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Dr. Meenakshi Bajpai
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
Arya Mahila P.G.College
Chetganj, Varanasi
Mo- 9935648236
Email- bajpaimeenakshi81@gmail.com

 Happiness is used in the context of mental or emotional states,

including positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to
intense joy.
 Happiness is about more than simply the experience of a positive
mood, or happiness in people’s evaluations of their lives and
encompasses both cognitive judgments of satisfaction and affective
appraisals of moods and emotions.
 It is the combination of how satisfied you are with your life and how
good you feel on a day to day basis. In other words, you have the
ability to control how you feel and with consistent practice, you can
form life-long habits for a more satisfying and fulfilling life.
“ The experience of joy, contentment or positive wellbeing, combined
with a sense that one’s life is good, meaningful, and worthwhile”.
- Sonja Lyubomirsky
Kinds of happiness
The Pleasant Life

The Pleasant Life is about happiness in a hedonic sense. It is

having many pleasures in life and the skills to amplify
them. The pleasant life is a life that maximizes positive
emotions and minimizes pain and negative emotion as-
pleasure, enjoying life, hobbies, relationships, etc.
 Past, Present & Future
 Dealing with the past
 Optimism about the future
 Happiness in the present
 The role of positive emotion
Kinds of happiness
The Good Life
The Good Life ( engagement) involves the ability to invest in and make
connections with work, intimate relationships, and leisure activities. In this
people are actively engaged with the world around. Seligman believes that
increasing life engagement involves identifying signature strengths – one’s
own particular strengths and interests- and then putting them to use.

 Be spontaneous
 Have passionate interests
 Embrace who you are
 Open your mind to the world
 Listen more, talk less
 Take care of yourself
 Focus on opportunities
Kinds of happiness
The Meaningful Life
A Meaningful Life is a construct having to do with the purpose, significance, fulfillment and
satisfaction of life. Using your strengths in the service of something greater than yourself
contributing to something bigger.
A meaningful life is not being rich, being popular, being highly educated or being
perfect. It is about being real, being humble, being able to share ourselves and touch the lives
of others. It is only then that we could have a full, happy and contented life.
 Clarify what you value most
 Stay in the moment
 Stay what you mean
 Find your purpose
 Stop worrying about what others think
 Accept it or take action
 Take responsibility
 Be supportive
 Be the change you wish to see in the world
Life Explained
 The Pleasant Life is successful pursuit of
the positive feelings, supplemented by
the skills of amplifying these emotions.

 The Good Life is not about maximizing

positive emotion but successfully using
your signature strengths to obtain
abundant and authentic gratification.

 The Meaningful Life has one additional

feature : using your strengths in the
service of something larger than you are.
Factors of happiness
 Genetic factors
 Health
 Social life
 Work life
 Social & demographic factors ( age, gender, ethnicity,
social and income )
 Attitude- thoughts, beliefs and expectations.
 Success
 Sense of control
Strategies to enhance happiness
Enhancing pleasure and engagement
 Count your blessings
 Use your signature strengths in a new way
 Write a gratitude letter
 Practice mindfulness
 Set goals/ new goals
 Imagine your best possible self
 you at your best
 Practice loving- kindness
 Count your kind acts or pay kindness forward
 Be optimistic and think positively
 Avoid negative thoughts and stop comparing with others
 Do kind things
 Care for your relationships
 Learn to cope
Strategies to enhance happiness
Enhancing pleasure and engagement
 Learn to forgive
 Enjoy life
 Take care of your body
 Find joys in little things
 Start each day with a smile
 Connect with others
 Do what you are passionate about
 Choose to be positive and see the best in each situation
 Take steps to enrich your life
 Live in the moment
 Ask for help when you need it
 Let go of sadness and disappointment
 Walk in nature
 Laugh and make time for play
Self –related processes
 Be with others who make you smile
 Hold onto your values
 Accept the good
 Imagine the best
 Do things you love
 Find purpose
 Listen to your heart
 Push yourself, not others
 Be open to change
 Bask in the simple pleasures
By Martin Seligman (2011)
5 Major domains of psychological well-being

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