Employee Engagement

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Talent Management

Attracting, Retaining &

Developing Talent to
Enhance Organizational
The Context

• A multi-business enterprise
• Each of our businesses must become
leaders in the Indian global market by
• Each business must become globally
competitive by 2010
The 3 Horizons

• How do we grow the topline and the

bottomline on a sustained basis
• How do we invest for the future while
delivering value for the shareholder in the
near term
• How do we strategize to put in place engines
of growth for the future
Our Growth Strategy
Horizon 3
Create new capabilities for
viable businesses in future.
Horizon 2
Blend skills & competencies residing in
different businesses to create
new businesses

Horizon 1
Defend & expand current products,
markets, capabilities

The Context
We live in an
Era of Uncertainty
India has not yet experienced
the full impact of
globalisation………… but the
complexion will change
dramatically at 32oF
Our context makes Talent
Management a
strategic priority
People are not your most
valuable asset…..
The RIGHT people are

Jim Collins
To attract the RIGHT people
we need to offer them a unique
Employee Value Proposition
The ITC Employee Value Proposition

Exposure to world class

manufacturing & the Value add to self at a
opportunity to work with rate faster than
India’s most valuable competition

Opportunity to grow into Head room and

business leaders through elbowroom to actualise
cross functional & multi and demonstrate
business exposure potential

Early opportunities to Broad canvas to experience

manage SBU’s / different businesses under the
Divisions same umbrella
‘Incubating’ Talent
• A multi-business enterprise operates in some
industry segments which may not be as
‘attractive’ as others
• The challenge therefore, is to attract talent
across diversified businesses
• ‘Incubating’ talent in ‘attractive’ businesses
is a useful strategy to attract talent across
“Growth” is a pre-requisite
• Talent can be retained with growth opportunities
• Growth opportunities depend on business growth
• New businesses are more likely to succeed if
‘incubated’ in larger, more established businesses
• New businesses provide opportunities for ‘business
leadership’ early in one’s career
• Retaining talent and growing your business are
therefore interdependent
• “Growth” is therefore a pre-requisite
The Delicate Balance
• Hi-potential talent is not always easily available.
• Often, established businesses need to release hi-
potential talent for new business growth
• This is possible if established businesses can fall
back on their ‘solid citizens’.
• Managing ‘solid citizens’ and “Specialists” is as
important as managing hi-potential talent
• Therefore, a delicate balance needs to be struck
• This balance is unique to the organization. There
is no simple formula available
The Importance of feeling

• Companies do not retain people

• People decide to stay
• They decide to stay when they feel
• “Engaged” employees stay longer
Feeling “engaged” depends on
the “strength” of the workplace
not necessarily on the corporate
- Buckingham & Coffman, ‘First Break all the Rules’
The 12 Questions

• Clear Expectations: Do I know what is expected

of me at work?
• Resources: Do I have the resources I need to do
my work?
• Opportunity: Do I have the opportunity to do
what I do best?
• Recognition: Have I been recognised or praised
for doing good work?
…………..the 12 questions
• Care & Concern: Does my boss seem to care
about me as a person?
• Development: Is there someone at work who
encourages my development?
• Participation:At work, do my opinions seem to
• Purpose: Does the mission of my company
inspire me and make me feel I am adding value?
…………..the 12 questions
• Quality: Are my co-workers committed to
doing quality work?
• Camaraderie: Do I have a best friend at
• Appraisal: Does someone talk to me about
my progress periodically?
• Learning: Do I have opportunities at work
to learn and grow?
If employees can answer
positively to all 12 questions,
then you have built a
GREAT place to work
The answers to more than
half these questions lie with
the ‘Boss’
The ‘Boss’ is key

• The ‘Boss’ - not pay or perks, or a charismatic

corporate leader - is the key player in building
a ‘strong’ work place
• Often, people leave managers, not companies.
• No talent retention strategy will work if we do
not have the right managers in place.
• Managers who “nurture” and “mentor”
Are we creating a nurturing environment for our people to




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