 Epidemic Analysis using Machine Learning and Deep
Zoabi, Y., Deri-Rozov, S. & Shomron, N. Machine learning-based prediction of COVID-19 diagnosis based on
1037–1040 (2020).
Whittington, A. M. et al. Coronavirus: rolling out community testing for COVID-19 in the NHS. BMJ Opinion