Bahasa Inggris
Bahasa Inggris
Bahasa Inggris
• Research question
Is there any Correlation between lifestyle and diet in hypertension patients at
Puskesmas is in Ciputat East
• Purpose of the research
a. General purpose
Identification of the Correlation between lifestyle and diet in
hypertension patients at Puskesmas is in Ciputat East
b. Specific purposes
• Identification of lifestyle with hypertension at Puskesmas is in
Ciputat East
• Identification of diet with hypertension at Puskesmas is in Ciputat
• Identification of the Correlation between lifestyle in hypertension
patients at Puskesmas is in Ciputat East
• Significance of the research
a. For Researchers
The result of this study are expected to be preliminary data to conduct
further research related to factors associated with hypertension
b. Educational institution
The result of this study are expected to increase reading references in
the library
c. For community
The result of this study are expected to increase public awareness
about lifestyle and diet in patients with hypertension. It can also help
to improve the community health quality
Chapter 2 : Literature Review
• The concept hypertension : Hypertension that is sought as a search for blood
pressure more than 140 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure more than 90 mmHg,
based on two or more measurements (Brunner & Suddarth, 2018).
• The concept lifestyle : Lifestyle is an important factor that can affect people's
lives. An unhealthy lifestyle can lead to an increase in blood pressure while some
of the causes of hypertension are physical activity and stress (Puspitorini in Sount
et al. 2014).
• The concept diet :Diet is a variety of information that provides an overview of the
types and the amount of food that one person eats each day and is a characteristic
typical for one particular community group. Unbalanced diet causes an imbalance
of nutrients that enter the body and cause more nutrition. (Meryana and
Bambang, 2012)
Theoretical Framework
Chapter 3 : Research Framework and Hypothesis
• Conceptual Framework
The hypotesis proposed :
a. There is a Correlation between lifestyle hypertension patients at
Puskesmas Ciputat East
b. There is a Correlation between diet hypertension patients at
Puskesmas Ciputat East