Electrostatic Sensors and Actuators
Electrostatic Sensors and Actuators
Electrostatic Sensors and Actuators
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• Step b) A heavily boron doped region (with concentration of 10 / cm ) is
made using an oxide layer as the doping barrier. Between steps a and b,
certain detailed procedures such as the oxide growth, deposition and
patterning of photoresist, and the subsequent oxide etch and photoresist
removal were performed
• Step c) An expitaxial silicon layer with a resistivity of is grown to a
thickness of over the entire wafer
• Step f) It also serves as a barrier for doping (to form drain, source, and
electrical conduction paths on the slopes of the via hole). The doping is
conducted using ion implantation at 100 keV energy and 5 10 / cm dose.
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During the via hole etch, the heavily doped region will not be attacked
because the etchant reduces its etch rate on heavily doped silicon.
• Step g) The oxide barrier is removed
where L and b are the length and width of the cantilever, respectively, and
the permitivity of the air medium.
0 capacitance change is read using a relatively simple impedance
converter. The sensor is capable of 2.2 mV/g of acceleration sensitivity,
corresponding to a beam displacement of 68 nm/g. The mechanical resonant
frequency of the cantilever is 22 kHz.
Parallel-Plate Pressure Sensors
• A membrane pressure sensor can detect pressure differential across the
membrane. Two pressure ports are typically required. To simplify the
pressure sensor design and use, absolute pressure sensors are often
• In such sensors, the reference pressure at one side of the membrane is
integrated. One popular choice is to provide a zero pressure
reference(vacuum) by hermetic sealing.
• The use of vacuum avoids expansion of trapped air and increases the
bandwidth by eliminating air damping inside the cavity.
• The device must retain resolution over a temperature range from -25˚C to
85 ˚C.
• A membrane made of doped silicon serves as the pressure sensing element
and one electrode. The counter electrode consists of patterned metal thin
film on the bottom substrate made of glass.
Fabrication Process of Pressure Sensor
with Sealed Cavity
• Step a) The process begins with a (100) silicon wafer
• Step d) A 9μm -deep recessed region is created with the slopes being
• Step h) Stripping of the oxide, and growth and patterning of yet another
oxide layer
• Step i) The second oxide layer is used in a subsequent boron diffusion step
to define a doped region (depth=3μm) which becomes the thickness of the
membrane diaphragm
• Step m) The researchers flip bonded the wafer onto a glass wafer, which is
coated with a composite Ti-Pt-Au layer. Wafer-level anodic bonding to the
glass is performed in vacuum ( torr) at 400˚C for 30 min
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• Step n) The backside of the silicon wafer is etched in an anisotropic silicon
etchant to dissolve the silicon other than the heavily doped, raised
• Due to the large gap, the sensor has a wide dynamic range (500–800 torr)
along with a very high resolution (25 mtorr, equivalent of altitude
difference of one foot at sea level) after readout and digital compensation.
The device yielded a pressure sensitivity of 25 fF/torr (or 3000 ppm/torr).
Flow Sensors
• Fluid flowing past a solid surface introduces a boundary layer, inside
which the flow velocity is reduced. Inside the boundary layer, the velocity
varies with the distance to the wall surface (y).
• The shear stress is defined as the velocity gradient at the boundary
multiplied by the viscosity of the fluid:
The term μ is the dynamic viscosity with the unit being kg/(m.s)
• Shear stress sensors reveal critical fluid flow conditions at the bottom of
the boundary flow, which are difficult to measure conventionally. The area
integral of shear stress produces drag force. The shear stress information
can be used for active control of turbulent flow field, for actively
monitoring fluid drag, and for achieving drag reduction.
• Techniques for measuring fluid shear stress fall into two categories: the
hot-wire/hot-film anemometer (indirect measurement) and the floating-
element technique (direct measurement).
• A floating-element shear stress sensor was the first MEMS shear stress
sensor developed. The floating element shear stress sensor determines the
magnitude of local shear stress directly by measuring the drag force it
• A suspended floating element is flush mounted on the surface of a wall.
The displacement of the floating element due to the shear force (drag
force) acting on the plate is transduced into plate displacement, which can
be measured by a variety of techniques, including electrostatics,
piezoresistivity, piezoelectricity and optical sensing.
• The capacitive floating element consists of a plate (with area of W0 L0 ),
suspended by four fixed-guided cantilevers, each with a length, width, and
thickness of L1 , w1 and t1 respectively. The plate is assumed to be a rigid
body. A distributed drag force is applied on the element as well as on the
• Under a given flow shear stress w ,a distributed force P acting on the
floating plate and a distributed force q (N/m) on the four fixed-guided
beams are given as
P wW0 Lo
q wW1
r 0 L2
d 0.5 L
Fabrication Process of Tactile
• Step a) The processing of the silicon part began with a standard p-type
<100> silicon wafer, which is polished on both sides
• Step b) A buried n-type layer (3.5 μm deep) was formed by doping. Then a
6 μm–thick n-type epitaxial silicon layer was grown.The buried n type
layer and the epitaxial layer constitute the thickness of a flexible
• Step c) A deep p-type diffusion doping is performed to electrically isolate
each capacitor electrodes. A composite layer of silicon oxide followed by
silicon nitride is grown on both sides.
• Step d) The silicon nitride and oxide on the backside is patterned to serve
as an etch mask for wet anisotropic etching
• Step e) After the etching, a contact pad on top of a membrane is formed by
anisotropic silicon wet etch.
• Step f) The silicon nitride and oxide layers are then removed using wet
chemical etchants. The silicon wafer is then bonded to a glass wafer, which
consists of a recessed region (3μm deep) with patterned electrodes on the
bottom. Anodic bonding is achieved at 400˚C with a voltage bias of 1000–
1200 V.
Characteristics of sensor output w.r.t applied calibration forces:
• Each SDA consists of a parallel plate with a bushing along one edge.
• Under no applied voltage bias, the parallel plate is parallel to the substrate.
When a bias voltage is applied, one edge of the parallel plate will contact
the substrate first. As the bias voltage gradually increases, the contact area
between the top plate and the bottom substrate increases. This is often
referred as a “zipping” motion
• As the zipping motion progresses towards the edge with the bushing, the
bushing is forced to rotate and “skids” when the lateral force caused by the
zipping motion exceeds the friction force.
• Upon the removal of the bias voltage, the parallel-plate capacitor returns to
the horizontal plane, but the plate travels by a small in-plane increment,
anchored by the landed bushing.
• Rapid succession of periodic actuation causes the scratch drive to achieve
high-speed linear displacement.
• Velocities of SDA drives can reach 80 μm/s at 1000 kHz activation
frequency, with the speed linearly proportional to the frequency at lower
range. The linear output force of SDA is known to increase significantly,
form 10 μN to 60 μN when the voltage peak increases from 68 to 112 V.
The maximum output force of SDA may reach 100 μN.
Inertia Sensors
• In parallel plate capacitive accelerometer, a parallel capacitor is formed
between the moving mass and the substrate.
• In inertia sensors by IDT configuration, two sets of comb fingers that move
out of plane with respect to each other are used.
• A change in capacitance is caused by the variation in the interelectrode
overlap area. C
• Where lm , l f , d and n are the length of the inertia mass, the length of the
sensing finger, the gap distance, and the number of sense fingers.
• The rotational angle is related to the torque M by the expression